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Help with going about grabbing songs from winamp.

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Ok, I stream alot of internet radio and sometimes I'd like to download the songs I hear.

The thing I want my program to do is, read the current title of the song, copy it, and type it into a text file.

I can do the open the text file, send it to the text file, but pulling the song from winamp is what i'm having problems with.

I can view the title here.


or if I needed to, i could paste the entire title if just stealing that line isn't feasible.

The reason I want this program is to double click and it'll copy the file info instead of writing it down as I am usually doing something while listening.

Just wondering what would be the best way to go about this.

Thanks, Snow.

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Also, what else might help you guys steer me into the right direction, is that when you hover over the winamp icon... it gives the title + radio station name like it does in the playlist, but not just the artist-title like in the screen shot i showed above. If just pulling the title + radio station is the only way to do with auto-it, i might have too.

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Does that stream info box always exist? If so, maybe something like this...

$text = WinGetText('MP3 Stream Info Box', '')
$splitit = StringSplit(StringStripCR($text), @LF)
For $i = 1 To $splitit[0]
    If StringInStr($splitit[$i], 'Current title') Then MsgBox(0, '', StringReplace($splitit, 'Current title: ', ''))
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Does that stream info box always exist? If so, maybe something like this...

$text = WinGetText('MP3 Stream Info Box', '')
$splitit = StringSplit(StringStripCR($text), @LF)
For $i = 1 To $splitit[0]
    If StringInStr($splitit[$i], 'Current title') Then MsgBox(0, '', StringReplace($splitit, 'Current title: ', ''))

It's not pulling the song name after that :shocked:

The message box gives me a completely blank message box.

Now quick info for you.

I can get it to pull up the info box by a few quick commands and copy what's in it... which for example would be this.

Can autoit filter that if it's in the clipboard within itself?

Network received: 3876400 bytes

Server: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8

Metadata received: 294 bytes

Metadata interval: 32768 bytes

Stream name: idobi Radio: Music that doesn`t suck! News, interviews and the best in alternative, rock, and punk music: idobi.com

Current title: Taking Back Sunday - My Blue Heaven

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Well ya. You'd change $text = WinGetText('MP3 Stream Info Box', '') to just $text = ClipGet().

I think there must be an easier way, though. Doesn't winamp itself have the song's title on its window? You could use WinGetTitle() maybe. (Been a long time since I used winamp, so dunno.)

Yea, it does actually. Could I pull that info while in a fullscreen program, without it minimizing?

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