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Autoit Script as Service, Interacting with Desktop


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I have a script that is launched from a service. The script interacts with the desktop to launch and manage a GUI.

I was able to achieve that by running the service as Local system Account(Allowing the service to Interact with desktop)

This technique works only if some user is logged on to that box. In the event that nobody is logged on, the script doesn't behave as expected.

Can somebody throw some light on how to handle such a scenario ? I am using Windows 2000 server.


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My script(launched by a service) launches a batch file which may or may not throw a dialog. If it does throw a dialog, my script sends an appropriate key stroke in response to the dialog. I was hoping it did that even when no one was logged into the system.

Yes my script does use WinWaitActive() method.


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Thanks lod3N for your suggestion. It helped.

However, when nobody is logged on to the machine where I am testing my script, my scripts efforts to send events like Enter key or mouse click are failing. Following is the snippet of code I have used. The code generates the file but neither Send("{ENTER}") nor the MouseClick() call are working.

Any help would be appreciated. Point to be considered is I am launching the script on a machine where nobody is logged in.

if WinExists("xyz") Then

$file = FileOpen("C:\Tmp\winlist.txt", 1)

FileWrite($file, "Title=xyz" & @LF & "Handle=" & WinGetHandle("xyz") & @CRLF)

$text = WinGetText("xyz","")

FileWrite($file, "Error=" & $text)




;$pos = ControlGetText("xyz",$text,2)

;$pos = ControlGetPos("xyz",$text,"OK")



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