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trayonevent mode

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I am trying to have the tray menu contents change corresponding to the environment

for instance, if there are 4 notepads open it should show 4 radio buttons to choose from, and then each of which will bring the selected notepad to front.

what is oneventmode in this setting? I think it's when the script attempt to figure out how many notepads there are only when the traymenu is brought up, because this saves resources.

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I am trying to have the tray menu contents change corresponding to the environment

for instance, if there are 4 notepads open it should show 4 radio buttons to choose from, and then each of which will bring the selected notepad to front.

what is oneventmode in this setting? I think it's when the script attempt to figure out how many notepads there are only when the traymenu is brought up, because this saves resources.

Would you care to show your script??
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What is this continuing on from this thread you started qwertylol?

Did you actually try anything yourself? .... or should all the members of the board write the script for you? :) lol

Doing as bert suggested and you'd probly get a better chance of ppl posting help. (no promises though)

Good Luck



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Func live_check ()
    Local $account_currently_being_checked = 0
    Local $live_array = WinList ( "notepad" )
    Local $loop = 1
    Local $how_many_account_there_are = IniRead ( "local_record.ini", "0", "number_of_local_account", "error" )
        $account_currently_being_checked = $account_currently_being_checked + 1
        $handle = IniRead ( "local_record.ini", $account_currently_being_checked, "handle", "error" )
            If $handle == $live_array[$loop][1] Then
                IniWrite ( "local_record.ini", $account_currently_being_checked, "is_it_live", "1" )
                IniWrite ( "local_record.ini", $account_currently_being_checked, "is_it_live", "0" )
            $loop = $loop + 1
        Until $loop == $live_array[0][0]

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the above tries to find out if the live notepads handle match that on the record.

it's it finds out it's not a the record, or a handle from the record has cease to exist, then it will make appropriate actions.

All is the same, though, I am not sure how I can trigger the updating of things when the traymenu is tackled.

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the above tries to find out if the live notepads handle match that on the record.

it's it finds out it's not a the record, or a handle from the record has cease to exist, then it will make appropriate actions.

All is the same, though, I am not sure how I can trigger the updating of things when the traymenu is tackled.

What do you mean by the updating of things? Do you mean what happens when you click it??
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Here's my ruff example of tray on event mode.

Upto 20 notepad windows open will show in the tray, click on the coresponding tray item and the associated notepad window will become active.

Refreshes the tray menu when a mouse right click down on the tray icon, tray menu shows when mouse right click is up.

#Include <Constants.au3>

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ; Your only using part of a window title name to find the notepad window , then mode 2

Global $Check[21][8], $Warning[1]

;; $Check[0][0] Is how many tray menu items there are for Notepad windows  
;; $Check[n][0] Is the main tray menu for a Notepad window
;; $Check[n][1] Is the Notepad Window Title
;; $Check[n][2] Is the Notepad window Handle
;; $Check[n][3] Is the tray menu item Activate
;; $Check[n][4] Is the tray menu item Minimize
;; $Check[n][5] Is the tray menu item Maximize
;; $Check[n][6] Is the tray menu item Restore
;; $Check[n][7] Is the tray menu item Close
;; n is a number from 1 to 20 (representing each notepad window listed)

;; $Warning[0] Is 0 or 1 , 0 meaning to give a warning when max notepad windows is reached , 1 being the warning has been given. 

TrayCreateItem("", -1, 11)
$exit = TrayCreateItem("Exit", -1, 12)
TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Close") ; Close function it called when tray menu item Exit is clicked
TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, 'check') ; Check function is called when tray icon is right clicked down
TraySetClick(16) ; Set the tray menu to display when the the right click is released

While 1

Func check()
    $var = WinList ("Notepad")
    If $var[0][0] > 20 Then ; Put a warning if the notepad windows are over 20 then return
        If $Warning[0] = 0 Then
            MsgBox(0,'More then 20 Notepad windows Open!', _
                        'This example only supports 20 Notepad windows to be loaded into the tray!' _
                        & @LF & 'Any further Notepad windows that are opened will not be added to the tray!')
            $Warning[0] = 1 ; Set the warning it only displays once when the tray icon is clicked
        Return ; escape the function cause we've reached 20 notepad windows
    ElseIf $var[0][0] <= 20 Then ; If the notepad windows get back to 20 or less then reset the warning
        $Warning[0] = 0 ; Warning set back to 0 so it'll trip again if the limit goes over 20
    If $var[0][0] = $Check[0][0] Then ; If win list has the same anount of notepad windows as already listed the escape the function 
        Return ; escape the function
        For $d = 1 To $Check[0][0] ; It seemed easier to just delete all traymenu items and reload the refreshed updated data.
            TrayItemDelete($Check[$d][0]) ; Delete all the traymenu items 
            $Check[$d][0] = '' ; Clear all the main notepad window tray menus from the array 
            For $e = 0 To 7
                $Check[$d][$e] = '' ; Clear all notepad window tray menu items, wintitles and handles from the array 
        $Check[0][0] = 0 ; Reset how many notepad window tray menus to 0
    For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] ; Add new notepad window tray menus and items to array and the tray.
        If $var[$i][0] <> "" Then
            $Check[0][0] = $Check[0][0] + 1 
            $Check[$i][1] = $var[$i][0] ;Set $check array with notepad window WinTitle
            $Check[$i][2] = $var[$i][1] ;Set $check array with notepad window handle
            $Check[$i][0] = TrayCreateMenu($i & ':  ' & $Check[$i][1], -1, $i - 1) ; Create a main tray menu with the notepad window WinTitle 
            $Check[$i][3] = TrayCreateItem('Activate', $Check[$i][0], 0) ; Create a sub tray menu item for Activate 
            TrayItemSetOnEvent($Check[$i][3], "Activate") ; Set the Activate menu item to call the activate function when clicked
            $Check[$i][4] = TrayCreateItem('Minimize', $Check[$i][0], 1) ; Create a sub tray menu item for Minimize 
            TrayItemSetOnEvent($Check[$i][4], "Activate") ; Set the Minimize menu item to call the activate function when clicked
            $Check[$i][5] = TrayCreateItem('Maximize', $Check[$i][0], 2) ; Create a sub tray menu item for Maximize
            TrayItemSetOnEvent($Check[$i][5], "Activate") ; Set the Maximize menu item to call the activate function when clicked
            $Check[$i][6] = TrayCreateItem('Restore', $Check[$i][0], 3)  ; Create a sub tray menu item for Restore
            TrayItemSetOnEvent($Check[$i][6], "Activate") ; Set the Restore menu item to call the activate function when clicked            
            $Check[$i][7] = TrayCreateItem('Close', $Check[$i][0], 4) ; Create a sub tray menu item for Close
            TrayItemSetOnEvent($Check[$i][7], "Activate") ; Set the Close menu item to call the activate function when clicked

Func Activate() ; When a sub tray menu item is clicked it call this
    For $x = 1 To $Check[0][0]
            Case @TRAY_ID = $Check[$x][3] ; Activate is clicked
                WinActivate($Check[$x][2]) ; Activate notepad window by handle
            Case @TRAY_ID = $Check[$x][4] ; Minimize is clicked
                WinSetState($Check[$x][2],'', @SW_MINIMIZE) ;Minimize notepad window by handle
            Case @TRAY_ID = $Check[$x][5] ; Maximised it clicked
                WinSetState($Check[$x][2],'', @SW_MAXIMIZE) ;Maximise notepad window by handle
            Case @TRAY_ID = $Check[$x][6] ; Restore is clicked
                WinSetState($Check[$x][2],'', @SW_RESTORE) ;Restore notepad window by handle
            Case @TRAY_ID = $Check[$x][7] ; Close is clicked
                WinClose($Check[$x][2]) ;Close notepad window by handle         

Func Close() ;Eit the tray all together


Edit: Added sub tray menu item to each notepad window that's listed, each sub tray menu contains Activate, Minimize, Maximize, Restore and Close... Maybe this is more what your after as an example?

Added comments so maybe you can see what it's doing.

I can't see why you have to start a new thread for every question about the same thing , but each his own.

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