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Sloganizer.Net in AutoIt


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I saw i542 had a link to Sloganizer.net so I thought I would AutoIt!

Thanks to Zedna for the Random Answer function (I'm a n00b and I didn't understand how it worked, YES I looked in the HelpFile!)

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$sGui = GUICreate("Sloganizer.Net :: Secure_ICT AutoIt Version", 554, 400, -1, -1)
$Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("logo.jpg", 0, 16, 553, 81, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP))
$Text = GUICtrlCreateInput("Sloganizer", 72, 112, 385, 21)
$sloganize = GUICtrlCreateButton("Sloganize!", 152, 144, 217, 25, 0)
$FinalText = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 72, 192, 400, 200)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, 800, 0, "Arial", )
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)

Global $Answer[36]
$Answer[0] = "%1 will be for you what you want it to be."
$Answer[1] = "%1, in touch with tomorrow."
$Answer[2] = "Share moments, share %1."
$Answer[3] = "The magic of %1."
$Answer[4] = "Take what you want but leave %1 alone."
$Answer[5] = "Buy %1 now!"
$Answer[6] = "The God's made %1."
$Answer[7] = "%1 - go for the game."
$Answer[8] = "Don't play with fire, play with %1"
$Answer[9] = "%1, just the best!"
$answer[10] = "%1 - what more could you want?"
$Answer[11] = "%1, created by nature."
$Answer[12] = "%1 - what more could you want?"
$Answer[13] = "Connect with %1."
$Answer[14] = "Goto Heaven with %1"
$Answer[15] = "Nobody does it like %1"
$Answer[16] = "There's a bit of %1 in all of us."
$Answer[17] = "Make yourself at home with %1."
$Answer[18] = "The wonder has a name: %1."
$Answer[19] = "%1 brings out the best in us."
$Answer[20] = "%1. The power on your side."
$Answer[21] = "%1, forget the rest."
$Answer[22] = "%1 for me!"
$Answer[23] = "%1? Yes please!"
$Answer[24] = "You can't beat %1"
$Answer[25] = "Think. Feel. %1."
$Answer[26] = "%1 makes your day."
$Answer[27] = "%1 for your kids!"
$Answer[28] = "%1. Making people sucessful in a changing world."
$Answer[29] = "Get me my %1."
$Answer[30] = "%1 wanted."
$Answer[31] = "There's only one true %1!"
$Answer[32] = "%1, your family will love you."
$Answer[33] = "There's only one true %1."
$Answer[34] = "%1 is our middle name."
$Answer[35] = "With a name like %1 it has to be good."

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $sloganize

Func SloganizeTxt()
    $SloganizeNow = GuiCtrlRead($Text)
    $Random = Random(0,UBound($Answer)-1,1)
    $result = $Answer[$Random]
    $result = StringReplace($result,'%1', $SloganizeNow)
    GUICtrlSetData($FinalText, "<< " & $result & " >>")

Logo is attached!

There are more Slogans but I'm not going through and adding them, one by one!

Have fun,


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You can initialize array simpler way (look at Dim in HelpFile):

Global $Answer[3]
$Answer[0] = "%1 will be for you what you want it to be."
$Answer[1] = "%1, in touch with tomorrow."
$Answer[2] = "Share moments, share %1."
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I saw i542 had a link to Sloganizer.net so I thought I would AutoIt!


Why just don't upolad a image from sloganizer.net? :)

(I am going to change sig style very soon!)


EDIT: "No need to worry with AutoIt."

Edited by i542

I can do signature me.

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Cool.. Thanks i542, the idea was so that you could run it free style. But I could make it so it will try and make it so that it will try and download the image, and if it cant download it will run the file which is included.

Umm...ok... I guess...you welcome


Edited by i542

I can do signature me.

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