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GUI List

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Ok. This has got to be a very dumb question, I know, but how do I determine what item was clicked on a list? Why can't I find this in the help? :)

You can use GUIReadData() if you have a button to do something, if not I guess you will have to pull a loop.
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Ok. This has got to be a very dumb question, I know, but how do I determine what item was clicked on a list? Why can't I find this in the help? :)

Wow... member # 150 for December 03

but don't know how to catch an event of a list???

maybe, like this...

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

GLOBAL $MESSAGE = "The following buttons have been clicked"
GUICreate("My GUI list") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

$add=GUICtrlCreateButton ("Add", 64,32,75,25)
$clear=GUICtrlCreateButton ("Clear", 64,72,75,25)
$mylist=GUICtrlCreateList ("buttons that have been clicked", 176,32,121,97)
GUICtrlSetLimit(-1,200)    ; to limit horizontal scrolling
$close=GUICtrlCreateButton ("my closing button", 64,160,175,25)

GUISetState ()

$msg = 0
While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

         case $msg = $add
        GUICtrlSetData($mylist,"You clicked button No1|")
         case $msg = $clear
        Case $msg = $mylist
            MsgBox(0x0,"read list", guictrlread($mylist), 2)
         Case $msg = $close
            MsgBox(0,"", "the closing button has been clicked",2)



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Holy crap, never even realized I was member #150, lol. 03 puts me back in... 7-3=4 high school? maybe? i dont know. It was a while ago. I just in the past few months started working with GUI's. Give me a break :) And thanks for the great answers!

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