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'F' keys....

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hello all..

can anybody debug my script it is ment to send the text that is in the first input box and then the text that is in the second one... (this has be be by the same function)

And is it possible to chage the F1 func... to ctrl+shift+z

here is my script:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Added this since it looks like you using on event mode for your GUI

Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ;Added this to only show Autotalker tray menu options

Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ;Added this for tray menu to work on event as well

TraySetClick(16) ; Set tray menu to show when right mouse click

Global $input[13], $Hide[1], $SettingsPath[1], $label[13] ; Just some arrays for storing settings etc

HotKeySet("^s", "Save") ; This is to call save settings function

HotKeySet("^l", "Load") ; This is to call load settings function

HotKeySet("^h", "Hide") ; This is to call hide function, toggles hide or show gui

HotKeySet("!{ESC}", "Close") ; This is to call close function, this way a user can exit autotalker even if the gui is hidden

HotKeySet("{F1}", "F1")

$Main = GUICreate("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", 450, 100) ;Put your main window in a variable so you can use it on an event.

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 1)

;---- Gui Labels

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Really easy to use just press F1 and this will type in your username and password!", 5, 65)

;----- Gui Menu

$MenuItem2 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File")

$MenuItem7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Load Settings (CTRL + L)", $MenuItem2) ;Load settings File Menu

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Load') ; Added this so your gui will call load function when a user selects load from the File Menu

$MenuItem4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save Settings (CTRL + S)", $MenuItem2)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Save') ; Added this so your gui will call save function when a user selects save from the File Menu

GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $MenuItem2) ; Divider line in menu , cosmetic touch...lol

$MenuItem8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Hide (CTRL + H)", $MenuItem2)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Hide') ; Added this so your gui will call hide function when a user selects hide from the File Menu

GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $MenuItem2) ; Divider line in menu , cosmetic touch...lol

$MenuItem3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("EXIT (ALT + ESC)", $MenuItem2)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Close') ; Added this so your gui will call close function when a user selects exit from the File Menu

$MenuItem1 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Other")

$MenuItem5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $MenuItem1)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'About') ; Added this so your gui will call about function when a user selects about from the File Menu

$MenuItem6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Version", $MenuItem1)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Version') ; Added this so your gui will call version function when a user selects version from the File Menu

;---- Gui Input Boxes

$input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 25, 10)

$input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 25, 35)

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'Close') ; Added this so your GUI will call a function to exit

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, 'Hide') ; Added this so your GUI will call a function to hide gui


;--- Tray Menu

$HideShow = TrayCreateItem('Hide Auto-Login', -1, 0)

TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Hide")

TrayCreateItem('', -1, 1) ;Divider line in tray menu , cosmetic touch...lol

$Load = TrayCreateItem('Load Settings', -1, 2)

TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Load")

$Save = TrayCreateItem('Save Settings', -1, 3)

TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Save")

TrayCreateItem('', -1, 4) ;Divider line in tray menu , cosmetic touch...lol

$Close = TrayCreateItem('Exit', -1, 5)

TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Close")


StartupLoad() ;Load settings from Auto-Login.ini if it exists in the script directory.

While 1



;~ Func Menu

Func F1()

If GUICtrlRead($input[1]) <> "" Then


Send("{ENTER}") Then

GUICtrlRead($input[2]) <> "" Then



EndFunc ;==>F1

Func Hide() ; Toggle hide or show the gui function.

If $Hide[0] = 1 Then

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Main)

If BitAND(WinGetState("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", ""), 16) Then

WinSetState("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", '', @SW_RESTORE)


WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 1)

$Hide[0] = 0

TrayItemSetText($HideShow, 'Hide Auto-Login')

ElseIf $Hide[0] = 0 Then

GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Main)

$Hide[0] = 1

TrayItemSetText($HideShow, 'Show Auto-Login')


EndFunc ;==>Hide

Func Save() ;Save the settings to an ini when a user select Save from File Menu, Hotkey or Tray. Settings will be saved to loaded ini if it's got write access.

If FileExists($SettingsPath[0]) Then

For $i = 1 To 12

$SaveIni1 = IniWrite($SettingsPath[0], 'Settings', 'F' & $i, GUICtrlRead($input[$i]))


If $SaveIni1 <> 1 Then

For $i = 1 To 12

$SaveIni = IniWrite(@ScriptDir & '\Auto-Login.ini', 'Settings', 'F' & $i, GUICtrlRead($input[$i]))


If $SaveIni = 1 Then

$SettingsPath[0] = @ScriptDir & '\Auto-Login.ini'

ElseIf $SaveIni <> 1 Then ;If the script is run from read only directory then offer the user where to save the settings.

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 0)

$SaveFile = FileSaveDialog('Save Auto-Login settings to ...', '::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}', 'Auto-Login (*.ini)', 18, 'Auto-Login.ini')

If Not @error = 1 Then

For $i = 1 To 12

$SaveIni2 = IniWrite($SaveFile, 'Settings', 'F' & $i, GUICtrlRead($input[$i]))


$SettingsPath[0] = $SaveFile


WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 1)



ElseIf Not FileExists($SettingsPath[0]) Then ; <- Start updated, this was the part I forgot to add when there's no ini path stored in array

For $i = 1 To 12

$SaveIni = IniWrite(@ScriptDir & '\Autotalker.ini', 'Settings', 'F' & $i, GUICtrlRead($input[$i]))


If $SaveIni = 1 Then

$SettingsPath[0] = @ScriptDir & '\Auto-Login.ini'

ElseIf $SaveIni <> 1 Then

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 0)

$SaveFile = FileSaveDialog('Save Auto-Login settings to ...', '::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}', 'Auto-Login (*.ini)', 18, 'Auto-Login.ini')

If Not @error = 1 Then

For $i = 1 To 12

$SaveIni2 = IniWrite($SaveFile, 'Settings', 'F' & $i, GUICtrlRead($input[$i]))


$SettingsPath[0] = $SaveFile


WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 1)


EndIf ;<- This is the end of what I updated

EndFunc ;==>Save

Func Load() ; File Menu Load settings from an ini that the user has saved somewhere.

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 0)

$FileLoad = FileOpenDialog('Load Auto-Login settings from...', '::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}', '(Auto-Login.ini)|(*.ini)', 3, 'Auto-Login.ini')

If Not @error = 1 Then

$ReadSection = IniReadSection($FileLoad, 'Settings')

For $i = 1 To 12

GUICtrlSetData($input[$i], $ReadSection[$i][1])


$SettingsPath[0] = $FileLoad


WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By Jag3xm4n", "", 1)

EndFunc ;==>Load

Func StartupLoad() ;On startup load settings from ini if it exists into the input boxes. Default the ini will be loaded from script directory when started

If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\Auto-Login.ini') Then

$ReadSection = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & '\Auto-Login.ini', 'Settings')

For $i = 1 To 12

GUICtrlSetData($input[$i], $ReadSection[$i][1])



EndFunc ;==>StartupLoad

Func About() ; Other File Menu About function

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By Jag3xm4n", "", 0)

MsgBox(64, 'About Auto-Login', 'Made for runescape' & @CRLF & 'this little basic program will log you in when u press F1' & _

@CRLF & 'For more information... Go to www.j4g3xm4n')

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By Jag3xm4n", "", 1)

EndFunc ;==>About

Func Version() ; Other File Menu Version function

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 0)

MsgBox(64, 'Auto-Login Version', 'V.1.00 ')

WinSetOnTop("Auto-Login- By J4g3xm4n", "", 1)

EndFunc ;==>Version

Func Close() ; This is the function called from GUISetOnEvent to exit.


EndFunc ;==>Close

EDIT: this is made from one of my Old scripts( the auto talker one)

Edited by SalazarCheats

Ok im 14 with a spelling age of a 9 year old... that explanes all my spelling mistakes

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  • 3 months later...

Umm the first thing i noticed right off the bat is for the Ctrl + Shift + z, the code for setting that as a hotkey is as follows:

HotKeySet("^+z", "F1")

fyi these are some commands that can be used in setting hotkeys or sending text with the Send() function.

^ Ctrl ! Alt + Shift # Win

also btw if you want to learn, or get this accomplished, read the help file; it will explain everything.

Wow, I just noticed how old this post is.

I'm going to post anyway just for people searching.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Umm the first thing i noticed right off the bat is for the Ctrl + Shift + z, the code for setting that as a hotkey is as follows:

HotKeySet("^+z", "F1")

fyi these are some commands that can be used in setting hotkeys or sending text with the Send() function.

^ Ctrl ! Alt + Shift # Win

also btw if you want to learn, or get this accomplished, read the help file; it will explain everything.

Wow, I just noticed how old this post is.

I'm going to post anyway just for people searching.

I am having the same problem. When i assign HotKeySet("^+z", "F1") it locks the keyboard in either alt, shift, or ctrl. Can anyone help?????????

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I am having the same problem. When i assign HotKeySet("^+z", "F1") it locks the keyboard in either alt, shift, or ctrl. Can anyone help?????????

The second parameter in HotKeySet is a declared function name to handle the event, not another key to send. From the much under-used help file:



Sets a hotkey that calls a user function.

HotKeySet ( "key" [, "function"] )


key = The key combination to use as the hotkey. Same format as Send().

function [optional] = The name of the function to call when the key is pressed. Leave blank to unset a previous hotkey.

If you want to send F1 with ctrl-shift-z, it will look like this:

HotKeySet("^+z", "_F1")

While 1

Func _F1()
EndFunc   ;==>_F1


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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