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Too many open files

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G'day everyone

I've written a script that visits the Wikipedia and extracts some information from it (basically, it creates a bilingual word list). The startfile is a list of words. The endfile is a bilingual list of words. Here it is:


#include <File.au3>

$startup = MsgBox (4, "Wikterma 1.1", "Welcome to Wikterma 1.0" & @CRLF & "by Samuel Murray, 2007" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "This program creates a bilingual word list" & @CRLF & "based on interwiki links on the Wikipedia." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Have you read the readme.txt file?", "")

If $startup = 7 Then Exit

$startfilename = InputBox ("Name of unilingual word list", "Enter the full name of your initial unilingual word list")
$startfile = FileOpen($startfilename, 0)
$lines = _FileCountLines ($startfilename)

$endfilename = InputBox ("Name of bilingual word list", "Enter a name for your final bilingual word list")
$endfile = FileOpen($endfilename, 1)

$language = InputBox ("Target language name", "Enter the target language's name in that language (default is Dutch)", "Nederlands")
$langcode = InputBox ("Target language code", "Enter the target language's language code in lower case (default is Dutch)", "nl")

$sleeptime = InputBox ("(Optional) Sleep time between fetches", "Enter the time in milliseconds that Wikterma should allow for fetching a web page (default is 2 seconds)", "2000")

$traytip = MsgBox (4, "(Optional) See progress?", "Do you want to see the progress as a traytip?")

For $i = 1 to $lines

$targetword1 = "(empty)"

$sourceword = FileReadLine($startfilename, $i)

$wikipage = InetGet("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" & $sourceword, "temp.txt")

$targetword0 = StringRegExp(FileRead(FileOpen('temp.txt', 0)), '(?<=' & $langcode & '\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/).*(?=">' & $language & ')', 1)

If IsArray($targetword0) Then $targetword1 = $targetword0[0]
If IsArray($targetword0) Then FileWriteLine($endfile, $sourceword & " :: " & $targetword1)

If $traytip = 6 Then TrayTip ("Wikterma now parsing...", "Term " & $i & " of " & $lines & ". " & $sourceword & " :: " & $targetword1, 10)

Sleep ($sleeptime)
FileClose ('temp.txt')


MsgBox (0, "Done!", "All done!", 10)

After varying numbers of cycles (sometimes 40, sometimes 100) the script stops with the error message that the maximum number of files are open. AFAIK I do close the file inside the loop. What else can I do? What else can be wrong?



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haven't lookes closer, but I would use _FileReadToArray instead of of FileReadLine ...

So long,


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You cannot close a Filename but need to close the fileHandle as returned by fileopen:

For $i = 1 To $lines
    $targetword1 = "(empty)"
    $sourceword = FileReadLine($startfilename, $i)
    $wikipage = InetGet("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" & $sourceword, "temp.txt")
    $H_TF = FileOpen('temp.txt', 0)
    $targetword0 = StringRegExp(FileRead($H_TF), '(?<=' & $langcode & '\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/).*(?=">' & $language & ')', 1)
    If IsArray($targetword0) Then $targetword1 = $targetword0[0]
    If IsArray($targetword0) Then FileWriteLine($endfile, $sourceword & " :: " & $targetword1)
    If $traytip = 6 Then TrayTip("Wikterma now parsing...", "Term " & $i & " of " & $lines & ". " & $sourceword & " :: " & $targetword1, 10)

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You cannot close a Filename but need to close the fileHandle as returned by fileopen.

Thanks, JdeB!

Now I just have to figure out why the script doesn't write to the file in real time (it creates an empty file and then only at the end of the script it writes all the stuff to that file). It is as if the script keeps everything in memory and doesn't really write it to the file.

Thanks again.

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