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Totally stupid - Auto-Art-Creat0r for Paint :)

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Hi Guys, i will try to explain you, why i wrote so stupid scripts *g*

Last tuesday, i was sitting at school... bored of the boring stuff our teacher tried to teach.

So, i had my laptop ahead, and after 10 minutes, my screensaver (with many light-clothed girls) pops up. I'm sitting near the teacher, so many guys behind my see, which are my favorite girls (naked, sometimes *g*)

So i wrote a script, that turns my mouse-cursor arround... then, i let it click to random positions in a square, thats ~120 px smaller than the Screenresolution.

My neighboor Kai said, "Hey dude... ehm... paint?". I looked like "wtf?".

Okay, this little script starts Paint and creates Lines (depends on the tool, that you selected), after each line, it changes the color. You can stop it with F2, and Pause/Resume it with F3 (if you like to choose another tool).

On Kai's pc that Hotkey-Function doesnt works, so he had to restart... i think, his logitech g15 is the problem. thousands of macro's... so i added a fuction, that stops the script for 8 seconds each half minute.

Try it, maybe you could give me some hints for better coding?

I'm sorry, the dialogs are german, but i think, you see what happens.

IMPORTANT If you start Paint for the First time, you must resize the... Workpaper? Artpaper? Dont know... It would be the best, if you resize it to the max. Size, that your resolution allows.

Sry 4 bad english :)


   Author   :     Bastian Müller
   Titel    :     Creative Art with Paint
   Descr.   :     Generates random Pics in Paint with autom. switching, different Colors


#include <Array.au3>
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)

HotKeySet("{F2}", "CLOSE") 
HotkeySet("{F3}", "PAUSE")

const $BORDER  = 120                   ; Abstand nach innen vom Bildschirmrand aus legt das Quader fest, in dem gezeichnet wird
const $SPEED   = 1                     ; Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Linien & Co gezeichnet werden
global $PAUSE  = 0
$TITLE         = "Unbenannt - Paint"   ; Titel des Paint-Fensters (in engl. Versionen bspw. 'Untitled - Paint'
$start_time    = TimerInit()           ; Startet den Timer

msgbox(48, "INFO", "F2 zum beenden, F3 zuer Pause/Resume" & @CRLF & "Alle 30 Sekunden wird für 8 Sekunden das Script unterbrochen, damit es beendet werden kann, "&@CRLF&"sollten die Hotkey's nicht reagieren!")

IF NOT WinExists($TITLE, "") Then

msgbox(48, "Vorbereitung", "Wenn Sie dieses Script zum ersten mal aufrufen, vergrößeren Sie das Zeichenpapier durch Ziehen an den Ecken auf die komplette Bildschirmfläche. "&@CRLF&@CRLF& _
"Wenn Sie dies getan haben, klicken Sie auf OK!")

   If NOT WinActive($TITLE, "") Then
      WinSetState($TITLE, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
   if $PAUSE = 0 Then
      if TimerDiff($start_time) > 30000 Then
         $start_time = TimerInit()

Func CLICK()
   $x1 = random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth-$BORDER)
   $y1 = random($BORDER, @DesktopHeight-$BORDER)
   $x2 = random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth-$BORDER)
   $y2 = random($BORDER, @DesktopHeight-$BORDER)
   MouseClickDrag("left", $x1, $y1,$x2, $y2, $SPEED)

Func FIND()
   $box_x   = @DesktopHeight-70
   $box_y   = @Desktopheight
   $colarr  = _arrayCreate(12, "0xC0C0C0", "0xFF0000", "0xFFFF00", "0x00FF00", "0x00FFFF", "0x0000FF", "0xFF00FF", "0x00FF80", "0x80FFFF", "0x0080FF", "0x00FF80", "0x804000")
   $rand    = random(1, $colarr[0])
   $color   = PixelSearch(0, $box_x, 270, $box_y, $colarr[$rand], 0, 2) 
   IF NOT @error Then
      MouseClick("left", $color[0], $color[1], 1, $SPEED)

Func PAUSE()
   if $PAUSE = 1 Then
      $PAUSE = 0
      $PAUSE = 1

Func CLOSE()


Attention! English noob ^^

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--EXE is safe--

That indeed is the source code for the file listed.

{Not tried the script. Might later}

Edited by Firestorm

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I can't get it to work. I haven't tried fixing it myself.

Seconded. I changed the "Unbenannt - Paint" to "Untitled - Paint" but still no luck...

EDIT: Found the problem:

#1: Change this code:

$x1 = random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth-$BORDER)
   $y1 = random($BORDER, @DesktopHeight-$BORDER)
   $x2 = random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth-$BORDER)

#2: For people with English computers change Unbenannt - Paint" to "untitled - Paint"

Edited by Piano_Man
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I couldn't stand the fact that it didn't work.

Here's a updated and working version, and translated to English.

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;changed this

HotKeySet("{F2}", "CLOSE")
HotKeySet("{F3}", "PAUSE")

Const $BORDER = 120                   ; Abstand nach innen vom Bildschirmrand aus legt das Quader fest, in dem gezeichnet wird ; ??
Const $SPEED = 1                     ; Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Linien & Co gezeichnet werden ; ??
Global $PAUSE = 0 ; Change this to 1 to not have it pause every 30 seconds.
$TITLE = " - Paint"        ; Just leave this, unless the program is not called 'Paint'
$start_time = TimerInit()           ; Start the timer

Dim $colarr[13] = [12, "0xC0C0C0", "0xFF0000", "0xFFFF00", "0x00FF00", "0x00FFFF", "0x0000FF", "0xFF00FF", "0x00FF80", "0x80FFFF", "0x0080FF", "0x00FF80", "0x804000"]

;msgbox(48, "INFO", "F2 zum beenden, F3 zuer Pause/Resume" & @CRLF & "Alle 30 Sekunden wird für 8 Sekunden das Script unterbrochen, damit es beendet werden kann, "&@CRLF&"sollten die Hotkey's nicht reagieren!")
MsgBox(48, "INFO", "Press F2 to end the program. Press F3 to pause and resume the program. Every 30 seconds, the script is interupted for 8 seconds, so that you can exit the script should the hotkey's not respond.")

If Not WinExists($TITLE) Then

;msgbox(48, "Vorbereitung", "Wenn Sie dieses Script zum ersten mal aufrufen, vergrößeren Sie das Zeichenpapier durch Ziehen an den Ecken auf die komplette Bildschirmfläche. "&@CRLF&@CRLF& _
;"Wenn Sie dies getan haben, klicken Sie auf OK!")

MsgBox(48, "Preperation", "Make sure you maximize the white board that you are allowed to draw on in paint. When you have done this, press OK.")

If Not WinActive($TITLE, "") Then
    WinActivate($TITLE, "")
    WinSetState($TITLE, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinWaitActive($TITLE, "")

While 1
    If $PAUSE = 0 Then
        If TimerDiff($start_time) > 30000 Then
            $start_time = TimerInit()

Func CLICK()
    $x1 = Random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth - $BORDER, 1)
    $y1 = Random($BORDER, @DesktopHeight - $BORDER, 1)
    $x2 = Random($BORDER, @DesktopWidth - $BORDER, 1)
    $y2 = Random($BORDER, @DesktopHeight - $BORDER, 1)

    MouseClickDrag("left", $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $SPEED)
EndFunc   ;==>CLICK

Func FIND()
    $box_x = @DesktopHeight - 70
    $box_y = @DesktopHeight

    $rand = Random(1, $colarr[0],1)

    $color = PixelSearch(0, $box_x, 270, $box_y, $colarr[$rand], 0, 1)

    If Not @error Then
        MouseClick("left", $color[0], $color[1], 1, $SPEED)
EndFunc   ;==>FIND

Func PAUSE()
    If $PAUSE = 1 Then
        $PAUSE = 0
        $PAUSE = 1
EndFunc   ;==>PAUSE

Func CLOSE()
EndFunc   ;==>CLOSE
Edited by Manadar
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