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Long filename help

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I have a directory with a space in that I need to use as a variable, with a variable at the end....like so:

$perms = "\\server\Staff\Teacher Home\" & $usernameoÝ÷ Ù»­¡÷(º»Ü"Z',(®H¶°^¶§+"«¨µëyÆ®±è­«²z)íçb­ç-¢¼ßÛÞ¶¸vØb%GºÚ"µÍÌÍÜÈH  ][ÝÉÌÎNÉ][ÝÉ][ÝÉÌLÉÌLÜÙÌLÔÝYÌLÕXXÚÛYIÌLÉ][ÝÈ   [È ÌÍÝÙ[YH [È ][ÝÉÌÎNÉ][Ý

but nothing seems to get it working. Is there something really simple I've missed?

Basically I need $perms to = \\server\staff\teacher home\username where the username is the other variable.

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You could also use CHR(34) which is the ascii code for a quote mark:

$perms = CHR(34) & "\\server\Staff\Teacher Home\" & $username & CHR(34)

I prefer that for readability and not having to worry about the order of my single and double quotes, I've stared at too many of my own lines of code :) where I mixed up the order and couldn't see it for the life of me.

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