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I have a small function that fires off with a GUISetOnEvent that writes the window position to a ini file after drag my GUI going off the $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP. Then the next time I open my GUI it reads the ini and sets the position of the window to that position. It works fine. The issue I'm having is that when I click on the tray Icon it also records it but as -32000,-32000. As you may be able to tell it puts it off the desktop. Anywhere you can point me to not have the tray Icon respond to the GUISetOnEvent other than notrayicon would be appreciated.

TIA Dennis

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Probly more then one way to do it..

Maybe you could try setting a condition inside your $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP function..

eg: Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) and GUIGetCursorInfo() , if the cursor is in the area of the systray then skip the write to ini, if the cursor is reletive to the Gui then write to the ini.

You provided no code so I'm not game to try and give it a crack at an example.


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Probly more then one way to do it..

Maybe you could try setting a condition inside your $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP function..

eg: Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) and GUIGetCursorInfo() , if the cursor is in the area of the systray then skip the write to ini, if the cursor is reletive to the Gui then write to the ini.

You provided no code so I'm not game to try and give it a crack at an example.


Great!! GUIGetCursorInfo() condition will work great. Missed that in the docs. Thanx Smashly!

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