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How do i get the sizes of...


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Well I just want to know if its possible (without being overly difficult) to get the size of a taskbar, window title height, border sizes etc... The windows theme related items. Like when you make a window thats 100, 50 the total window size would be like 130, 54 etc

And the taskbar height I want to know for making a window appear in the bottom right of the screen but not covering the taskbar

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To get the size of the taskbar you can use

AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
The return is a 4 element array with x, y position and width, hieght of the taskbar.

the x,y position is handy to find if the taskbar is at the bottom, top, left or right side of the screen..

as not all people have their taskbar in the default bottom of the screen.

As for the other questions, a bit of reading and fidgeting with co-ordinates option would probly find you an answer to working out the window information your after

Good luck and cheers

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Thanks a bunch ill use that :)

The x,y position is handy to find if the taskbar is at the bottom, top, left or right side of the screen..

as not all people have their taskbar in the default bottom of the screen.

Thats actually pretty important come to think of it

Any ideas from anyone else on the border/title size? Ill try and find something but usually I have no luck implimenting it with autoit

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