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Not sure if anyone here knows about this


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Say you have a program and you want to have a Checkbox when checked it adds your program to the start folder in the registry so when the computer starts your program starts .

Where is that startup folder in the registry and what do you put in it to have the program start ?

I'm new to the registry stuff.

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Ok got that all worked out . so how would I have this when it is checked it loads the key and loads the path for the app ?

As we know not all programs are installed in the same place .

So I need the "Hello this is a test " part to have the path to the app .

#cs - ### Generated by AutoBuilder 0.4 -- do not modify ###

414 190


checkbox $checkbox_1 Checkbox 1 280 150 100 10 0 0

#ce - ### End of Dump ###

;Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.4

Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)

Opt("GUINotifyMode", 1)

GuiCreate("MyGUI", 412,185,(@DesktopWidth-412)/2, (@DesktopHeight-185)/2 , 0x04CF0000)

$checkbox_1 = GUISetControl("checkbox", "Checkbox 1", 280, 150, 100, 10)


While 1


$msg = GuiMsg(0)


Case $msg = -3


Case $msg = 0


Case $msg = $checkbox_1

; Write a single REG_SZ value

RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Run", "REG_SZ", "Hello this is a test")





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I have this so far but getting this error .

(12) : ==> Error in expression.:

GUICreate("My GUI") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

GUISetControl("checkbox", "my checkbox", 10,10)


RegWrite(0,"", "the Checkbox has been clicked")
; Write a single REG_SZ value
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Application name", "REG_SZ", @ScriptFullPath) 


Just trying to make it work not doing so good .

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