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cApS lOCk GlItTerinG on aNd off

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Suprised you couldn't read that.

WHen I run an AutoItv3 script, sometimes the keys I press automatically repeat themselves, and my capslock key goes into a constant state of flickering on and off, as evident by the capslock light. I can also tell that the ctrl key is toggling and detoggling.

Edited by Foaman
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problem seems to manifest with infinite loops and controlsends

I'll post it...

;Press esc to "terminate"

;Pause/Break to "pause"

Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

$TimesToRun = -1

$Temp0 = 0

$Temp1 = 0

While $Temp0 > $TimesToRun

ControlSend("Untitled", "", "", "a")

ControlSend("Untitled", "", "", "{LCTRL}")

ControlSend("Untitled", "", "", "g");; hold (alt)


$Temp0 = $Temp0 + 1


Func TogglePause()

$Paused = NOT $Paused

While $Paused


ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0)




Func Terminate()

Exit 0


See now, I've changed a few things, so that it may run on anyone's computer.

Seems the problem comes about after some time, but not right away.

Sometimes the keys are sent to the wrong window, too. Very rarely.

After I type a few lines, press shift, press a return or something, myself, that's when the script seems to go downhill. :)

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dang. I can't make it do it, now. i guess it's a come and go problem. what the flogging flogg... i mean it is happening ,just not consistently, and i delete the errors.... it's less frequent, but the same problem.

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You're not crazy, I can reproduce the capslock flicker with this script, run it first with your capslock key off:


For $i = 1 to 25
  ControlSend("Untitled","","Edit1","==== " & $i & " ===")
    ControlSend("Untitled","","Edit1","test this")

next, turn capslock on and rerun it; you should see your capslock light flicker on and off.

Next, uncomment the OPT("SendCapslockMode",0) on the second line, make sure capslock key is on, and run again.

Capslock light should stay steady.

I was having a problem where I would send all upper case strings to an editbox and fairly often, especially with longer strings, I would get some lower case letters mixed in and the app would reject them.

I think what's happenning is the Send( ) or ControlSend() with the deafault option of restoring the Capslock state was "tripping" over itself and occasionally letting a keystroke through as lower case. Can any one else confirm?

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You're not crazy, I can reproduce the capslock flicker with this script, run it first with your capslock key off:


For $i = 1 to 25
  ControlSend("Untitled","","Edit1","==== " & $i & " ===")
    ControlSend("Untitled","","Edit1","test this")

next, turn capslock on and rerun it; you should see your capslock light flicker on and off.

Next, uncomment the OPT("SendCapslockMode",0) on the second line, make sure capslock key is on, and run again.

Capslock light should stay steady.

I was having a problem where I would send all upper case strings to an editbox and fairly often, especially with longer strings, I would get some lower case letters mixed in and the app would reject them.

I think what's happenning is the Send( ) or ControlSend() with the deafault option of restoring the Capslock state was "tripping" over itself and occasionally letting a keystroke through as lower case. Can any one else confirm?

I had a similar problem.

As I can understand it was national keyboard related problem.

Look here and here

Edited by Zedna
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I had a similar problem.

As I can understand it was national keyboard related problem.

Look here and here

I'm using a standard USA keyboard layout with USA english as my selected language on a north american installation of Windows.

I have noticed the sometimes sending mixed case problem so far for sure only on Windows 2000. I'm going to try some more testing on XP. Basically I can use a variation of the script I posted above that sends more data and probably one out of 5 or 10 runs it will send mixed case; sometimes only one character in the series, other times two or three in the same sequence or in different iterations.

I had also noticed a similar problem when sending CHR() characters, they would sometimes come out as something completey different. As I say, I will do some more testing to see if I can make it absolutely reproducible...

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