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Using Java Access Bridge

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I'm kinda new to coding and I need to know how to use JAB with a Java program. I've searched the forums but there hasn't been any proper help. And I've checked the JAB API but it doesn't really help. I think I've got JAB running but I have no idea how to push any buttons (you should get hwnd info etc.). I'd really appreciate if someone could write a small example script so I'd get hang of how to do it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

No one's interested, doesn't know or just too busy? I believe there's others interested of this problem too. I just need to know how to get return values from the dll, because using something like "$value = DllCall($test, "int", "GetAccessibleContextFromHWND($hWnd)")" it only returns the value of DllCall and not the one from the GetAccessible... Most likely there will be a thousand of other problems too :rolleyes:

Fortunately new scite has macro recording but it would be much better if I could call those buttons directly and it's a challenge I want to win too. I know that some other program like Marathon would be better for java-programs but for some reason it doesn't work with the one I'm trying to control (Superslow).

Sorry for bumping this but it's really annoying me...

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Antiec,

I've just started a topic Scripting to a Java Based GUI over here

Got some script up and I'm just at the exact same point as you. Unfortunately I dont know why its doing that... just yet, but I'm learning :)

Have you made sure you initialized the WindowsAccessBridge.dll

check out this website, very handy Java Access Bridge API Specification

If it's too easy, then its not worth doingMike P. O'Keeffe BEng, Hardware Design EngineerLanguages: Perl, C, Expect, Visual Basic, Assembly

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