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au3 and kxf

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KODA is a very nice add-on for AutoIt but I still dont understand the way he associate au3 and kxf.

You're supposed to pick the line from SciTE, like

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=U:\Dev\AutoIt3\TestForm\FormMain.kxf

and open the kxf on KODA with a Ctrl-m ?

Why is there an option in KODA for opening the last form at KODA start-up ?

The cursor on the right line on SciTE, Ctrl-m, and voila ! That's enough for me.

And that's not really working all the time for the moment... Or maybe I've missed something :rolleyes:

(oops, sorry, supposed to post on KODA topic...)

Edited by pixels75
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KODA is a very nice add-on for AutoIt but I still dont understand the way he associate au3 and kxf.

You're supposed to pick the line from SciTE, like

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=U:\Dev\AutoIt3\TestForm\FormMain.kxf

and open the kxf on KODA with a Ctrl-m ?

Why is there an option in KODA for opening the last form at KODA start-up ?

The cursor on the right line on SciTE, Ctrl-m, and voila ! That's enough for me.

And that's not really working all the time for the moment... Or maybe I've missed something :rolleyes:

(oops, sorry, supposed to post on KODA topic...)

This is the way it works.

1) create a design with Koda

2) Save the design using File|Save As

3) choose option Tools|Generate code. Click the right down arrow and select Save to File. Then click on save to file, and save the file in the same folder that you saved the design.

Now close Koda.

Open Koda and if it doesn't open the design then open it. When the design is loaded from a folder Koda reads all the AU3 files in that folder to see if any of them have a reference to the design. If there is more than one file which has a reference then you will be asked which script file you want. Now Koda has an association with a script and whenever you choose to update the script it will update the file.

As you develop the script you must make sure you save any changes in the script before you make changes to the design, otherwise when you update the script from koda it will update the saved design and then your editor will reload from that so your latest script changes would get lost.

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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