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can someone plz tell me what GUI means and what it stands for?

My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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lol i searched it stands for graphical user interface, i tried reading but i still dont know what it means *sigh* ill never find out

My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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Tst! Let me teach you how to fish the right way! lol... in google... type:


and you should get something like this link below.


Anyways... gui is like the matrix... In a windows world... we really don't know what it is to be without gui... Windows is a gui... the opposite of gui would probably be a command prompt... That is the real way computers run... through commands... not through some fancy dancy windows and boxes... so there you have it! Leave the matrix if you want to truly understand gui...

Jonathan Chan

The red pill or the blue one?

Edited by JonathanChan
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lol i searched it stands for graphical user interface, i tried reading but i still dont know what it means *sigh* ill never find out


Thus reminding me that not everyone has used computers since before GUI's... I'd say "it makes me feel old" but I guess really, I have always had a GUI of some sort, even if it was just a command prompt... I never got to try punch cards...

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)

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well, im thirteen so, idk . anyways now i know what a gui is and thats exactly what i have wanted to learn how to make for the LONGEST time.. thankyou!

My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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well, im thirteen so, idk . anyways now i know what a gui is  and thats exactly what i have wanted to learn how to make for the LONGEST time.. thankyou!


rock on and more power to ya, get your GUI on...

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)

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Guest BlackDiablo110

Gui Control Styles

List based upon Standard Windows Style. However, this list may contain bugs!

Common styles Value Description


forced for gui creation WS_GROUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS

WS_BORDER 0x00800000 Creates a window that has a thin-line border.

WS_POPUP 0x80000000 Creates a pop-up window. This style cannot be used with the WS_CHILD style.

WS_CAPTION 0x00C00000 Creates a window that has a title bar (includes the WS_BORDER style)

WS_DISABLED 0x08000000 Creates a window that is initially disabled.

WS_DLGFRAME 0x00400000 Creates a window that has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes.

WS_HSCROLL 0x00100000 Creates a window that has a horizontal scroll bar.

WS_MAXIMIZE 0x01000000 Creates a window that is initially maximized.

WS_MAXIMIZEBOX 0x00010000 Creates a window that has a maximize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified.

WS_MINIMIZE 0x20000000 Creates a window that is initially minimized.

WS_MINIMIZEBOX 0x00020000 Creates a window that has a minimize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified.

WS_OVERLAPPED 0 Creates an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_TILED style


WS_POPUPWINDOW 0x80880000 Creates a pop-up window with WS_BORDER, WS_POPUP, and WS_SYSMENU styles. The WS_CAPTION and WS_POPUPWINDOW styles must be combined to make the window menu visible.

WS_SIZEBOX 0x0000F2C0 Creates a window that has a sizing border. Same as the WS_THICKFRAME style.

WS_SYSMENU 0x00080000 Creates a window that has a window menu on its title bar. The WS_CAPTION style must also be specified.

WS_THICKFRAME 0x00040000 Creates a window that has a sizing border. Same as the WS_SIZEBOX style

WS_VSCROLL 0x00200000 Creates a window that has a vertical scroll bar.

WS_VISIBLE 0x10000000 Creates a window that is initially visible.

WS_CHILD 0x40000000 Creates a child window. A window with this style cannot have a menu bar. This style cannot be used with the WS_POPUP style.

WS_GROUP 0x00020000 Specifies the first control of a group of controls. The group consists of this first control and all controls defined after it, up to the next control with the WS_GROUP style.

Check box styles Value Description

default None.


BS_3STATE 0x0005 Creates a check box in which the box can be unavailable as well as selected or cleared. Use the unavailable state to show that the state of the check box is not determined.

BS_AUTO3STATE 0x0006 Creates a three-state check box in which the state cycles through selected, unavailable, and cleared each time the user selects the check box.

BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 0x0003 Creates a check box in which the check state switches between selected and cleared each time the user selects the check box.

BS_CHECKBOX 0x0002 Creates a small, empty check box with a label displayed to the right of it. To display the text to the left of the check box, combine this flag with the BS_RIGHTBUTTON style.

BS_LEFT 0x0100 Left-aligns the text in the button rectangle on the right side of the check box.

BS_PUSHLIKE 0x1000 Makes a button (such as a check box, three-state check box, or radio button) look and act like a push button. The button looks raised when it isn't pushed or checked, and sunken when it is pushed or checked.

BS_RIGHT 0x0200 Right-aligns text in the button rectangle on the right side of the check box.

BS_RIGHTBUTTON 0x0020 Positions a check box square on the right side of the button rectangle.

Push button styles Value Description

default None.


or BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON for radio button (The first radio also has WS_TABSTOP)


BS_BOTTOM 0x0800 Places the text at the bottom of the button rectangle.

BS_CENTER 0x0300 Centers the text horizontally in the button rectangle.

BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 0x0001 Creates a push button with a heavy black border. If the button is in a dialog box, the user can select the button by pressing the ENTER key, even when the button does not have the input focus. This style is useful for enabling the user to quickly select the most likely option, or default.

BS_MULTILINE 0x2000 Wraps the button text to multiple lines if the text string is too long to fit on a single line in the button rectangle.

BS_TOP 0x0400 Places text at the top of the button rectangle.

BS_VCENTER 0x0C00 Vertically centers text in the button rectangle.

BS_FLAT 0x8000 Specifies that the button is two-dimensional; it does not use the default shading to create a 3-D image.

Combo box styles Value Description



CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 0x0040 Automatically scrolls the text in an edit control to the right when the user types a character at the end of the line. If this style is not set, only text that fits within the rectangular boundary is enabled.

CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x0800 Shows a disabled vertical scroll bar in the list box when the box does not contain enough items to scroll. Without this style, the scroll bar is hidden when the list box does not contain enough items.

CBS_DROPDOWN 0x0002 Displays only the edit control by default. The user can display the list box by selecting an icon next to the edit control.

CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x0003 Displays a static text field that displays the current selection in the list box.

CBS_LOWERCASE 0x4000 Converts to lowercase any uppercase characters that are typed into the edit control of a combo box.

CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT 0x0400 Specifies that the combo box will be exactly the size specified by the application when it created the combo box. Usually, Windows CE sizes a combo box so that it does not display partial items.

CBS_OEMCONVERT 0x0080 Converts text typed in the combo box edit control from the Windows CE character set to the OEM character set and then back to the Windows CE set. This style is most useful for combo boxes that contain file names. It applies only to combo boxes created with the CBS_DROPDOWN style.

CBS_SIMPLE 0x0001 Displays the list box at all times. The current selection in the list box is displayed in the edit control.

CBS_SORT 0x0100 Sorts strings that are typed into the list box.

CBS_UPPERCASE 0x2000 Converts to uppercase any lowercase characters that are typed into the edit control of a combo box.

List box styles Value Description



LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x1000 Shows a disabled vertical scroll bar for the list box when the box does not contain enough items to scroll. If you do not specify this style, the scroll bar is hidden when the list box does not contain enough items.

LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT 0x0100 Specifies that the list box will be exactly the size specified by the application when it created the list box.

LBS_NOSEL 0x4000 Specifies that the user can view list box strings but cannot select them.

LBS_SORT 0x0002 Sorts strings in the list box alphabetically.

LBS_STANDARD 0xA00003 Sorts strings in the list box alphabetically. The parent window receives an input message when the user taps or double-taps a string. The list box has borders on all sides.

LBS_USETABSTOPS 0x0080 Enables a list box to recognize and expand tab characters when drawing its strings. The default tab positions are 32 dialog box units. A dialog box unit is equal to one-fourth of the current dialog box base-width unit.

Edit styles Value Description



ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x0080 Automatically scrolls text to the right by 10 characters when the user types a character at the end of the line. When the user presses the ENTER key, the control scrolls all text back to the zero position.

ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x0040 Scrolls text up one page when the user presses the ENTER key on the last line.

ES_CENTER 0x0001 Centers text in a multiline edit control.

ES_LOWERCASE 0x0010 Converts all characters to lowercase as they are typed into the edit control.

ES_NOHIDESEL 0x0100 Negates the default behavior for an edit control. The default behavior hides the selection when the control loses the input focus and inverts the selection when the control receives the input focus. If you specify ES_NOHIDESEL, the selected text is inverted, even if the control does not have the focus.

ES_NUMBER 0x2000 Accepts into the edit control only digits to be typed.

ES_OEMCONVERT 0x0400 This style is most useful for edit controls that contain file names.

ES_MULTILINE 0x0004 Designates a multiline edit control. The default is a single-line edit control.

ES_PASSWORD 0x0020 Displays an asterisk (*) for each character that is typed into the edit control.

ES_READONLY 0x0800 Prevents the user from typing or editing text in the edit control.

ES_RIGHT 0x0002 Right-aligns text in a multiline edit control.

ES_UPPERCASE 0x0008 Converts all characters to uppercase as they are typed into the edit control.

ES_WANTRETURN 0x1000 Specifies that a carriage return be inserted when the user presses the ENTER key while typing text into a multiline edit control in a dialog box. If you do not specify this style, pressing the ENTER key has the same effect as pressing the dialog boxs default push button. This style has no effect on a single-line edit control.

Progress bar styles Value Description

PBS_SMOOTH 0x01 Displays progress status in a smooth scrolling bar instead of the default segmented bar.

PBS_VERTICAL 0x04 Displays progress status vertically, from bottom to top.

Up-down styles Value Description



UDS_ALIGNLEFT 0x08 Positions the up-down control next to the left edge of the buddy window. The buddy window is moved to the right and its width is decreased to accommodate the width of the up-down control.

UDS_ALIGNRIGHT 0x04 Positions the up-down control next to the right edge of the buddy window. The width of the buddy window is decreased to accommodate the width of the up-down control.

UDS_ARROWKEYS 0x20 Causes the up-down control to process the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys on the keyboard.

UDS_HORZ 0x40 Causes the up-down controls arrows to point left and right instead of up and down.

UDS_NOTHOUSANDS 0x80 Prevents insertion of a thousands separator between every three decimal positions.

UDS_WRAP 0x01 Causes the position to wrap if it is incremented or decremented beyond the end or beginning of the range.

Label/Static styles Value Description



SS_BLACKFRAME 0x07 Specifies a box with a frame drawn in the same color as the window frames. This color is black in the default color scheme.

SS_BLACKRECT 0x04 Specifies a rectangle filled with the current window frame color. This color is black in the default color scheme.

SS_CENTER 0x01 Specifies a simple rectangle and centers the error value text in the rectangle. The control automatically wraps words that extend past the end of a line to the beginning of the next centered line.

SS_ETCHEDFRAME 0x12 Draws the frame of the static control using the EDGE_ETCHED edge style.

SS_ETCHEDHORZ 0x10 Draws the top and bottom edges of the static control using the EDGE_ETCHED edge style.

SS_ETCHEDVERT 0x11 Draws the left and right edges of the static control using the EDGE_ETCHED edge style.

SS_GRAYFRAME 0x08 Specifies a box with a frame drawn with the same color as the screen background (desktop). This color is gray in the default color scheme

SS_GRAYRECT 0x05 Specifies a rectangle filled with the current screen background color. This color is gray in the default color scheme.

SS_LEFT 0x0000 Specifies a simple rectangle and left-aligns the text in the rectangle. The text is formatted before it is displayed. Words that extend past the end of a line are automatically wrapped to the beginning of the next left-aligned line. Words that are longer than the width of the control are truncated.

SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP 0x0C Specifies a rectangle and left-aligns the text in the rectangle. Tabs are expanded, but words are not wrapped. Text that extends past the end of a line is clipped.

SS_NOPREFIX 0x80 Prevents interpretation of any ampersand (&) characters in the controls text as accelerator prefix characters.

An application can combine SS_NOPREFIX with other styles by using the bitwise OR (|) operator. This can be useful when file names or other strings that might contain an ampersand (&) must be displayed within a static control in a dialog box.

SS_NOTIFY 0x0100 Sends the parent window the STN_CLICKED notification when the user clicks the control.

SS_RIGHT 0x0002 Specifies a rectangle and right-aligns the specified text in the rectangle.

SS_RIGHTJUST 0x0400 Specifies that the lower right corner of a static control with the SS_BITMAP or SS_ICON style is to remain fixed when the control is resized. Only the top and left sides are adjusted to accommodate a new bitmap or icon.

SS_SIMPLE 0x0B Specifies a simple rectangle and displays a single line of left-aligned text in the rectangle. The text line cannot be shortened or altered in any way. Also, if the control is disabled, the control does not gray its text.

SS_SUNKEN 0x1000 Draws a half-sunken border around a static control.

SS_WHITEFRAME 0x09 Specifies a box with a frame drawn with the same color as the window background. This color is white in the default color scheme.

SS_WHITERECT 0x06 Specifies a rectangle filled with the current window background color. This color is white in the default color scheme.

Tab styles Value Description



TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE 0x0001 Unneeded tabs scroll to the opposite side of the control when a tab is selected.

TCS_BOTTOM 0x0002 Tabs appear at the bottom of the control.

TCS_RIGHT 0x0002 Tabs appear vertically on the right side of controls that use the TCS_VERTICAL style. This value equals TCS_BOTTOM.

TCS_MULTISELECT 0x0004 Multiple tabs can be selected by holding down CTRL when clicking. This style must be used with the TCS_BUTTONS style.

TCS_FLATBUTTONS 0x0008 Selected tabs appear as being indented into the background while other tabs appear as being on the same plane as the background. This style only affects tab controls with the TCS_BUTTONS style.

TCS_FORCEICONLEFT 0x0010 Icons are aligned with the left edge of each fixed-width tab. This style can only be used with the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style.

TCS_FORCELABELLEFT 0x0020 Labels are aligned with the left edge of each fixed-width tab; that is, the label is displayed immediately to the right of the icon instead of being centered.

This style can only be used with the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style, and it implies the TCS_FORCEICONLEFT style.

TCS_HOTTRACK 0x0040 Items under the pointer are automatically highlighted

TCS_VERTICAL 0x0080 Tabs appear at the left side of the control, with tab text displayed vertically. This style is valid only when used with the TCS_MULTILINE style. To make tabs appear on the right side of the control, also use the TCS_RIGHT style.

TCS_TABS 0x0000 Tabs appear as tabs, and a border is drawn around the display area. This style is the default.

TCS_BUTTONS 0x0100 Tabs appear as buttons, and no border is drawn around the display area.

TCS_SINGLELINE 0x0000 Only one row of tabs is displayed. The user can scroll to see more tabs, if necessary. This style is the default.

TCS_MULTILINE 0x0200 Multiple rows of tabs are displayed, if necessary, so all tabs are visible at once.

TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY 0x0000 The width of each tab is increased, if necessary, so that each row of tabs fills the entire width of the tab control.

This window style is ignored unless the TCS_MULTILINE style is also specified.

TCS_FIXEDWIDTH 0x0400 All tabs are the same width. This style cannot be combined with the TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY style.

TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT 0x0800 Rows of tabs will not be stretched to fill the entire width of the control. This style is the default.

TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN 0x1000 The tab control receives the input focus when clicked.

TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x2000 The parent window is responsible for drawing tabs.

TCS_TOOLTIPS 0x4000 The tab control has a tooltip control associated with it.

TCS_FOCUSNEVER 0x8000 The tab control does not receive the input focus when clicked.

Avi Clip styles Value Description



ACS_AUTOPLAY 0x04 Starts playing the animation as soon as the AVI clip is opened.

ACS_CENTER 0x01 Centers the animation in the animation control's window.

ACS_TRANSPARENT 0x02 Allows you to match an animation's background color to that of the underlying window, creating a "transparent" background. (Default value)


Date styles Value Description



DTS_UPDOWN 0x01 Places an up-down control to the right of a DTP control to modify time values. This style can be used instead of the drop-down month calendar, which is the default style.

DTS_SHOWNONE 0x02 Enables the control to accept no date as a valid selection state.

DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT 0x04 Displays the date in long format. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_SLONGDATEFORMAT, which produces output like Friday, April 19, 1998.

DTS_TIMEFORMAT 0x09 Displays the time. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, which produces output like 5:31:42 PM.

DTS_RIGHTALIGN 0x20 The drop-down month calendar will be right-aligned with the control instead of left-aligned, which is the default.

DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT 0x00 Displays the date in short format. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, which produces output like "4/19/96".

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how do i make it? lol


First thing is don't look at the post after your last one. I think you will have ran screaming. Secondly, look through the posts in the gui section. Third test it out. Here is a basic script.

GuiSetControl('Label','Here is an input box',10,10,120,20)

This script will only close by right clicking on the icon in the taskbar and choosing exit.

Really this will take care of it so you can see the control. Look through the help file for the other controls(comboboxes, listboxes, buttons, checkboxes, radioboxes, etc.)

The best thing to do is play with it, then search for questions in the forum and if you can't find the answer then feel free to ask questions.


Edited by redndahead
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Is there a dif program i need to be using bc Au3 doesnt recognize GUI cmds

My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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the beta of what? autoitx?


Nvm i got it

Edited by the_lord_mephy
My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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now what do i do with them?

Wait is all i need is the GUIConstants.au3 or do i need somethign else?

Edited by the_lord_mephy
My site for HTML Help :)[quote name='Valik' date='Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM']Maybe nobody is an "elite uber-coder" like me because thinking is a capital offense in today's online-world?[right][snapback]36427[/snapback][/right][/quote]
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