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How to deploy software on remote machines

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Hi, newbie programmer here.

I was given a job to automatically deploy updates to all the remote servers, so I dont have to remote desktop to each machine individually and update the software myself.

I just started looking into autoit and finds that it has the potential, but right now all I know how to do is to install the software on my local machine. Does anyone have some advice or a sample code for a distribution script that can run my installation script for each remote server?

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WSUS works for Microsoft updates.

Otherwise, here's a way to run an executable on a remote machine. From what I understand, the process won't have access to the network, so you may need to copy the file(s) locally first:

Local $objWMIService, $objProcess, $strComputer, $strEXE, $strOpts, $iRet
$strComputer = "MyComputer";replace with remote computer
$strEXE = "notepad.exe"
$strOpts = "c:\boot.ini"

$objWMIService = Objget("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& $strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

$objProcess = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_Process")
$iRet = $objProcess.Create($strEXE & " " & $strOpts)
BlueBearrOddly enough, this is what I do for fun.
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I have been looking into psexec and it looks pretty good. I have some questions though.

Can psexec install files that require user interactions, can it just do everything silently with the default settings? (Clicking the next button/choosing directory...)

The software I want to install is on a network, so how would I copy the folder to the remote server?

My autoit script needs parameters to run, but how can I pass it that when using psexec?

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Did you even look at my script? It uses psexec AND it's plugin based so the script that actually launches your program gets run on the remote computer and can do any automation you need.

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