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How to handle a tree into an Internet Explorer _Server Class

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I'm an online poker player, and I'm currently trying to make my own dataminer for the ipoker network.

I would like to make it so that it will open the tables by itself, and close them if a specific number of player have left the game.

For illustration, i've made a little picture.

I would like to parse the tree and :

1) Expand/Unexpand the "Cash Tables" item

2) Expand/Unexpand the "No Limit Hold'em" item

3) Choose the limit I'd like to datamine. In the example, $0.10/$0.20 NL

I started out Autoit Active Window Info, and it shows only "ClassNameNN : Internet Explorer_Server1. No text is captured, so that I have no clue idea how to handle this tree.

Do you have an idea, a comment, a link that would give me a way to find ? :-)


Edited by TheDaemon
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I'm an online poker player, and I'm currently trying to make my own dataminer for the ipoker network.

I would like to make it so that it will open the tables by itself, and close them if a specific number of player have left the game.

For illustration, i've made a little picture.

I would like to parse the tree and :

1) Expand/Unexpand the "Cash Tables" item

2) Expand/Unexpand the "No Limit Hold'em" item

3) Choose the limit I'd like to datamine. In the example, $0.10/$0.20 NL

I started out Autoit Active Window Info, and it shows only "ClassNameNN : Internet Explorer_Server1. No text is captured, so that I have no clue idea how to handle this tree.

Do you have an idea, a comment, a link that would give me a way to find ? :-)

its kind of difficult to handle tree but i think if you use the source its possible, look at the helpfile for _IE functions

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Thanks for the reply.

What do you mean by "use the source" ?


the source code, example on how to get it:

#include <INet.au3>
FileWrite(@DesktopDir &"\sourcecode.txt", $source)

then you will use String... functions to get what you want.. , if _IE does not support Trees its going to be difficult

EDIT: i think there is an easier way by using ControlClick(), please tell us the site's url

Edited by Gif
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the source code, example on how to get it:

#include <INet.au3>
FileWrite(@DesktopDir &"\sourcecode.txt", $source)

then you will use String... functions to get what you want.. , if _IE does not support Trees its going to be difficult

EDIT: i think there is an easier way by using ControlClick(), please tell us the site's url

Hi! Thanks for the tips, i'll watch to learn about that.

In fact there's no URL, as the Interner Explorer_Server class is embeded into an application so that I don't know anything about the url.


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