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Hide the GUI


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I have a gui with checkboxes and a submit button. Once the person hits the submit button I want the GUI interface to go away instead of waiting for the script to finish and exit before it goes away. I've tried searching for a command that can do this but haven't had any luck. I did a seach via the forums and haven't had any luck either. Is there a command or small script I can insert to hide (not minimize) the GUI?

I have a loop running to check for a button input for either select all, clear all, or update. Once the user hits update (button 3) I want the user to no longer see the gui.

;Ends the loop and begins the update

Case $msg = $Button_3 Or $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE




---here is where the gui should become hidden---

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Guidelete() does not accomplish what I needed, unfortunantly. I may not have posted enough of my script to clearly display what I needed.As seen below when I put GUIdelete where I want it hidden it is actually stopping the if/endif processes that follow. There are 47 if/ends that follow the point I want it hidden at.

From the help file:

Deletes a GUI window and all controls that it contains.

GUIDelete ( [winhandle])

;Ends the loop and begins the update

Case $msg = $Button_3 Or $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE




----------Here is where I want the gui hidden--------------

;Check each profile to determine check or unchecked status

if guictrlread($ad)= "1" Then

SplashTextOn("", "Updating AD",200,30,450,100, 49, "", 13)

Runwait( @ComSpec & ' /c "nettracker.exe ad -update"')

SplashOff ()



if guictrlread($aecstore)= "1" Then

SplashTextOn("", "Updating AECSTORE",200,30,450,100, 49, "", 13)

RunWait(@ComSpec &......

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