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Delete files on reboot

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I need to delete some files before windows get started. So this must be something like Delete file on reboot option.

I found a topic of Larry wich suggested using a DLLcall, but somehow i do not get it to work.



Example code wich i used:



Stupid spyware/virus infections keep corrupting the Winlogon.exe and i am fixing this with a live cd but i have read it could be done by AutoIT or at least with the DLLcall of MoveFileEx.

This would save me allot of time.

I am doing something wrong but what?

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I have found another good link to mention.


This is an application does the same but after deletion it gives an Succes pop up.

I read an a forum that a user has deleted the Succes error and re-compiled it. This was possible because the application is open source.

The only problem is the file is a .ASM file. Wich i do not no how to re-compile it. So maybe someone could help me with this if the DLL call in AutoIT is to difficult.

Code of the .ASM file

;#       DelLater v1.0       #
;#  For Win 95/98/ME/2K/XP/2003  #
;# Copyright (C) 2003, DiamondCS #
;#  http://www.diamondcs.com.au  #
;# Donated to the public domain. #
; DelLater allows you to mark files to be deleted the
; next time Windows starts. This is useful for times
; when a file can't be deleted because it's in use,
; and this is the method used by anti-virus scanners
; when they're unable to delete files for that reason.
; All efforts were made to ensure that DelLater adheres
; to the guidelines outlined in the MoveFileEx documents
; (Platform SDK - Microsoft Developer Network), including
; using two seperate methods as required (one for
; 95/98/ME, the other for NT/2K/XP/2003).
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/base/movefileex.asp
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
sTitle   db 'DelLater',0
sError   db 'Unable to mark this file for deletion',0
sMoved   db 'File marked for deletion after reboot',0
sExist   db 'File not found',0
sText   db 'Usage: dellater.exe <filename>',0
sWininit db '\wininit.ini',0
sGroup   db 'rename',0
sNull   db 'NUL',0
sWindir  db 270 dup(0)
wfd   WIN32_FIND_DATA <?>
call GetCommandLineA

;## Process the cmdline
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 22h
je   paramNext2
inc  eax
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 20h
je   paramLast
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 0
je   NoParams
jmp paramNext1
inc  eax
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 22h
je   EndParams
jmp  paramNext2
inc  eax
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 0
je   NoParams
inc  eax
cmp  byte ptr [eax], 0
je   NoParams
;## Parameters found, check if file exists
push eax;preserve eax
push offset wfd
push eax
call FindFirstFile
jne MarkFile
pop eax
push 10h
push offset sExist
push eax
push 0h
call MessageBoxA
jmp CodeEnd


;## Check OS version
mov osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize, 148
push offset osvi
call GetVersionEx
cmp dword ptr [osvi.dwPlatformId], VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
je WinNT
cmp dword ptr [osvi.dwMajorVersion], 4
jne WinNT

;## Win95/98/ME method
push 270
push offset sWindir
call GetWindowsDirectory
push offset sWininit
push offset sWindir
call lstrcat
pop eax
push eax
push 260
push eax
push eax
call GetShortPathName
pop eax
push eax
push offset sWindir
push eax
push offset sNull
push offset sGroup
call WritePrivateProfileString
cmp eax, 0
je Failed
jmp Success

;## WinNT/2K/XP/2003 method
pop eax
push eax;preserve eax
push NULL
push eax;Filename
call MoveFileEx
cmp eax, 0
je  Failed

pop eax
push 40h
push offset sMoved
push eax
push 0h
call MessageBoxA
jmp CodeEnd

pop eax
push 10h
push offset sError
push eax
push 0h
call MessageBoxA
jmp CodeEnd
;## No parameters specified, display usage info
push 40h
push offset sTitle
push offset sText
push 0h
call MessageBoxA
invoke ExitProcess, 0
end _entrypoint
;## Program end.

Offcourse i hope it is possible with the DLL call in AutoIT. So if someone has the time and the effort to help me, please...

Edited by Iznogoud
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ASM anybody?

As far as i have read, you can compile ASM files in Visual Basic and such more applications.

But i stick with my first case, the DLL call of Harry is possible because he would not post it if it was not working correctly.

A few examples would clear things up.

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  • 9 months later...

It's very interesting if Autoit can remove files on reboot ...

Has someone an idea about this ??

[right]Sorry for my poor english(dictionary beside)[/right][center]Search before ask will helping the community of AutoIt.[/center][center]...seeking in the search forum and help-file's, with all the most answer's that i need. Hope for you too.[/center]

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And it will resolve our problem too...

then i can write the virus remover continually ^^

[right]Sorry for my poor english(dictionary beside)[/right][center]Search before ask will helping the community of AutoIt.[/center][center]...seeking in the search forum and help-file's, with all the most answer's that i need. Hope for you too.[/center]

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Wow Mr.Bert will come to survive us (Joke^^)...

Thank's for helping Bert :)

Yub(I didn't know about this word but it call like some um or yes ..i like it ^^) these are Registry keys that the most virus start to run... (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run)

but in my case it's work in another way. And i being to study the virus... again

But i'm testing the virus on my notebook and it is inoperative ....waiting for repair after then i can analyze it later...

but is there only this way with Registry Keys to resolve this problem ??

Edited by Basicz

[right]Sorry for my poor english(dictionary beside)[/right][center]Search before ask will helping the community of AutoIt.[/center][center]...seeking in the search forum and help-file's, with all the most answer's that i need. Hope for you too.[/center]

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Well you would have to have the program run on startup, then detect when Windows is rebooting then delete files :)

Sorry but can you explain it a little more about your solution ^^

[right]Sorry for my poor english(dictionary beside)[/right][center]Search before ask will helping the community of AutoIt.[/center][center]...seeking in the search forum and help-file's, with all the most answer's that i need. Hope for you too.[/center]

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uhm... did you mean that i create a remove program and set it startup..

and when windows boots then remove the virus...

did i understand it correct???

[right]Sorry for my poor english(dictionary beside)[/right][center]Search before ask will helping the community of AutoIt.[/center][center]...seeking in the search forum and help-file's, with all the most answer's that i need. Hope for you too.[/center]

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