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Advanced Installation Monitor


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Hey all, I would have put this in the example scripts but I don't have permission to start a new topic for some reason. Anyways, I didn't do much work at all on this. (AutoIT3 noob) I wanted to give a big thanks to MHZ, ACalcut, and others for the wonderful work they have done to help me accomplish this task I have.

So here is what I am trying to accomplish. The ability to search a folder for applications and automatically install them if they have a silent installer. Monitor all changes to the OS and reports changes to a MySQL db. I would run the script in start-up on a clean Virtual OS. (So when it boots, it starts everything off and at the end, shutsdown)

So heres how I have almost accomplished this and if possible can you experts help me out and tell me what is wrong (besides the fact I don't know autoit :)?

1) Search a Remote Folder for an application that hasn't been installed. (Still working)

2) Identity installer and if successful create initial snapshot. (I just need to merge MHZ,'s code and ACalcut's together somehow)

3) DUmp registry and compare. ( I could do this with ACalcut script, I just need help in making it work at the same time the initial snapshot is going on.)

4) Import results into a MySQL db. (I will post the code that I have, it inst working yet)

5) Export results to the remote folder so when it searches on step one it will know if its installed or not.

I have attached the .bat files (both are zipped up since I can't upload .bat) that I made that go with the installation monitor script (ACalcut's) and you can find Jacksum the java app I am using to scrape the hard drive and hash the files here http://www.jonelo.de/java/jacksum/. (I love this program) It does require java but is Java 1.3.1 or higher which XP has I think. (works with me) Also notice in the bat files you can change a ton of parameters.

I also attached Jacksum's help file that I exported since I didn't find it

I also attached the autoinstall script MHZ and I was working on. (Mostly MHZ)

After I post this I will try to follow up with a post containing the scripts in the code window.





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Reserved right quick while I make a new post. ( Some of you are very quick at posting!)

This is ACalcutt's File Change Search


;AutoIt Version: Beta


;Script Author: Andrew Calcutt

;Script Date: 01/21/2006

;Script Name: FileChangeSearch

;Script Function:

; 1. scan system partition to create a 'BEFORE' snapshot using DIR /s /b (Replaced with Jacksum)

; 2. scan sys partition again at a later date to create an 'AFTER' snapshot as above (after picking up new files)

; 3. Compare the differences between the two file lists and create a 'CHANGES' file.


#include <Array.au3>

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

#include <file.au3>

#Include <process.au3>

Dim $tempfile1 = "c:\list.txt"

Dim $tempfile2 = "c:\listafter.txt"

Dim $tempfile3 = "c:\FileChange_Results.txt"

Dim $array1, $array2

Dim $pos = 0

Dim $line = 1


FileDelete($tempfile1);remove old files if they exist




SplashTextOn ( "Scanning", "Scanning Files", 200, 75)


SplashOff ()

MsgBox(0, "", "Click OK when ready to scan again")

SplashTextOn ( "Scanning", "Scanning Files", 200, 75)


SplashOff ()

_FileReadToArray($tempfile1, $array1); create an array with tempfile1(each line contains a filename)

_FileReadToArray($tempfile2, $array2); create an array with tempfile2

;Comparing GUI

GuiCreate("Comparing", 392, 239)

$edit1 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 30, 370, 80, $WS_VSCROLL)

$edit2 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 150, 370, 80, $WS_VSCROLL)

$count1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 10, 90, 20)


;Comparing GUI End

For $loop = 1 To $array2[0]

GUICtrlSetData ( $edit2, $array2[$line])

GUICtrlSetData ( $count1, $line)

GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "Scanning For Match" & @CRLF)

If $array2[$line] <> $tempfile2 Then

$pos2 = $pos

$pos = _ArraySearch ($array1, $array2[$line], $pos2, $array1[0])

If @Error = 6 Or @Error = 4 Then FileWrite($tempfile3, $array2[$line] & @CRLF)

If $pos = -1 Then

GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "*** New File ***" & @CRLF)

GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, $array2[$line], 1)


$pos = $pos2


GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, "Match Found on Line: " & $pos & @CRLF, 1)

GUICtrlSetData ( $edit1, $array1[$pos], 1)



$line += 1


This is MHZ's Auto find installer type and install.


; Identify Installer modification for auto installation method of use

#region - Include files

#include <file.au3>


#region - CMDLINE paramters

If Not $CMDLINE[0] Then

MsgBox(0x40000, 'Usage Help', 'Pass a path to an installer by CLI or use drag and drap', 5)

;InetGet("URL", "filename"); Hint: AutoIt function for downloading files :)




Global Const $FILE_NAME = StringTrimLeft($FILE_FULLPATH, StringInStr($FILE_FULLPATH, '\', 0, -1))

Global Const $FILE_TEXT = StringMid($FILE_NAME, 1, StringInStr($FILE_NAME, '.', 0, -1) -1)

Global Const $FILE_EXT = StringMid($FILE_NAME, StringInStr($FILE_NAME, '.', 0, -1))

Global Const $FILE_WORKINGDIR = _File_WorkingDir($FILE_FULLPATH)



#region - Script actions


_FileType($FILE_FULLPATH, 'exe|msi')


; Use True as 2nd parameter to test only

; 2nd parameter is optional and is False if not specified

; 3rd parameter is optional and 5000 ms default for splash window timeout

_IdentifyInstaller(@ScriptDir & '\ErrorLog.log', True)



Func _IdentifyInstaller($logpath, $test = False, $time = 5000)

Opt('MustDeclareVars', True)

Local $output, $parameters, $window_on_top_attrib, $exitcode, $splashtext

Local Const $TITLE_PEID = 'PEiD'

Opt('WinWaitDelay', 50)

; Hide the PEiD window a bit better by getting rid of its on-top attribute

$window_on_top_attrib = RegRead('HKCU\Software\PEiD', 'StayOnTop')

RegWrite('HKCU\Software\PEiD', 'StayOnTop', 'REG_DWORD', 0)

; Run PeID to scan file.

If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\Files\PEiD.exe') Then


_FileWriteLog($logpath, '"' & @ScriptDir & '\Files\PEID.exe" was not found')

Exit 1


Run('"' & @ScriptDir & '\Files\PEiD.exe" -hard "' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '"')

If WinWait($TITLE_PEID, '', 10) Then


$output = ControlGetText($TITLE_PEID, '', 'Edit2')

While $output = 'Scanning...' Or $output = ''


$output = ControlGetText($TITLE_PEID, '', 'Edit2')




; Identify the Installer Type

Local Const $INSTALLER = '"' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '"'

If StringInStr($output, 'Inno Setup') _

Or StringInStr($output, 'Inno SFX') _

Or StringInStr($output, 'Borland Delphi') Then

; Identified as Inno Setup

$parameters = ' /SP- /SILENT'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'Wise') Then

; Identified as Wise

$parameters = ' /S'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'Nullsoft') Then

; Identified as Nullsoft

$parameters = ' /S'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'InstallShield AFW') Then

; Identified as InstallShield AFW

$parameters = ' /S /A /S /SMS'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'InstallShield 2003') Then

; Identified as InstallShield 2003

$parameters = ' /V"/QN"'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'RAR SFX') Then

; Identified as RAR SFX

$parameters = ' /S'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'ZIP SFX') Then

; Identified as ZIP SFX

$parameters = ' /AUTOINSTALL'

ElseIf StringInStr($output, 'WinZip') Then

; Identified as WinZip

$parameters = ' /AUTOINSTALL'

ElseIf StringRight($FILE_FULLPATH, 4) = '.msi' Then

Opt('WinWaitDelay', 100)

Run('msiexec /?')

If WinWait('Windows Installer', 20) Then

$content = ControlGetText('Windows Installer', '', 'RichEdit20W1')

If $content = '' Then ; Using Vista

$content = ControlGetText('Windows Installer', '', 'Edit1')


WinClose('Windows Installer')

Opt('WinWaitDelay', 250)

If $content Then

; Identified as Windows Installer

$parameters = ' /QN'




If $parameters Then

If $test Then

; Test Only

$splashtext = 'Command selected for use:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & '"' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '" ' & $parameters

SplashTextOn('Identify Installer', $splashtext, 800, 100, Default, 50, 32)



$exitcode = Random(0, 3, 1)

If $exitcode Then

_ScriptLog($exitcode, $FILE_FULLPATH, $parameters)



; Execute the installation and log non 0 exitcodes

$exitcode = RunWait('"' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '" ' & $parameters)

If $exitcode Then

_ScriptLog($exitcode, $FILE_FULLPATH, $parameters)



ElseIf $test Then

; Test Only

$parameters = 'Failed to Identify'

$splashtext = 'Command selected:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & '"' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '" ' & $parameters

SplashTextOn('Identify Installer', $splashtext, 800, 100, Default, 50, 32)



_ScriptLog('-', $FILE_FULLPATH, $parameters)


; Failed to Identify the installer so log the failure

_ScriptLog('-', $FILE_FULLPATH, 'Failed to Identify')


If $window_on_top_attrib Then

RegWrite('HKCU\Software\PEiD', 'StayOnTop', 'REG_DWORD', $window_on_top_attrib)



Func _ScriptLog($exitcode, $fullpath, $parameters)

_FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & '\ErrorLog.log', 'Exitcode ' & $exitcode & ': "' & $FILE_FULLPATH & '"' & $parameters)


Func _FileType($file, $type)

; Valids the file type selection used for incoming parameter

Local $valid, $position


If $type = '' Then Return

$array = StringSplit($type, '|')

If Not @error Then

For $i = 1 To $array[0]

If StringRight($file, StringLen($array[$i])) = $array[$i] Then

$valid = True




If Not $valid Then

$position = StringInStr($type, '|', Default, -1)

$type = StringLeft($type, $position - 1) & ' or ' & StringRight($type, StringLen($type) - $position)


ElseIf StringRight($file, StringLen($type)) = $type Then

$valid = True


If Not $valid Then

_ScriptLog('-', $FILE_FULLPATH, ': Incorrect filetype selected : Supported types = ' & StringReplace($type, '|', ', ') & ' ')

;~ MsgBox(0x40030, Default, 'Incorrect filetype selected' & @CRLF & 'Supported types: ' & StringReplace($type, '|', ', ') & ' ')

Exit 999



Func _CheckIfFile($parameter)

; Used to check that incoming parameter is a file

If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($parameter), 'D') Then

MsgBox(0x40030, Default, 'This is a directory' & @CRLF & 'A file is required for processing')

Exit 999



Func _NoMultiFiles()

; Notify and exit if multiple incoming parameters are passed

If $CMDLINE[0] > 1 Then

MsgBox(0x40030, Default, 'Multiple file selection is not allowed for this item', 5)

Exit 999



Func _File_WorkingDir($parameter)

If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($parameter), 'D') Then

Return $parameter


Return StringLeft($parameter, StringInStr($parameter, '\', 0, -1))


EndFunc ; Required for CMDLINE use

As I am able to merge the files and add the other stuff I will update this post. If anyone see's anything they would like to add please do. Any pointer would be nice too.

Edited by jbs123
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I'm new to this forum but I have pretty extensive knowledge of software deployment. I have used AutoIT in conjunction with software deployments quite a bit.

Because of the very fluid nature of the Windows OS (registry and such), I would suggest using either sysdiff or Ghosts utility to capture snapshots to executables then use AutoIT as a front end for the fun stuff.

Edited by xier
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