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"!{PRINTSCREEN}" Help needed

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I would like to Alt+Printscreen to a pop up window title name Microsoft Internet Explorer like ControlSend take snapshot and paste it on ini.rtf wordpad to have my imagine i took save in there? is't possible?

>>>> Window <<<<

Title: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Class: #32770

Position: 475, 374

Size: 176, 116

Style: 0x94C801C5

ExStyle: 0x00010101

>>>> Control <<<<







ControlClick Coords:



>>>> Mouse <<<<

Position: 541, 400

Cursor ID: 2

Color: 0x0061FF

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<



>>>> Hidden Text <<<<


If WinExists("Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") Then

ControlSend("Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "", "!{PRINTSCREEN}")

$file = FileOpen("ini.rtf", 1)

; Check if file opened for writing OK

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



FileWrite($file, "Popup: " & "Error: " & send("^{v}") & @CRLF & @CRLF)



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The interesting thing is it doesn't work all the time, not on my other computer and neither on the school's computer.

Hmm, that's weird. I have always used the bitmap one he made (I didn't he updated to jpeg until five minutes ago), and I never have had any problem... Which do you have trouble with?
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So you cant save it in wordpad unless you have it to go run wordpad.exe and wait for wordpad and ^V to paste, can it be done while hidden?

Well, the dll I gave you doesn't copy it, it saves it to the script directory (I think...). I don't know much about wordpad but maybe if you run it with a parameter it opens the picture?

It would look something like this:

Run("wordpad.exe" & " " & @ScriptDir & "\The picture name.jpg (or.bmp)")

If that doesn't work maybe you could run winword as hidden and then send control + v to and then show it...

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doesnt work.

DllCall("captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureScreen", "str", $we)

$we = Run("wordpad.exe" & " " & @ScriptDir & "\The.bmp)")

DllCall("captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureRegion", "str", "dump_partial.bmp", "int", 100, "int", 100, "int", 300, "int", 200)

How can i take a image that is copy in my clipboard and paste to words without having word to show like have it hide mode and save it as well the picture in words.

Edited by LukeJrs
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doesnt work.

DllCall("captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureScreen", "str", $we)

$we = Run("wordpad.exe" & " " & @ScriptDir & "\The.bmp)")

DllCall("captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureRegion", "str", "dump_partial.bmp", "int", 100, "int", 100, "int", 300, "int", 200)

How can i take a image that is copy in my clipboard and paste to words without having word to show like have it hide mode and save it as well the picture in words.

try shellexecute()

Something like this:

ShellExecute ( "wordpad.exe" , "" , "" , ""  @SW_HIDE )

That will start wordpad hidden. Then you can set it visible once you've used controlsend to send ctrl V.

EDIT: You might need to add the path of wordpad.exe..

Edited by Piano_Man
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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