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Question about OnAutoItStart and OnAutoItExit

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Hello. I've been creating an AutoIt script for other AutoIt programmers (used via #include), and this script needs to do some things before any of my functions are called and immediately before the program closes. So far, I've been using OnAutoItStart and OnAutoItExit. However, I noticed that if I use these two functions, then whoever #includes my file cannot use these functions themselves, because then there are two functions with the same name. Is there a way around this, or should I make the user call a function before and after using my other functions, which I have been trying to avoid? Thanks.

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Hmm, not sure I'd want anyone offering me something they control what it does when it starts or when it exits. If it's an #include, it's going to load first anyway... just make a disclaimer to add to your OnAutoItExit (they'll get a duplicate function error more than likely anyway) if they want to use your #include.

Without knowing what your #include is, it's hard to even tell if spawning another process would be effecitve.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Thanks for the help. My OnAutoItStart function creates a few global variables, registers a couple GUI messages via GUIRegisterMsg, and through a DllCall, calls GdiplusStartup. My OnAutoItExit function calls GdiplusShutdown and deletes some objects created by gdiplus and gdi32 throughout my script, such as device contexts, brushes, and pens.

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