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TreeView Help


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I have a question regarding the TreeView control in version 3. I have written an app that is to create a specific directory structure in My Documents based on the customers name. The first thing I do is check to see if the parent directory already exists. If it does, I list the parent directory and the sub-directories along with the specific structure I want the directory tree to have. I have included the CheckBox option in the tree control, so each folder has a checkbox next to it.

What I would like to do, any directory/folder that already exists I would like to have a check in the checkbox. I have found that I can have the parent directory checked, none checked or all checked. I have not found a way to check individual sub-folders. Is this possible?

If this is not possible, can each folder be displayed with a different font color? This is one of my first attampts at using V3.

Thanks in advance for the help. :)

$DirLst = ("Accounting,Contract,Corrospondance,General Documentation,MealTracter,Menus,Policies and Procedures,Weight Monitor,Work Reports")

$DirArray = Stringsplit($DirLst, ",")

GUICreate("Create Customer Directory", 550, 350)

GUISetState (@SW_Show)


GUICtrlSetState($Level, $GUI_EXPAND)

$Facility = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 250, 20, 215, 20)

GUICtrlSetState ( $Facility, $GUI_Show )

GUICtrlSetState ($Facility, $GUI_FOCUS)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Enter the Facilities Short Name:", 50, 20, 200,20,'')

$btn = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Create", 280, 295, 60, 30)

$btn1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Cancel", 200, 295, 60, 30)

$btnGo = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Go", 477,20, 20,20)

While 1

$Msg = GUIGetMsg()




Case $Msg = $Facility

$Name = GUICtrlRead ($Facility)


Case $Msg = $Dir1

$Chk1 = GUICtrlRead($Dir1)


Case $Msg = $Dir2

$Chk2 = GUICtrlRead($Dir2)


Case $Msg = $Dir3

$Chk3 = GUICtrlRead($dir33)


Case $Msg = $btn


Case $Msg = $BtnGo


Case $Msg = $btn1




Func CheckDir($FName)

If FileExists (@MyDocumentsDir & "\" & $FName) Then

$FileLst = _FileListToArray(@MyDocumentsDir & "\" & $FName, "*", "2")

If $FileLst[0] > $DirArray[0] Then

$Cnt1 = $FileLst[0]


$Cnt1 = $DirArray[0]


If @Error = 1 Then

MsgBox (4, "Error Message", "Error " & @Error & " - Path not found or invalid. Do you want to Create this Directory?")

MsgBox(0, "Message 1 = ", $Msg1)

Elseif @Error = 2 Then

MsgBox (0, "Error Message", @Error & " - Invalid File Descriptor")

Elseif @Error = 3 Then

MsgBox (0, "Error Message", @Error & " - Invalid aurgument")

Elseif @Error = 4 Then

MsgBox (4, "Error ", @Error & " - Path not found or invalid. Do you want to Create this Directory?")

MsgBox(0, "Message 1 = ", $Msg1)


$Level = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem(@MyDocumentsDir, $tree)

For $Cnt = 1 to $Cnt1 Step 1

GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem($FileLst[$Cnt], $Level)


If $DirArray[0] >= $Cnt and $FileLst[$Cnt] <> $DirArray[$Cnt] then


GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem($DirArray[$Cnt], $Level)



GuiCtrlSetState($Level, BitOr($GUI_EXPAND, $GUI_CHECKED))



$Level = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem(@MyDocumentsDir & "\" & $FName, $tree)

For $D = 1 to $DirArray[0] step 1

GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem($DirArray[$D], $Level)


GuiCtrlSetState($Level, BitOr($GUI_EXPAND, $GUI_CHECKED))



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To get help post syntax correct script. Yours has too many compile errors.

Sorry, I did not put in the Include Statements and variables. They are below.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#include <GuiCombo.au3>

#Include <GuiTreeView.au3>

#Include <Array.au3>

#include <File.au3>

Local $Facility

Local $DirArray

Local $btn

Local $btn1

Local $BtnGo

Local $Msg

Local $Msg1

Local $D

Local $Dir1

Local $Dir2

Local $Dir3

Local $Name

Local $FName

Local $ret

Local $Tree

Local $FileLst

Local $Cnt

Local $Cnt1

Local $Level

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You can set bold text for treeview item by:

GUICtrlSetState($tv_item, BitOr(GUICtrlGetState($tv_item),$GUI_DEFBUTTON))
Doesn't that bold everything that is put into the treeview?

I want to be able to have items that already exist bolded and items that do not exits, not bolded. Can this be done?

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Doesn't that bold everything that is put into the treeview?

I want to be able to have items that already exist bolded and items that do not exits, not bolded. Can this be done?

Yes. This is for treeview item (and for whole treeview) as I said ($tv_item).

I'm using this in my script.

Edited by Zedna
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