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Simple Web Browser went Mini!


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Welcome to Simple Web Browser's little brother SWBMINI!



2. 19 lines of code without comments

3. Browse Easily

Not very usefull but anyone can add on to it and make it they're own. Have fun!


#include <GUIConstants.au3> ;Makes the gui possible

#Include <ie.au3> ;Makes browsing the internet possible

$Form1 = GUICreate("Simple Web Browser MINI Version", 628, 436, 193, 115) ;Creates the GUI

$Obj1 = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") ;Creates the Internet Explorer Object

$Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreateObj($Obj1, 0, 0, 626, 412) ;Set Object on the GUI

$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("URL", 0, 416, 627, 17, 0) ;Makes the Browse URL Button

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Arial Black") ;Sets the Font of the Button

_IENavigate($Obj1, "www.google.com") ;Before the GUI is shown, browse to google. Sorta like a homepage

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Shows the GUI

While 1 ;Creates a loop to capture the GUI Messages like close and the url button

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg() ;Gets the Message

Switch $nMsg

Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;If you pressed the close button

Exit ;It will exit

Case $Button1 ;If you pressed the URL Button

$URL = InputBox("SWBmini", "Type in the url you wish to go to:") ;Asks what url you want to go to

_IENavigate($Obj1, $URL) ;Navigate to the URL. This is what requires the IE.au3 at the top


WEnd ;This ends the loop

And there is also one that opens the last page you browsed:

27 Lines of code


#include <GUIConstants.au3> ;Makes the gui possible

#Include <ie.au3> ;Makes browsing the internet possible

Global $ini = @ScriptDir & "\swb.ini" ;INI To Store Last WEBSITE Visited

$Form1 = GUICreate("Simple Web Browser MINI Version", 628, 436, 193, 115) ;Creates the GUI

$Obj1 = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") ;Creates the Internet Explorer Object

$Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreateObj($Obj1, 0, 0, 626, 412) ;Set Object on the GUI

$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("URL", 0, 416, 627, 17, 0) ;Makes the Browse URL Button

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Arial Black") ;Sets the Font of the Button5

$iniread = iniread($ini, "URL", "LAST URL", "");Reads the ini so it can navigate to the last URL

If $iniread = "" Then ;If the ini doesnt have a previous saved url then write the default as google.com

iniwrite($ini, "URL", "LAST URL", "www.google.com") ;Writes google into the homepage


$iniread1 = iniread($ini, "URL", "LAST URL", "");Reads the ini so it can navigate to the last URL

_IENavigate($Obj1, ""&$iniread1&"") ;Before the GUI is shown, browse to google. Sorta like a homepage

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Shows the GUI

While 1 ;Creates a loop to capture the GUI Messages like close and the url button

$update = _IEPropertyGet($Obj1, "locationurl") ;Gets the URL from internet explorer

IniWrite($ini, "URL", "LAST URL", $update) ;Writes the URL to the ini to navigate on startup

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg() ;Gets the Message

Switch $nMsg

Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;If you pressed the close button

Exit ;It will exit

Case $Button1 ;If you pressed the URL Button

$URL = InputBox("SWBmini", "Type in the url you wish to go to:") ;Asks what url you want to go to

_IENavigate($Obj1, $URL) ;Navigate to the URL. This is what requires the IE.au3 at the top


WEnd ;This ends the loop

Edited by JustinReno
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