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Reading data from pointer


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I'm trying to use DLL to convert an image from a DICOM file into memory and then to grab it and show it with autoit. I'm passing the DLL a pointer and saving the image into it. I think I've been able to do everything else, but I don't know how to read the data from the pointer. I always only get the address where the pointer is pointing to. I have made the DLL myself, so it's possible to change its methods if you have any suggestions. I've tried to search the forums for it (and I think those stub-things do something like I want to) but I haven't been able to get anything worth of it.

In other words, I'd like to know how I can get data from the pointer address (like *data in C++). Here's the code in autoit:

#include <A3LMemory.au3>

$a = DllStructCreate("int size") <------------------- My DLL returns the amount of the data in bytes.

$c = _MEM_GlobalAlloc( 2000000, $GMEM_FIXED ) <------------------- Allocating an overkill amount of memory

DllCall( "proo.dll", "int:cdecl", "fnProo", "ptr", $c, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($a, "size"), "str", "testi.dcm", "str", "humppa.bmp", "int", 1, "int", 0 )

/***** I really ain't sure if these work but I just use it to point to you what I want to do. I'd use something like: *******/

$data = GetDataFromPointer( $c, DllStructGetData($a, "size") ) <------------ This is would be a bit like what I want to do. I like to read "size" bytes from the pointer $c

$BitToHBit = _GDIP_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($data)

$hBitmap = _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($BitToHBit)


_Mem_GlobalFree( $c )

So do you have any ideas how to get the actual data from the $C?



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I'm not sure but if your DLL returns bitmap maybe try something like this:

#include <A3LMemory.au3>

$a = DllStructCreate("int size")
$c = _MEM_GlobalAlloc( 2000000, $GMEM_FIXED )

DllCall( "proo.dll", "int:cdecl", "fnProo", "ptr", $c, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($a, "size"), "str", "testi.dcm", "str", "humppa.bmp", "int", 1, "int", 0 )

$BitToHBit = _GDIP_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($c) ; use directly $c - pointer to memory with your bitmap
$hBitmap = _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($BitToHBit)

_Mem_GlobalFree( $c )
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Thx for the fast reply! I haven't had time to check this before so I'm sorry that responding took so long...

Now I'm sure that my DLL works and I can write a .bmp file with it. The DLL should return a bitmap, because I can write and show it with _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromFile() and the following code:


$a = DllStructCreate("int size") <------------------- My DLL returns the amount of the data in bytes.

$c = _MEM_GlobalAlloc( 2000000, $GMEM_FIXED ) <------------------- Allocating an overkill amount of memory

DllCall( "proo.dll", "int:cdecl", "fnProo", "ptr", $c, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($a, "size"), "str", $name, "str", "humppa.bmp", "int", $plap, "int", $plop )

$humppa = DllStructCreate( "char[" & DllStructGetData($a, "size") & "]", $c )

$ham = FileOpen( "test.bmp", 17 )

$i = 0

while ($i <= DllStructGetData($a, "size"))

$i = $i + 1

FileWrite( $ham, DllStructGetData($humppa, 1, $i) )



Though I need to use ANSI-version of Autoit (with unicode it just doesn't show properly, but you can still view it). Neither _GDIP_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($c) or _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($c) worked. Is there any way to "cast" from $humppa to string or to something which isn't an array? I'll try to make it working myself, but I'd really appreciate any help from you guys <3.

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Hi once again!

Haven't made almost any progress. Though I can read $humppa to a string with the same loop as with filewrite. But does anyone have any idea why none of the gdip-functions can use that string? What about any idea about how to convert that string to a proper format? It's starting to look like I have to make that HBitmap object in the DLL and return a handle to it. Though I'd prefer to do it in the autoit...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still haven't been able to do it... But I realized (or so I think) that it should be a bit same as using a string read from a file:

#include <A3LGDIPlus.au3>

$str = FileRead( "test.bmp" )
$BitToHBit = _GDIP_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( $str )
$hBitmap = _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP( $BitToHBit )

But this doesn't work either. Does anyone have any idea how to make it work with a string? This way I could read it from a pointer to a string and it would work /

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Still haven't been able to do it... But I realized (or so I think) that it should be a bit same as using a string read from a file:

#include <A3LGDIPlus.au3>

$str = FileRead( "test.bmp" )
$BitToHBit = _GDIP_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( $str )
$hBitmap = _GDIP_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP( $BitToHBit )

But this doesn't work either. Does anyone have any idea how to make it work with a string? This way I could read it from a pointer to a string and it would work /

At least you must open file in binary mode I think.

Look at FileOpen.

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At least you must open file in binary mode I think.

Look at FileOpen.

Yeah, forgot about that one, but reading it with mode 16 didn't help. Maybe I'll just have to convert my script to c++ (which isn't nice considering about developing it etc. And I'm a noob with C). Or maybe I'll just forget about that thumbnail-thing. Though it would be great to find some way to make it work.

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