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Random function? while looping, plz look *reward*

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Is there anyway that I can like have a value, and have it randomly add or subtract the number, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (randomly pick out of that set)

What I'm working with is like:

Dim $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2

$x1 = 81
$y1 = 593
$x2 = 87
$y2 = 452
$speed = 5

MouseClickDrag("Left", ($x1 +- (1-5)), ($y1 +- (1-5)), ($x2 +- (1-5)), ($y2 +- (1-5)), ($speed +- (1-3)))

Any way to make it add/subtract randomly, then make it add/subtract 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at random? Also I would need it to loop, around, every (60,000MS +- (1,000MS-5,000MS))

If you can figure out this problem I am open to donateing for your help, AIM: o0oDakotao0o MSN: o69dakota69o@hotmail.com thanks!

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This might work for the random part. I'll let you figure out the looping.

; General formula Random = Int(Rnd * Upperbound) + Lowerbound

MouseClickDrag("Left", ($x1 + _Rand()), ($y1 + _Rand()), ($x2 + _Rand()), ($y2 + _Rand()), ($speed + _Rnd(1,3)))

Func _Rand();hard coded 1 to 5
  Return _Rnd(1, 5)

Func _Rnd($hi, $lo)
   If Random() < 0.5 Then
       Return Int(Random($hi)+$lo))
       Return -Int(Random($hi)+$lo))
Edited by CyberSlug
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
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Free, if you ever want to donate, Jon and the website can always use it. :)

Dim $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2

$x1 = 81
$y1 = 593
$x2 = 87
$y2 = 452
$speed = 5

MouseClickDrag("Left", ($x1 +R5()), ($y1 +R5()), ($x2 +R5()), ($y2 +R5()), ($speed +R5()))

func R5()
$r=int(Random ( 1,6 ))
If Random() < 0.5 Then  $r = $r*(-1)
return $r

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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Dang Cyber ya beat me to it, but remember Random 1~5 is more like 1.00000 to 4.99999 the chance you ever see a 5 is um 1 in 100 million? I forgot the exact precision. Anyway that is why mine uses 1~6.

Edited by scriptkitty

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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this is what i have

Dim $x1, $y1, $x2, $x3, $speed

$x1 = 81
$y1 = 593
$x2 = 87
$y2 = 452
$speed = 5

MouseClickDrag("Left", $x1 rnd(+,-) rnd(1,2,3,4,5), $y1 rnd(+,-) rnd(1,2,3,4,5), $x2 rnd(+,-) rnd(1,2,3,4,5), $y2 rnd(+,-) rnd(1,2,3,4,5), $speed rnd(+,-) rnd(1,2,3))

what's the function for random? AIM message would help

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Random ( [[Min ,] Max] )

Random (1,5) would give back a number like 2.03342

so you want an int like this:


That would never give you a 5, because Int just removes anything after the .

So you actually want int(Random(1,6)) if you want 1~5

For the second part, you just want a 50/50 chance of a negative, so

If Random() < 0.5 Then $r = $r*(-1)

was my way of multiplying the result by -1 50% of the time.

and my code does all your random +-(1 to 5) all in one:

Dim $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2

$x1 = 81
$y1 = 593
$x2 = 87
$y2 = 452
$speed = 5

MouseClickDrag("Left", ($x1 +R5()), ($y1 +R5()), ($x2 +R5()), ($y2 +R5()), ($speed +R5()))
; I add the number that gets returned by R5(), when it is negative, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting.

func R5()
$r=int(Random ( 1,6 )); pick 1,2,3,4,or 5
If Random() < 0.5 Then  $r = $r*(-1); 50% of the time make it negative
return $r ; give the number back

A quick tutorial showing that random(1,5) never gets a 5.

for $i= 1 to 1000
$x=$x & "|"& int(Random(1,5))
if stringinstr($x,"5") then msgbox(1,"wow you got a 5",$x); not going to happen
msgbox(1,"",$x); here is 1000 random numbers seperated by |

help file:



Generates a pseudo-random float-type number.

Random ( [[Min ,]Max] )


Min [optional] The smallest number to be generated. The default is 0.

Max [optional] The largest number to be generated. The default is 1.

Return Value

Success: Returns a pseudo-random number between Min and Max.

Failure: Returns numeric 1 and sets @error flag:

1 if argument is an array or non-numeric string

2 if Min > Max


If only one argument is provided, then it is interpreted to be the Max.

The result will be a float in the range of Min to Max, including Min, but NOT including Max.


Int, Round


;Flip of coin

If Random() < 0.5 Then  ; Returns a value between 0 and 1.

    $msg = "Heads. 50% Win"


    $msg = "Tails. 50% Loss"


MsgBox(0,"Coin toss", $msg )

;Roll of a die

msgBox(0,"Roll of die", "You rolled a " & Int(Random(6)+1))

Edited by scriptkitty

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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How would I get that to loop every 60 seconds, like this, "Drop/Drag -> 60,000MS+-5000MS(random again) -> drag/drop, etc, etc, etc Any ideas?:) thanks for being so helpful

;delay start
Opt("MouseClickDelay", 60146)
;delay end

Dim $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2

$x1 = 81
$y1 = 593
$x2 = 87
$y2 = 452
$speed = 5

MouseClickDrag("Left", ($x1 +R5()), ($y1 +R5()), ($x2 +R5()), ($y2 +R5()), ($speed +R5()))
; I add the number that gets returned by R5(), when it is negative, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting.

func R5()
$r=int(Random ( 1,6 )); pick 1,2,3,4,or 5
If Random() < 0.5 Then  $r = $r*(-1); 50% of the time make it negative
return $r; give the number back
Edited by skilzrulz
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