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Writing question


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I'll try explain this best as possible.

I have a program that has many input boxes and the user, when filled in the fields needed, can save it all to a text file. How would I go about getting it to only write to the text file, the input boxes that are filled in?

FileWrite($NFO & ".nfo", _
"  File Name....................: " & GUICtrlRead($FNInput) & @CRLF & _
"  File Size....................: " & GUICtrlRead($FSInput) & @CRLF

That is part of what it writes. So it has the 2 input boxes (FS and FN), but say if the user only put in the information for File Name, but not the File Size, how would I get the script to filewrite only the section:

"  File Name....................: " & GUICtrlRead($FNInput) & @CRLF & _

Let me know if this is too confusing.



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Something like this:

If GuiCtrlRead($FNInput) <> "" Then FileWriteLine($NFO & ".nfo", "File..." & GuiCtrlRead($FNInput))


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Something like this:

If GuiCtrlRead($FNInput) <> "" Then FileWriteLine($NFO & ".nfo", "File..." & GuiCtrlRead($FNInput))



Thanks for your reply. How would I go about doing this for 22 of these input boxes? I'm not sure about how I would go with doing it...

Would I just repeat the statement for each field?

Would it be easier for me to just add a selection screen with checkboxes and labels and let the user select the required fields and then have it read from there?

Thanks for your help.

Here is the whole script BTW for anyone to have a look at.



Edited by alien13
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Thanks for your reply. How would I go about doing this for 22 of these input boxes? I'm not sure about how I would go with doing it...

Would I just repeat the statement for each field?

I would assemble an array of the controls to check and just loop through it. If you need to know what kind of value goes with each, then you could make it a 2D array like $avControls[22][2], where $avControls[n][0] = Control ID, and [n][1] = label i.e. "File name". If you are not comfortable with multi-dim arrays, then use two 1D arrays, like $avControls[22] and $avLabels[22] and reference them both with the same For/Next loop variable:

For $n = 0 To Ubound($avControls) - 1
     If GuiCtrlRead($avControls[$n]) <> "" Then FileWriteLine($NFO & ".nfo", $avLabels[$n] & "... " & GuiCtrlRead($avControls[$n]))


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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I would assemble an array of the controls to check and just loop through it. If you need to know what kind of value goes with each, then you could make it a 2D array like $avControls[22][2], where $avControls[n][0] = Control ID, and [n][1] = label i.e. "File name". If you are not comfortable with multi-dim arrays, then use two 1D arrays, like $avControls[22] and $avLabels[22] and reference them both with the same For/Next loop variable:

For $n = 0 To Ubound($avControls) - 1
     If GuiCtrlRead($avControls[$n]) <> "" Then FileWriteLine($NFO & ".nfo", $avLabels[$n] & "... " & GuiCtrlRead($avControls[$n]))


Thanks for the reply. It's kind of confusing at first, but I'm going to look into that as I sort of understand what you mean.

Thanks for the help,


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