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I have this script:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

GuiCreate("CFG Maker", 800, 400)

GuiCtrlCreateTab(1, 0, 800, 400)
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the names", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Other Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Weapon Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Chat Controls") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Fire Team") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Your Scripts") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ some scripts you got", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateEdit("Your Scripts Here", 5, 45, 790, 350) 
$save = GuiCtrlCreateButton(">>SAVE<<", 735, 20) 

While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

How do I save all things I typed in the EditBox and later in InputBoxes to a filename.CFG (I want that I can save all things with >>SAVE<< button)

Someone knows that ??

Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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While 1
     $msg = GUIGetMsg()
         Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
         Case $msg = $save
             FileWrite("file.txt", GUICtrlRead($editbox))

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I now have this script:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
$EDIT = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 40, 601, 361)

GuiCreate("CFG Maker", 800, 400)

GuiCtrlCreateTab(1, 0, 800, 400)
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the names", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Other Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Weapon Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Chat Controls") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Fire Team") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Your Scripts") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ some scripts you got", 5, 25) 
GuiCtrlCreateEdit("Your Scripts Here", 5, 45, 790, 350) 
$save = GuiCtrlCreateButton(">>SAVE<<", 735, 20) 

While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Case $msg = $save
$FileSave = Filesavedialog("Save Config File","","Config Files (*.cfg*)|All files (*.*)", 2,"controls.cfg")

$Text = GuiCtrlRead($edit)
Filewrite($Filesave, $Text)

But when I change name from controls to an other name, it wont save as .cfg but as nothing

How I fix it ??

EDIT: And if i save it as .cfg it will only save:


Not more.... Someone knows ??

Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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BTW, that if for all tabs ??

Or only for the tab 'Your Script' ??

You dont have edit controls on all the tabs so how would it save that information??? If you had edit controls on all the tabs then you would just use Guictrlread($editbox_Tab1).....bla...bla...bla....

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I dont get you...

I mean, that if I filled in all inputboxes (GuiCtrlCreateInput()) under each tab and mayby something in Your Scripts that you can save it in the name you want (example.cfg) without typing name.cfg


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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You dont have edit controls on all the tabs so how would it save that information??? If you had edit controls on all the tabs then you would just use Guictrlread($editbox_Tab1).....bla...bla...bla....

So how I do that ???

With GuiCtrlRead() ??

For all Tabs and InputBoxes ??


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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Like this...

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
$EDIT = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 40, 601, 361)

GuiCreate("CFG Maker", 800, 400)

GuiCtrlCreateTab(1, 0, 800, 400)
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the names", 5, 25) 
$Tab1_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab1_Input....Names", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
$Tab2_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab1_Input....Controls", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Other Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
$Tab3_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab3_Input....Other Controls", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Weapon Controls")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
$Tab4_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab4_Input....Weapon Controls", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Chat Controls") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
$Tab5_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab5_Input....Chat Controls", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Fire Team") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ the controls", 5, 25) 
$Tab6_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab6_Input....Fire Team", 5, 45, 790, 350) 

GuiCtrlCreateTabItem("Your Scripts") 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Typ some scripts you got", 5, 25) 
$Tab7_Input=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("$Tab7_Input....Your Scripts", 5, 45, 790, 350) 
$save = GuiCtrlCreateButton(">>SAVE<<", 735, 20) 


While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $msg = $save
        $FileSave = Filesavedialog("Save Config File","","Config Files (*.cfg*)|All files (*.*)", 2,"controls.cfg")
        If @error then
        MsgBox(4096,"Error","No File Choosen")
        $Get_All_Inputs = "$Tab1_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab1_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab2_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab2_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab3_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab3_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab4_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab1_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab5_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab5_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab6_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab6_Input) & @CRLF & "$Tab7_Input=" & GUICtrlRead($Tab7_Input)
        Filewrite($Filesave, $Get_All_Inputs)
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Oh lol :)

But I already have another script :)

This one:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
$edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 40, 601, 361)

GuiCreate("CFG Maker", 620, 700) 
$names = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Names", 10, 10, 100, 100) 
$controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Controls", 110, 10, 100, 100) 
$other_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Other Controls", 210, 10, 100, 100) 
$weapon_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Weapon Controls", 310, 10, 100, 100) 
$chat_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Chat Controls", 410, 10, 100, 100) 
$show_script = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Script", 510, 10, 100, 100) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This CFG Maker will only ask for the keys you want to use", 10, 115) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The stuff what will make the FPS go lower will automatic come", 10, 130) 

While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Case $msg = $names
$names_real_name = InputBox("Names", "Your Real Name:") 
$names_cfg_name = InputBox("Names", "The CFG Name:") 
$names_game_name = InputBox("Names", "Your In-Game Name") 
Case $msg = $controls
$controls_forward = InputBox("Controls", "Move Forward:") 
$controls_back = InputBox("Controls", "Move Back:") 
$controls_left = InputBox("Controls", "Move Left:") 
$controls_right = InputBox("Controls", "Move Right:") 
$controls_lean_left = InputBox("Controls", "Lean Left:") 
$controls_lean_right = InputBox("Controls", "Lean Right:") 
$controls_jump = InputBox("Controls", "Jump:") 
$controls_crouch = InputBox("Controls", "Crouch:") 
$controls_prone = InputBox("Controls", "Prone:") 
$controls_run = InputBox("Controls", "Run:") 
$controls_use = InputBox("Controls", "Use/Activate:") 
Case $msg = $other_controls
$other_controls_show_scores = InputBox("Other Controls", "Show Scores:") 
$other_controls_limbo = InputBox("Other Controls", "Limbo:") 
$other_controls_show_map = InputBox("Other Controls", "Show Map:") 
$other_controls_compass_zoom_in = InputBox("Other Controls", "Compass Zoom In:") 
$other_controls_compass_zoom_out = InputBox("Other Controls", "Compass Zoom Out:") 
Case $msg = $weapon_controls
$weapon_controls_next_weapon = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Next Weapon:") 
$weapon_controls_prev_weapon = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Previous Weapon:") 
$weapon_controls_melee = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Knife (Melee):") 
$weapon_controls_one_handed = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Luger/Colt (One Handed):") 
$weapon_controls_two_handed = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "MP40/Thompson (Two Handed):") 
$weapon_controls_granade = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Granade:") 
$weapon_controls_spec1 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 1:") 
$weapon_controls_spec2 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 2:") 
$weapon_controls_spec3 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 3:") 
$weapon_controls_shoot = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Shoot:") 
$weapon_controls_switch_to = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Switch to Alternative:") 
$weapon_controls_reload = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Reload:") 
$weapon_controls_binoc = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Binocular:") 
Case $msg = $chat_controls
$chat_controls_global = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Global Chat:") 
$chat_controls_team = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Team Chat:") 
$chat_controls_fireteam = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Fire Team Chat:") 
$chat_controls_vsay = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Voice Chat Menu:") 
$chat_controls_vote_yes = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Vote Yes:") 
$chat_controls_vote_no = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Vote No:") 
$chat_controls_screenshot = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Screenshot:") 
$chat_controls_record = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Record Replay:") 
Case $msg = $show_script
$script_box = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 150, 600, 540) 


BUT I dont get something... How can I get all things I typed into the InputBoxes into the the GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 150, 600, 540) with things before it... Example:

name $names_real_name


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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BUT I dont get something... How can I get all things I typed into the InputBoxes into the the GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 150, 600, 540) with things before it... Example:

name $names_real_name

My suggestion is that you declare all your input variables first.

DIM $names_real_name, $names_cfg_name, etc.

I'm at work right now and I don't have SciTe to test this, but I'm positive that it's what you're looking for.

[font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version

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My suggestion is that you declare all your input variables first.

DIM $names_real_name, $names_cfg_name, etc.oÝ÷ Øý«p¢¹+mÒ¢}ý¶¯y'"Mëhµë-¶¬nëHßÙ©¢È­÷­«b·l­ʷö·¥¢"è¯ú®¢× 2Ó~­)à³Múv+)¬£


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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That was just an example. :)

If it gets really long, you can always put them inside an Array variable and call that variable instead of making a "Code Train".

And I bet you want me to show you how to do it too. :)

Edited by aslani

[font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version

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That was just an example. :)

If it gets really long, you can always put them inside an Array variable and call that variable instead of making a "Code Train".

And I bet you want me to show you how to do it too. :)

Duh :P


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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Why the Case $msg = $save_button wont work ??

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
$edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 40, 601, 361)

GuiCreate("CFG Maker", 620, 700) 
$names = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Names", 10, 10, 100, 100) 
$controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Controls", 110, 10, 100, 100) 
$other_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Other Controls", 210, 10, 100, 100) 
$weapon_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Weapon Controls", 310, 10, 100, 100) 
$chat_controls = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Chat Controls", 410, 10, 100, 100) 
$show_script = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Show Script", 510, 10, 100, 100) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This CFG Maker will only ask for the keys you want to use", 10, 115) 
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The stuff what will make the FPS go lower are in the LowerFPS.txt", 10, 130) 

While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Case $msg = $names
$names_real_name = InputBox("Names", "Your Real Name:") 
$names_cfg_name = InputBox("Names", "The CFG Name:") 
$names_game_name = InputBox("Names", "Your In-Game Name") 
Case $msg = $controls
$controls_forward = InputBox("Controls", "Move Forward:") 
$controls_back = InputBox("Controls", "Move Back:") 
$controls_left = InputBox("Controls", "Move Left:") 
$controls_right = InputBox("Controls", "Move Right:") 
$controls_lean_left = InputBox("Controls", "Lean Left:") 
$controls_lean_right = InputBox("Controls", "Lean Right:") 
$controls_jump = InputBox("Controls", "Jump:") 
$controls_crouch = InputBox("Controls", "Crouch:") 
$controls_prone = InputBox("Controls", "Prone:") 
$controls_run = InputBox("Controls", "Run:") 
$controls_use = InputBox("Controls", "Use/Activate:") 
Case $msg = $other_controls
$other_controls_show_scores = InputBox("Other Controls", "Show Scores:") 
$other_controls_limbo = InputBox("Other Controls", "Limbo:") 
$other_controls_show_map = InputBox("Other Controls", "Show Map:") 
$other_controls_compass_zoom_in = InputBox("Other Controls", "Compass Zoom In:") 
$other_controls_compass_zoom_out = InputBox("Other Controls", "Compass Zoom Out:") 
Case $msg = $weapon_controls
$weapon_controls_next_weapon = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Next Weapon:") 
$weapon_controls_prev_weapon = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Previous Weapon:") 
$weapon_controls_melee = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Knife (Melee):") 
$weapon_controls_one_handed = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Luger/Colt (One Handed):") 
$weapon_controls_two_handed = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "MP40/Thompson (Two Handed):") 
$weapon_controls_granade = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Granade:") 
$weapon_controls_spec1 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 1:") 
$weapon_controls_spec2 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 2:") 
$weapon_controls_spec3 = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Special 3:") 
$weapon_controls_shoot = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Shoot:") 
$weapon_controls_switch_to = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Switch to Alternative:") 
$weapon_controls_reload = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Reload:") 
$weapon_controls_binoc = InputBox("Weapon Controls", "Binocular:") 
Case $msg = $chat_controls
$chat_controls_global = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Global Chat:") 
$chat_controls_team = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Team Chat:") 
$chat_controls_fireteam = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Fire Team Chat:") 
$chat_controls_vsay = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Voice Chat Menu:") 
$chat_controls_vote_yes = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Vote Yes:") 
$chat_controls_vote_no = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Vote No:") 
$chat_controls_screenshot = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Screenshot:") 
$chat_controls_record = InputBox("Chat Controls", "Record Replay:") 
Case $msg = $show_script
$script_box = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("//Real Life Name: " & $names_real_name & @CRLF & "//Config Name: " & $names_cfg_name & @CRLF & "name " & $names_game_name & @CRLF & @CRLF & "//Controls" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_forward & " +forward" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_back & " +back" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_left & " +moveleft" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_right & " +moveright" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_lean_left & " +leanleft", 10, 150, 600, 500) 
$save_button = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Script", 210, 650, 200, 50) 
Case $msg = $save_button
$FileSave = Filesavedialog("Save Config File","","Config Files (*.cfg*)|All files (*.*)", 2,"controls.cfg")
$Text = GuiCtrlRead($script_box) 
Filewrite($Filesave, $Text)


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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That's because $save_button doesn't have any value. Did you forget to create that button? :)

I got:


Case $msg = $show_script

$script_box = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("//Real Life Name: " & $names_real_name & @CRLF & "//Config Name: " & $names_cfg_name & @CRLF & "name " & $names_game_name & @CRLF & @CRLF & "//Controls" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_forward & " +forward" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_back & " +back" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_left & " +moveleft" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_right & " +moveright" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_lean_left & " +leanleft", 10, 150, 600, 500)

$save_button = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Script", 210, 650, 200, 50)


Case $msg = $save_button

$FileSave = Filesavedialog("Save Config File","","Config Files (*.cfg*)|All files (*.*)", 2,"controls.cfg")

$Text = GuiCtrlRead($script_box)

Filewrite($Filesave, $Text)




A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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I got:


Case $msg = $show_script

$script_box = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("//Real Life Name: " & $names_real_name & @CRLF & "//Config Name: " & $names_cfg_name & @CRLF & "name " & $names_game_name & @CRLF & @CRLF & "//Controls" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_forward & " +forward" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_back & " +back" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_left & " +moveleft" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_right & " +moveright" & @CRLF & "bind " & $controls_lean_left & " +leanleft", 10, 150, 600, 500)

$save_button = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Script", 210, 650, 200, 50)


Case $msg = $save_button

$FileSave = Filesavedialog("Save Config File","","Config Files (*.cfg*)|All files (*.*)", 2,"controls.cfg")

$Text = GuiCtrlRead($script_box)

Filewrite($Filesave, $Text)



If it's in there, you need to declare it

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Now that's a lot easier to read. :)

[font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version

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