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Pixel search


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I would like to thank everyon in advance. I am wanting to know if I can have pixel search look for a range of colours or do I need to name each pixel that may be present?

This is what I have so far

$Target0X = 32

$Target0Y = 100

$No_Target_Col = 0 ; Black

$Target1X = 63

$Target1Y = 100

$No_Target_Col = 0 ; Black

$Target2X = 105

$Target2Y = 100

$No_Target_Col = 0 ; Black

$Good_To_Go = 0x02E800 ; Health Good

$Good_To_Go = 0x02D800 ; Health Good

$Target_Colour = PixelGetColor ($Target0X, $Target0Y)

IF $Target_Colour = $No_Target_Col Then

Send ("{1}")

$Target_Colour = PixelGetColor ($Target1X, $Target1Y)

IF $Target_Colour = $No_Target_Col Then

Send ("{2}")

$Target_Colour = PixelGetColor ($Target2X, $Target2Y)

IF $Target_Colour = $No_Target_Col Then

Send ("{3}")

IF $Target_Colour = $Good_To_Go Then

$Fight = 1





I am trying to read pixel colours of an in game health bar, I want it to read the first target area and if it returns as black then to do a big heal the next would be a smaller heal and so on. If it reads the health colour as good then it will move on to the fighting part of the script.

The problem is that the healthbar uses many differant pixel colours

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PixelSearch ( left, top, right, bottom, color [, shade-variation] [, step]] )

Just use the "Right/Bottom" the same as "left/top"

left = x

top = y

So as an example:

$Target0X = 32
$Target0Y = 100
$aPix = PixelSearch($Target0X, $Target0Y, $Target0X, $Target0Y, 0x02E800, 20)
If IsArray($aPix) Then
    MsgBox(64, "info", "Found")

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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