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Need help with Syntax of .SpawnInstance() in AutoIT


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I am having trouble with a line on a script which I am translating from a VBScript. The

$CollectionRule = $gService.Get("SMS_$CollectionRuleDirect").SpawnInstance_() line to be more specific.

The script adds a computer name to a Microsoft SMS collection. AutoIT doesn't seem to like the .SpawnInstance portion of the script. Below is the original VBScript and the AutoIT version which I am working on for your reference.

I Trully appreciate any help.

The VBScript version. This one works fine:

' ====================================================================================================

' *************************************************************************

' === Initialize Variables and Constants

' *************************************************************************

Option Explicit ' --- Force Declaration of variables

' === Script arguments override ====

' These variables are for testing only. To test, assign values to the variables and then comment out

' the Comment-out the ValdateArguments()subrourtine. To restur, comment out the variables below, and

' uncomment the ValdateArguments() subroutine to allow original argument values to be passed to the script.

'TargetCollectionName = "#Test-AddUser"

'NewComputerName = "LT01385"

' *************************************************************************

' == SMS Envronment Variables

CONST SMSSiteCode = "BUA" ' --- SMS Server Central Site Code

CONST SMSServer = "RPC3SMS01NT" ' --- SMS Server

' -------------------------------------------------------------

' === Script varables

DIM lLocator ' --- Object handle for WMI Scripting "Locator object" ?

DIM gService ' --- Object hanlde for WMI object model ConnectServer object ?

DIM ResID ' --- Store the SMS ResourceID for the desired resource

DIM RuleName ' --- Name for Membership Rule (label seen in SMS collection properties)

DIM AllComputersSet ' --- Object handle to store the query results of the SMS System_R_System table

DIM AllComputersItem ' --- Index variable used for the AllComputersSet Object Collection (Array)

DIM CollectionRule ' --- CollectionRule

DIM oCollectionSet ' --- Object handle to store collection names from table SMS_Collection

DIM CollListItem ' --- Index variable for Collection Object (Array)

DIM WshShell ' --- Object handle for WshShell object (Windows Script Host Shell)

DIM oFSO ' --- Object handle for the FSO (File System Object)

DIM AddMembRuleSuccess ' --- Flag to track added collection membership rule status

DIM LogFileHandle ' --- File handle for the log file

Public TargetCollectionName ' --- Store command-line argument for desired collection name to add a computer resource

Public NewComputerName ' --- Store command-line argument for desired computer resource to add to the collection

' === Script Environment

' -- Script Path Location

DIM ScriptDir ' --- Store the current Script location

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

ScriptDir = oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".")

' -- Script Logfile

DIM LogFile

LogFile = ScriptDir & "\AddComputer2Coll.log" ' --- Path Location and file name of the log file

Const ForAppending = 8 ' --- Action to perform on Log file ( 8 = for appending text)

' ********************************************************************************************* 

' ===== Connect to provider namespace for local computer.

' *********************************************************************************************

Set lLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

Set gService = lLocator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "Root\SMS\Site_" & SMSSiteCode)

' -- /// FileSytemObject already instantiated in subroutine ScriptPath() into object handle oFSO

' ********************************************

' ===== Script Start =======================

' ********************************************

ValdateArguments() ' --- Load command-line arguments into variables

ValidateComputerResource() ' --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System

FindCollandAddMembRule() ' --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection

UpdateLogFile() ' --- Update log file with results


' *************************************************************************************

' *************************************************************************************

' Subroutines

' *************************************************************************************

' *************************************************************************************

' *************************************************************************************

' **** Validate command-line parameters and load them into variables to be used

' **** by the script. Otherwise, display an error message and exit the script

' *************************************************************************************

Sub ValdateArguments() ' --- Load command-line arguments into variables

If wscript.arguments.count<> 2 Then

wscript.echo "Two arguments please - The collection followed by Computer Name"

wscript.quit ' --- quit if invalid number of arguments


TargetCollectionName = wscript. arguments(0)

NewComputerName = wscript. arguments(1)

End if

End Sub

' **************************************************************************

' **** Search the SMS_R_System table for a match to the computer name passed by the

' **** command-line argument, then store the corresponding SMS ResourceID

' **** in a variable.

' **************************************************************************

Sub ValidateComputerResource() ' --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System

' --- Create object with query results from the SMS SQL table SMS_R_System

Set AllComputersSet = gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_R_System WHERE Name LIKE ""%" + NewComputerName + "%""")

' --- Iterate through the SMS_R_System table resultset (loaded into the variable "AllComputersSet")

' and match the name to be added. Then retreive the ResourceID for the corresponding computer record.

For Each AllComputersItem In AllComputersSet

If UCase(AllComputersItem.Name) = UCase(NewComputerName) Then

ResID = AllComputersItem.ResourceID

RuleName = "ResourceID = " & ResID & " " & AllComputersItem.NetBiosName

End If


End Sub


'**** Walk through the the whole list of SMS collections and search for a match to the

'**** desired collection. If the desired collection is sucessfully found, then

'**** add the Membership rule created in the subrioutine CreateSMSDirectRule() to the

'**** existing matched collection.


Sub FindCollandAddMembRule() ' --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection

' --- Create object with query results from the SMS_Collection table

Set oCollectionSet = gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Collection")

AddMembRuleSuccess = "False" ' --- Initialize flag to indicate Added Collection Membership Rule Failed

' --- Walk through the list of SMS collections and find a match to the collection name passed by the

' command-line argument. If the collection exists, then add the new direct rule that includes

' the new computer name to the collection.

For Each CollListItem In oCollectionSet

If CollListItem.Name = TargetCollectionName Then


'**** Create a direct membership rule (spawn a blank instance) to add to an existing collection.

'**** Then give that instance the values it needs - this is REQUIRED


Set CollectionRule = gService.Get("SMS_CollectionRuleDirect").SpawnInstance_()

CollectionRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"

CollectionRule.RuleName = RuleName

CollectionRule.ResourceID = ResID

' ***** Add the direct membership rule to matched collection. ************

CollListItem.AddMembershipRule CollectionRule

If Err.Number = 0 Then ' --- If Error = 0, then adding membership was successful.

AddMembRuleSuccess = "True" ' --- Set flag to "True" to indicate memb. rule added Successfully

End If

End If


End Sub


The AutoIT Version is Here:

; *************************************************************************

; === Initialize Variables and Constants

; *************************************************************************

AutoItSetOption('MustDeclareVars',1) ; --- Force Declaration of variables

; === Script arguments override ====

; These variables are for testing only. To test, assign values to the variables and then comment out

; the Comment-out the ValdateArguments()subrourtine. To restur, comment out the variables below, and

; uncomment the ValdateArguments() subroutine to allow original argument values to be passed to the script.

Global $TargetCollectionName = "#Test-AddUser" ; --- Store command-line argument for desired collection name to add a computer resource

Global $NewComputerName = "DT00117" ; --- Store command-line argument for desired computer resource to add to the collection

; *************************************************************************

; == SMS Envronment Variables

CONST $SMSSiteCode = "BUA" ; --- SMS Server Central Site Code

CONST $SMSServer = "RPC3SMS01NT" ; --- SMS Server

; -------------------------------------------------------------

; === Script varables

Global $lLocator ; --- Object handle for WMI Scripting "Locator object" ?

Global $gService ; --- Object hanlde for WMI object model ConnectServer object ?

Global $ResID ; --- Store the SMS ResourceID for the desired resource

Global $RuleName ; --- Name for Membership Rule (label seen in SMS collection properties)

Global $AllComputersSet ; --- Object handle to store the query results of the SMS System_R_System table

Global $AllComputersItem ; --- Index variable used for the $AllComputersSet Object Collection (Array)

Global $CollectionRule ; --- Store new Collection Rule

Global $oCollectionSet ; --- Object handle to store collection names from table SMS_Collection

Global $CollListItem ; --- Index variable for Collection Object (Array)

Global $WshShell ; --- Object handle for $WshShell object (Windows Script Host Shell)

Global $oFSO ; --- Object handle for the FSO (File System Object)

Global $AddMembRuleSuccess ; --- Flag to track added collection membership rule status

Global $LogFileHandle ; --- File handle for the log file

; === Script Environment

; -- Script Logfile

Global $LogFile = "AddComputer2Coll.log" ; --- Path Location and file name of the log file

Global $LogfilePath = @ScriptDir & '\Logs'

;Const ForAppending = 8 ; --- Action to perform on Log file ( 8 = for appending text)

; ********************************************************************************************* 

; ===== Connect to provider namespace for local computer.

; *********************************************************************************************

Global $lLocator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

Global $gService = $lLocator.ConnectServer($SMSServer, "Root\SMS\Site_" & $SMSSiteCode)

; ********************************************

; ===== Script Start =======================

; ********************************************

Initiate_Logfile() ; ------- Create a Log File to report script execution progress

; ValdateArguments() ; --- Load command-line arguments into variables

ValidateComputerResource() ; --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System

FindCollandAddMembRule() ; --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection

UpdateLogFile() ; --- Update log file with results


; *************************************************************************************

; *************************************************************************************

; Subroutines

; *************************************************************************************

; *************************************************************************************

; *************************************************************************************

; **** Validate command-line parameters and load them into variables to be used

; **** by the script. Otherwise, display an error message and exit the script

; *************************************************************************************


Func ValdateArguments() ; --- Load command-line arguments into variables

If wscript.arguments.count<> 2 Then

wscript.echo "Two arguments please - The collection followed by Computer Name"

wscript.quit ; --- quit if invalid number of arguments


$TargetCollectionName = wscript. arguments(0)

NewComputerName = wscript. arguments(1)




; **************************************************************************

; **** Search the SMS_R_System table for a match to the computer name passed by the

; **** command-line argument, then store the corresponding SMS ResourceID

; **** in a variable.

; **************************************************************************

Func ValidateComputerResource() ; --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System

; --- Create object with query results from the SMS SQL table SMS_R_System

$AllComputersSet = $gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_R_System WHERE Name LIKE ""%" + $NewComputerName + "%""")

; --- Iterate through the SMS_R_System table resultset (loaded into the variable "$AllComputersSet")

; and match the name to be added. Then retreive the ResourceID for the corresponding computer record.

For $AllComputersItem In $AllComputersSet

If StringUpper($AllComputersItem.Name) = StringUpper($NewComputerName) Then

$ResID = $AllComputersItem.ResourceID

$RuleName = "ResourceID = " & $ResID & " " & $AllComputersItem.NetBiosName





;**** Walk through the the whole list of SMS collections and search for a match to the

;**** desired collection. If the desired collection is sucessfully found, then

;**** add the Membership rule created in the subrioutine CreateSMSDirectRule() to the

;**** existing matched collection.


Func FindCollandAddMembRule() ; --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection

; --- Create object with query results from the SMS_Collection table

$oCollectionSet = $gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Collection")

$AddMembRuleSuccess = "False" ; --- Initialize flag to indicate Added Collection Membership Rule Failed

; --- Walk through the list of SMS collections and find a match to the collection name passed by the

; command-line argument. If the collection exists, then add the new direct rule that includes

; the new computer name to the collection.

For $CollListItem In $oCollectionSet

If $CollListItem.Name = $TargetCollectionName Then


;**** Create a direct membership rule (spawn a blank instance) to add to an existing collection.

;**** Then give that instance the values it needs - this is REQUIRED


;$objInParam = $objService.Methods_("Create").inParameters.SpawnInstance_()

$CollectionRule = $gService.Get("SMS_$CollectionRuleDirect").SpawnInstance_()

$CollectionRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"

$CollectionRule.RuleName = $RuleName

$CollectionRule.ResourceID = $ResID

; ***** Add the direct membership rule to matched collection. ************

$CollListItem.AddMembershipRule = $CollectionRule

If @error = 0 Then ; --- If @Error = 0, then adding membership was successful.

$AddMembRuleSuccess = "True" ; --- Set flag to "True" to indicate memb. rule added Successfully






;**** Update log file below with success/Failure message.


Func UpdateLogFile() ; --- Update log file with results

If $AddMembRuleSuccess = "True" Then ; --- Append status message

_FileWriteLog($LogFileHandle,$LogFileHandle.WriteLine & $NewComputerName & " was added successfully.")


_FileWriteLog($LogFileHandle,$LogFileHandle.WriteLine & $NewComputerName & " was NOT added successfully.")


FileClose($LogFileHandle) ; --- Close Log file object


; ====================================================================================================



Function Description: Check for directory existence, create directory, and create log file

Function Usage: Create local execution log file to record installation progress

Parameters: None

Results Returned: None

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Func Initiate_Logfile() ; ------- Create a Log File to report script execution progress

If Not FileExists($LogfilePath) Then DirCreate($LogfilePath) ; Create Logfile directory if not exists

$LogFileHandle = $LogfilePath & '\' & $LogFile ; Execution Log file full path

_FileWriteLog($LogFileHandle,'') ; --- Add a blank line

_FileWriteLog($LogFileHandle,'Initiated by : ' & @UserName)



; ====================================================================================================


; =====================================================================================

; ====================================================================================================


; ============================ AutoIT or 3rd Party User Defined Functions =============================

; ====================================================================================================



Function Description: Create directory and execution log file

Function Usage: Create directory and execution log file

Parameters: None

Results Returned: None

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




; Description: Writes the specified text to a log file.

; Syntax: _FileWriteLog( $sLogPath, $sLogMsg )

; Parameter(s): $sLogPath - Path and filename to the log file

; $sLogMsg - Message to be written to the log file

; Requirement(s): None

; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1

; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets:

; @error = 1: Error opening specified file

; @error = 2: File could not be written to

; Author(s): Jeremy Landes <jlandes at landeserve dot com>

; Note(s): If the text to be appended does NOT end in @CR or @LF then

; a DOS linefeed (@CRLF) will be automatically added.



Func _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $sLogMsg)


; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section


Local $sDateNow

Local $sTimeNow

Local $sMsg

Local $hOpenFile

Local $hWriteFile

$sDateNow = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY

$sTimeNow = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC

$sMsg = $sDateNow & " " & $sTimeNow & " : " & $sLogMsg

$hOpenFile = FileOpen($sLogPath, 1)

If $hOpenFile = -1 Then


Return 0


$hWriteFile = FileWriteLine($hOpenFile, $sMsg)

If $hWriteFile = -1 Then


Return 0



Return 1

EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteLog


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You are putting a variable name inside quotes:

$CollectionRule = $gService.Get("SMS_" & $CollectionRuleDirect).SpawnInstance_()oÝ÷ Øí«]¡ë'ßÛ]¢+m¯&ëy©"­º§¶-zºÚ"µÍÌÍÐÛÛXÝ[Û[HH  ÌÍÙÔÙXÙKÙ]


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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You are putting a variable name inside quotes:

$CollectionRule = $gService.Get("SMS_" & $CollectionRuleDirect).SpawnInstance_()oÝ÷ Øí«]¡ë'ßÛ]¢+m¯&ëy©"­º§¶-zºÚ"µÍÌÍÐÛÛXÝ[Û[HH  ÌÍÙÔÙXÙKÙ]


Thank You PsaltyDS. After hours of working on the project, the last thing I should have done was a global replace before going home. The problem was there in my face all along.

I appreciate your help very much. ;)

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Off subject but I'm thinking of starting a campaign to stop people using the Autoit tags to wrap their code in. Look at the mess it makes, and this problem has been going on for a long time. Using code instead doesn't seem to cause a problem and it formats the code fine so why bother with the AutoIt tags? There may be a reason that I don't appreciate, but when it garbles things then it can't be sensible to use it.

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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