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Newegg computer builder - almost done...


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Ok, so my newegg computer builder, which you guys thought impossible, is nearing completion. I'm having a problem though, when I add more parts, instead of making the group bigger, it simply moves the group down.



;newegg computer builder

;all code by aric blunk



* means space

^ joins segments of parts

space seperates parts


#include <GuiConstants.au3> ;Include GUI functions

#include <File.au3> ;Include file handling funcs

$casegrp = ""

$mobogrp = ""

$cpugrp = ""

$ramgrp = ""

$gpugrp = ""

$hddgrp = ""

$psugrp = ""

$opdgrp = ""

$mscgrp = ""

Func AddCase($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$casegrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddCase

Func AddMobo($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$mobogrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddMobo

Func AddCPU($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$cpugrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddCPU

Func AddRAM($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$ramgrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddRAM

Func AddGPU($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$gpugrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddGPU

Func AddHDD($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$hddgrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddHDD

Func AddPSU($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$psugrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddPSU

Func AddOpticalDrive($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$opdgrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddOpticalDrive

Func AddMisc($name, $price, $url, $count)

$_name = StringReplace($name, " ", "*")

$mscgrp &= " " & $_name & "^" & $price & "^" & $url & "^" & $count

EndFunc ;==>AddMisc

$partslist = @ScriptDir & "\parts.txt"

$partslistlines = _FileCountLines($partslist)

For $i = 1 To $partslistlines

$curline = FileReadLine($partslist, $i)



$numcases = StringCountOccurances($casegrp, " ")

$nummobos = StringCountOccurances($mobogrp, " ")

$numcpus = StringCountOccurances($cpugrp, " ")

$numrams = StringCountOccurances($ramgrp, " ")

$numgpus = StringCountOccurances($gpugrp, " ")

$numhdds = StringCountOccurances($hddgrp, " ")

$numpsus = StringCountOccurances($psugrp, " ")

$numopds = StringCountOccurances($opdgrp, " ")

$nummiscs = StringCountOccurances($mscgrp, " ")

$numparts = $numcases + $nummobos + $numcpus + $numrams + $numgpus + $numhdds + $numpsus + $numopds + $nummiscs

$costcase = GetPrice($casegrp, 0, $numcases)

$costmobo = GetPrice($mobogrp, 0, $nummobos)

$costcpu = GetPrice($cpugrp, 0, $numcpus)

$costram = GetPrice($ramgrp, 0, $numrams)

$costgpu = GetPrice($gpugrp, 0, $numgpus)

$costhdd = GetPrice($hddgrp, 0, $numhdds)

$costpsu = GetPrice($psugrp, 0, $numpsus)

$costopd = GetPrice($opdgrp, 0, $numopds)

$costmisc = GetPrice($mscgrp, 0, $nummiscs)


getpice - find the price of an entire group or item

(item = 0 for whole group, 1 for specific item)

numitems should be the number of items in the group for whole group cost, or the item in the group for specific item cost


Func GetPrice($group, $item, $numitems)

$price = 0

If $item = 0 Then

$searchchar = 0 ;the character we're checking

For $i = 1 To $numitems ;do this for each product in the group

$searchchar += 1

$foundprice = 0 ;have we found any seperators?

While $foundprice = 0 ;no seperators found yet

$curchar = StringLeft($group, $searchchar) ;copy the group up until this character

$curchar = StringRight($curchar, 1) ;copy only the last character

If $curchar = "^" Then ;if we've struck a seperator

$pos1 = $searchchar ;where the first seperator is

$foundprice = 1 ;now to find the next

Else ;haven't found it (yet)

$searchchar += 1 ;look at the next character in the group



$searchchar += 1 ;now to find next seperator (to isolate the price)

While $foundprice = 1 ;we've found the first seperator, now to find the next

$curchar = StringLeft($group, $searchchar)

$curchar = StringRight($curchar, 1)

If $curchar = "^" Then

$pos2 = $searchchar

$foundprice = 2


$searchchar += 1



$pricechars = $pos2 - $pos1 ;how many chars long is the price

$thisprice = Number(StringMid($group, $pos1, $pricechars)) ;get the price

$price += $thisprice ;add this item's price to the total



$founditemstart = 0

$curitem = 0

While $founditemstart = 0 ;no seperators found yet

$curchar = StringLeft($group, $searchchar) ;copy the group up until this character

$curchar = StringRight($curchar, 1) ;copy only the last character

If $curchar = " " Then ;if we've struck a seperator

$curitem += 1

If $curitem = $numitems Then

$itemcode = StringRight($group, StringInStr($searchchar, "") - $searchchar) ;store the item's code

$founditemstart = 1 ;found the item


Else ;haven't found it (yet)

$searchchar += 1 ;look at the next character in the group



$searchchar = 1 ;the character we're checking

$foundprice = 0 ;have we found any seperators?

While $foundprice = 0 ;no seperators found yet

$curchar = StringLeft($itemcode, $searchchar) ;copy the group up until this character

$curchar = StringRight($curchar, 1) ;copy only the last character

If $curchar = "^" Then ;if we've struck a seperator

$pos1 = $searchchar ;where the first seperator is

$foundprice = 1 ;now to find the next

Else ;haven't found it (yet)

$searchchar += 1 ;look at the next character in the group



$searchchar += 1 ;now to find next seperator (to isolate the price)

While $foundprice = 1 ;we've found the first seperator, now to find the next

$curchar = StringLeft($itemcode, $searchchar)

$curchar = StringRight($curchar, 1)

If $curchar = "^" Then

$pos2 = $searchchar

$foundprice = 2


$searchchar += 1



$pricechars = $pos2 - $pos1 ;how many chars long is the price

$thisprice = Number(StringMid($group, $pos1, $pricechars)) ;get the price

$price += $thisprice ;add this item's price to the total


Return $price

EndFunc ;==>GetPrice

Func StringCountOccurances($basestring, $substring)

StringReplace($basestring, $substring, $substring)

$occurances = @extended

Return $occurances

EndFunc ;==>StringCountOccurances

;MsgBox(0, "", "Cases:" & $casegrp & @CR & "Mobos:" & $mobogrp & @CR & "CPUs:" & $cpugrp & @CR & "RAM:" & $ramgrp & @CR & "GPUs:" & $gpugrp & @CR & "HDDs:" & $hddgrp & @CR & "PSUs:" & $psugrp & @CR & "OPDs:" & $opdgrp & @CR & "Misc:" & $mscgrp)

;format the gui

$addtotop = 0 ;extra room at top

$addtobottom = 0 ;extra room at bottom

$guiheight = ($numparts * 20) ;allocate 20 pixels per part

$guiheight += ((9 * 10) * 2) ;allocate 10 pixels for the top and bottom of each group

$guiheight_final = $guiheight + $addtotop ;room for other stuff

$guiwidth = 500 ;how wide the gui should be

;how much room we should allocate per group

$casespace = $numcases * 20

$mobospace = $nummobos * 20

$cpuspace = $numcpus * 20

$ramspace = $numrams * 20

$gpuspace = $numgpus * 20

$hddspace = $numhdds * 20

$psuspace = $numpsus * 20

$opdspace = $numopds * 20

$miscspace = $nummiscs * 20

$_casespace = $casespace + 20

$_mobospace = $mobospace + 20

$_cpuspace = $cpuspace + 20

$_ramspace = $ramspace + 20

$_gpuspace = $gpuspace + 20

$_hddspace = $hddspace + 20

$_psuspace = $psuspace + 20

$_opdspace = $opdspace + 20

$_miscspace = $miscspace + 20

;calculate how much room is left under each group

$room_under_top = $guiheight

$room_under_case = $guiheight - $_casespace

$room_under_mobo = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace

$room_under_cpu = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace

$room_under_ram = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace

$room_under_gpu = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace - $_gpuspace

$room_under_hdd = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace - $_gpuspace - $_hddspace

$room_under_psu = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace - $_gpuspace - $_hddspace - $_psuspace

$room_under_opd = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace - $_gpuspace - $_hddspace - $_psuspace - $_opdspace

$room_under_misc = $guiheight - $_casespace - $_mobospace - $_cpuspace - $_ramspace - $_gpuspace - $_hddspace - $_psuspace - $_opdspace - $_miscspace

;re-order them

$pos_case = $guiheight_final - $room_under_case - 20

$pos_mobo = $guiheight_final - $room_under_mobo - 20

$pos_cpu = $guiheight_final - $room_under_cpu - 20

$pos_ram = $guiheight_final - $room_under_ram - 20

$pos_gpu = $guiheight_final - $room_under_gpu - 20

$pos_hdd = $guiheight_final - $room_under_hdd - 20

$pos_psu = $guiheight_final - $room_under_psu - 20

$pos_opd = $guiheight_final - $room_under_opd - 20

$pos_misc = $guiheight_final - $room_under_misc - 20


$adjusterthingy = 20

If $numcases = 0 Then

$pos_case += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $nummobos = 0 Then

$pos_mobo += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numcpus = 0 Then

$pos_cpu += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numrams = 0 Then

$pos_ram += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numgpus = 0 Then

$pos_gpu += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numhdds = 0 Then

$pos_hdd += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numpsus = 0 Then

$pos_psu += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $numopds = 0 Then

$pos_opd += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy

ElseIf $nummiscs = 0 Then

$pos_misc += $adjusterthingy

$guiheight_final += $adjusterthingy



;MsgBox(0, "", $room_under_top & @CR & $room_under_case & @CR & $room_under_mobo & @CR & $room_under_cpu & @CR & $room_under_ram & @CR & $room_under_gpu & @CR & $room_under_hdd & @CR & $room_under_psu & @CR & $room_under_opd & @CR & $room_under_misc)

;MsgBox(0, "", $_miscspace)

GUICreate("Newegg computer builder", $guiwidth, $guiheight_final+$addtobottom+15)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Cases", 5, $pos_case, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Motherboards", 5, $pos_mobo, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("CPUs", 5, $pos_cpu, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Memory", 5, $pos_ram, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Graphics cards", 5, $pos_gpu, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Hard drives", 5, $pos_hdd, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Power supplies", 5, $pos_psu, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Optical drives", 5, $pos_opd, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)

GUICtrlCreateGroup("Misc. items", 5, $pos_misc, $guiwidth - 10, $_casespace)


While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case Else

;incase we do something





;newegg computer builder parts list

;Add parts by using the following functions:










;in the (), put "name of item", "price", "newegg url extension", "number of these to buy"

;"price" should be the combined cost for all multiple items, ex. two 29.99 sticks of memory should be 59.98 with the two at the end of the add function

;example parts list:

;AddCase("ExCase", "29.99", "CASEURL", "1")

;AddMobo("ExMobo", "149.99", "MOBOURL", "1")

;AddCPU("ExCPU", "249.99", "CPUURL", "1")

;AddRAM("ExRAM", "49.99", "RAMURL", "2")

;AddGPU("ExGPU", "349.99", "GPUURL", "1")

;AddHDD("ExHDD", "49.99", "HDDURL", "1")

;AddPSU("ExPSU", "49.99", "PSUURL", "1")

;AddOpticalDrive("ExOPD", "149.99", "OPDURL", "1")

;AddMisc("ExMisc", "149.99", "MISCURL", "1")

; add parts below this line

AddCase("Aplus Monolith", "119.99", "N82E16811294006", "1")

AddMobo("Gigabyte x38", "349.99", "N82E16813128068", "1")

AddCPU("Q6600", "277.99", "N82E16819115017", "1")

AddRAM("Kingston 533mhz", "109.98", "N82E16820144157", "2")

AddGPU("EVGA 8800gts 640mb", "384.99", "N82E16814130071", "1")

AddHDD("WD 7200rpm 16mb cache 250gb", "69.99", "N82E16822144701", "1")

AddPSU("Coolmax 700w", "139.99", "N82E16817159058", "1")

;AddOpticalDrive("None", "0", "OPDURL", "0")

AddMisc("Zalman 9700 cpu cooler", "59.99", "N82E16835118020", "1")

AddMisc("Arctic silver 5 thermal grease", "5.99", "N82E16835100007", "1")

AddMisc("Arctic silver 5 thermal grease", "5.99", "N82E16835100007", "1")

AddMisc("Arctic silver 5 thermal grease", "5.99", "N82E16835100007", "1")

AddMisc("Arctic silver 5 thermal grease", "5.99", "N82E16835100007", "1")

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His part.txt is his pseudo database of NewEgg's huge database. I pointed out to him before that unless he has access to the NewEgg database, he has to update his partslist manually...which apparently what he wants to do. :/

Edited by aslani

[font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version

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His part.txt is his pseudo database of NewEgg's huge database. I pointed out to him before that unless he has access to the NewEgg database, he has to update his partslist manually...which apparently what he wants to do. :/

Yes. That way, you just have to pick out the parts you're considering getting. Kinda like an off-line compare feature, but for an entire computer.
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Ok, so we're suposed to load that list into the program?

In my mind your question is why the groups in you GUI dont expand if you add to much text to them(instead the text just flows over?)....is that the case?

The problem is that when I add more parts, that group is supposed to expand and make more room. Instead, the group simply moves down the window. I'm trying to find out how I can make the group get bigger instead of simply move down.
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