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I need help with this. I am able to connect to my database, retrieve and insert data, but my problem is.. If in the data like an account name or so there's a ; or ' then I will get an error. I heard about preparing the data, but I couldn't get that to work since I found hardly nothing on it..

I'd be very grateful to you if you were to solve this problem for me and perhaps give me an example of preparing the data that is sent to the SQL database through ODBC using ADO. (ADODB.Connection object)

Edited by Ranmaru
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Using the _SQL.au3 stuff in my signature, I'm not seeing the problem

#include <array.au3>
#include <_sql.au3>
Opt ("trayIconDebug",1)
$con = _SQLStartup()
If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection")

;Create a database called test
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"Line 20",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1,"Create database My_SQL_Test;")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"Line 22",$SQLErr)  

Msgbox(0,"","Created datatbase log out and back in")

$con = _SQLStartup()
If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"LINE 30",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1, "CREATE TABLE BBKS (ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),ComputerName VARCHAR(20) UNIQUE,Status VARCHAR(10),Error VARCHAR(10)Primary Key (ID));")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('"& @computername & "','On;li''ne','None');");Online with a semi colon and apostrophe
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('1"& @computername & "','On;li''ne','None');");Online with a semi colon and apostrophe
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('2"& @computername & "','On;li''ne','None');");Online with a semi colon and apostrophe
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)

Msgbox(0,"","Created table and added data so get some data out")

$data = _SQLExecute(-1,"SELECT ComputerName AS Expr1, Status AS Expr2 FROM BBKs WHERE (ComputerName = '2inept')")

If Not @error then 
    $aData = _SqlGetData2D($data)

$data = _SQLExecute(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;")
If Not @error then 
    $aData = _SQLGetData2D($data)

$data = _SQLExecute(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;")
If Not @error then 
    $sData = _SqlGetDataAsString($data)
    Msgbox(0,"Data as a string",$sData)

_SQLExecute(-1, "DROP TABLE BBKS;")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)

Msgbox(0,"","dropped the table will drop the database next")

$con = _SQLStartup()
If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)
_SQLExecute(-1,"DROP database My_SQL_Test;")
if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)     
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because you are already using ' in to enclose the data you need to double it up when it is part of the data

That is what I don't understand..

' starts the string and ' ends it.. So this is a string data with '


To me that is.. Starting the string, ending it, starting it, ending it.

So are there other characters that can't be used like that and which this character or the same character twice works on?

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That is what I don't understand..

' starts the string and ' ends it.. So this is a string data with '


To me that is.. Starting the string, ending it, starting it, ending it.

So are there other characters that can't be used like that and which this character or the same character twice works on?

It's Autoit that is taking it as the end of the string which is why you need to double it up

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