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I'm in the process of testing the Blacklist functionality.

1. I placed Blacklist.txt on my server at www.myserver.com/protect/Blacklist.txt

2. Made sure I can bring the file up in IE

3. D_Link is changed to above.

4. Confirmed 003 in the registry has the email address I used.

5. I then place the same email in the Blacklist file.

Looks like the online file isn't being read or the temp file isn't being written (Guessing)

I placed a msgbox to show variables and


MsgBox(0,"@Temp",$rtemp) ; I'm unable to locate file in directory

$thelist=InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp,1)

MsgBox(0,"Thelist",$thelist) ; Always 0

If InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp, 1) = 1 Then

$itemp = FileRead($rtemp)


MsgBox(0,"itemp",$itemp) ; Nothing comes up

If StringInStr($itemp, $X_read003) Or StringInStr($itemp, $ND_Mail) Then mError("This program has been abused and will now close ", 6, 1)


Any clues where the problem is?

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use this

D_Link = "www.myserver.com/protect/"

XProtec adds the "blacklist.txt" part

If InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp, 1) = 1 Then

hope that helps


I did this and I'm still not getting the Blacklist check.

The program seems to not go into the following if statement.

Because I get Marker0 but not Marker1 - This is why I'm thinking

MsgBox(0,"Marker0","Marker0 Here")

If InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp, 1) = 1 Then

$itemp = FileRead($rtemp)

MsgBox(0,"Marker1","Marker1 Here")


If StringInStr($itemp, $X_read003) Or StringInStr($itemp, $ND_Mail) Then mError("This program has been abused and will now close ", 6, 1)


What can I do

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