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Possible Bug in IniWriteSection


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I'm posting this here first as there is a workaround for the issue, but it still seems like it would be a bug.

IniWriteSection will not create a folder when creating a new Ini file. If you manually create the folder IniWriteSection will create the file in the newly created folder.

Dim $aData2[3][2] = [ [ "FirstKey", "FirstValue" ], [ "SecondKey", "SecondValue" ], [ "ThirdKey", "ThirdValue" ] ]

$sIni = @DesktopDir & "\test.ini"

$return1 = IniWriteSection($sIni,"SectionA",$adata2,0);<---Creates file correctly

ConsoleWrite("DesktopDir: "&$return1&@error&@CRLF)

$sIni2 = @DesktopDir & "\temp\test2.ini"

$return2 = IniWriteSection($sIni2,"SectionB",$adata2,0);<---Does not create directory and file

ConsoleWrite("DesktopDir and another folder: "&$return2&@error&@CRLF)

DirCreate( @DesktopDir&"\temp");Manually create directory

$return3 = IniWriteSection($sIni2,"SectionB",$adata2,0);<---Creates file

ConsoleWrite("DesktopDir and another folder after manually creating folder: "&$return3&@error&@CRLF)

Any Ideas or does this need to be moved to the Bug Report Forum?



Kerros===============================================================How to learn scripting: Figure out enough to be dangerous, then ask for assistance.

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And why would this be a bug? <_<

It doesn't say anywhere that if the directory doesn't exist it is created.

If file does not exist, it is created. Keys and/or sections are added to the end and are not sorted in any way.

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Ok, maybe not so much a bug as a feature request then. While the documentation does state that file will be create, it was my assumption that the path would also be created as well, as you can't create a file without the folder being there. A change in the documentation would also be helpful.

If file does not exist, it is created, if the path already exists. Keys and/or sections are added to the end and are not sorted in any way.

This may just be a suggestion then, if something similar to the flags for filecopy or filemove

flag [optional] this flag determines whether to overwrite files if they already exist:

Can be a combination of the following:

0 = (default) do not overwrite existing files

1 = overwrite existing files

8 = Create destination directory structure if it doesn't exist (See Remarks).

Edited by Kerros

Kerros===============================================================How to learn scripting: Figure out enough to be dangerous, then ask for assistance.

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The Ini* functions use standard Microsoft functions currently, if you feel this to be a bug, you'll need to report the issue with them.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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I posted about this being a possible bug because the function didn't work as I had expected it to. Upon finding out that it's not a bug, but this is how it's designed, I posted a suggestion. If there are more important features or things that need to be worked on for the functionality of AutoIt that is fine, and this suggestion can be ignored. I now know how it works and will be able to apply that.

Kerros===============================================================How to learn scripting: Figure out enough to be dangerous, then ask for assistance.

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I posted about this being a possible bug because the function didn't work as I had expected it to. Upon finding out that it's not a bug, but this is how it's designed, I posted a suggestion. If there are more important features or things that need to be worked on for the functionality of AutoIt that is fine, and this suggestion can be ignored. I now know how it works and will be able to apply that.

Ini questions have been popping up quite a bit lately... You could write a simple/quick wrapper for it I'm sure... Something like:
Func _IniWriteSection($sFileName, $sSection, $sData, $iIndex = 1)
    If FileExists($sFileName) = 0 Then FileClose(FileOpen($sFileName, 10))
    Return IniWriteSection($sFileName, $sSection, $sData, $iIndex)

I'm not sure, but by the sound of it, it "looked" like Valik may end up re-writing the Ini functions natively... which may change somethings.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Thank you SmOke_N that wrapper worked well, I just changed $index = 1 to $index to make it more universal for my script.


Kerros===============================================================How to learn scripting: Figure out enough to be dangerous, then ask for assistance.

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