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Changing Time Format of date control


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I've used code forever that changes the format of a date control, and although my script hasn't changed, a more recent version of AutoIt breaks the functionality. Currently using autoit-v3.2.9.11.

I've written a test script by way of example:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>


$style = "hh:mm tt" ; or
;$style = "hh':'mm' 'tt"
GuiCtrlSendMsg($date, $DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, $style) ; or 
;GUICtrlSendMsg($date, 0x1005, 0, $style)


This creates a time (date) control and attempts to change it's format to one which excludes the seconds. The two different format ($style = ) lines show testing attempts with the way it used to work in a previous version of AutoIt and the way given in examples in this forum. Same with the two SendMsg lines, one showing the way my script uses it, the other the way it's currently shown in forum examples.

What I end up with is a date control showing a single number, eg: "5" for the actual time "5:24 PM", no minutes etc are shown. I've played around with the format of the $style string - pretty much everything I could think of - but I keep getting just a single digit shown instead of a properly formatted time.

Now, I don't know what changed in AutoIt to break this functionality. How can I now correctly change the time format?

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Now, I don't know what changed in AutoIt to break this functionality. How can I now correctly change the time format?

As stated in this thread:


you should use $DTM_SETFORMATW = 0x1032 instead $DTM_SETFORMAT for unicode version. For me this solution work fine.

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