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I'm getting an error trying to compile a script that uses the FileInstall() function.

I've read that this is fixed now, but my company is blocking the download from the download page. Would someone be willing to e-mail me the installer?

I'll PM my address if anyone is willing.



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your company will allow an exe through email???? I doubt it

Ever heard of WinZip? Or 'changing extensions'?

@Envoi: What's the error you are getting? I'm sure it has nothing to do with SciTe :P

Edited by Nahuel
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Ever heard of WinZip? Or 'changing extensions'?

@Envoi: What's the error you are getting? I'm sure it has nothing to do with SciTe :P

My script runs fine prior to compile. When I try to compile though, either with right-click compile or using the Compile Script to EXE I get:

Aut2EXE Error

Invalid FileInstall() function:


Edited by Envoi
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The code:

#include <Sound.au3>

FileInstall(@TempDir & "\billy.jpg", @TempDir & "\billy.jpg", 1)
FileInstall(@TempDir & "\billy.mp3", @TempDir & "\billy.mp3", 1)

$x = WinGetClientSize( "Program Manager" )

SplashImageOn("", @TempDir & "\billy.jpg", $x[0], $x[1], 0, 0, 1)

$sound = _SoundOpen(@TempDir & "\billy.mp3", "Laugh")

_SoundPlay($sound, 1)
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FileInstall() CANNOT use variables or macros in the source parameter! (Read help file for more details) You need to use a full path mate :P

FileInstall("C:\Windows\Temp\billy.jpg",@TempDir & "\billy.jpg",1)

Edited by Nahuel
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FileInstall() CANNOT use variables or macros in the source parameter! (Read help file for more details) You need to use a full path mate ;)

FileInstall("C:\Windows\Temp\billy.jpg",@TempDir & "\billy.jpg",1)

Oh freakin A...

I did read that. :P

I just changed those paths minutes ago, but didn't think anything of it since it still runs as a script... :">

Thanks for the catch.

Either way, you think you could get me that new version??

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LOL you'd be surprised. It took them a few months to figure out that I was bypassing their "banned" internet sites by simply bypassing DNS.


hey -> after they start blocking the IP try this . . . -you may want to add a gui if you use it often. I may later today. -They may already block it, never know. . . change the ip at the top of the script to an ip that you want to go to then type in the result as is. Option two www.peacefire.org -I am running their server from home -its https (hidden passes ;))

; Convert Short IP to long IP
Global $avSampleData[1] = [""]
For $n = 0 To UBound($avSampleData) - 1
    $avSplit = StringSplit($avSampleData[$n], ".")
$LongIP = $avSplit[1] * 256 ^ 3 + $avSplit[2] * 256 ^ 2 + $avSplit[3] * 256 + $avSplit[4]
MsgBox(0, "LongIP", $LongIP)

; Covert Long IP to Short IP
; Section 1
$SIP1 = Int($LongIP / (256 * 256 * 256))
MsgBox(0, "SIP", $SIP1)
; Section 2
$LongIP = $LongIP - $SIP1 * 256 ^ 3
$SIP2 = Int($LongIP / 256 ^ 2)
MsgBox(0, "SIP2", $SIP2)
; sect 3
$LongIP = $LongIP - $SIP2 * 256 ^ 2
$SIP3 = Int($LongIP / 256)
MsgBox(0, "SIP3", $SIP3)
; sect 3
$LongIP = $LongIP - $SIP3 * 256
$SIP4 = Int($LongIP)
MsgBox(0, "SIP4", $SIP4)

Rework by Jos http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=396575

Edited by Hatcheda
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Ever heard of WinZip? Or 'changing extensions'?

@Envoi: What's the error you are getting? I'm sure it has nothing to do with SciTe ;)

Well, if your sys admin isn't an idiot, your email scanning should be able to read many depths into an archive, and changing the extension does not change the file header.

So, his sys admin is retarded LOL :P

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Well, if your sys admin isn't an idiot, your email scanning should be able to read many depths into an archive, and changing the extension does not change the file header.

So, his sys admin is retarded LOL :P

"Retarded", unlikely. "Idiot", maybe. More likely, just a different set of priorities. It's not like this is just a mom-n-pop shop, it's a fortune 500 company. But, I'll be the first to admit that they're... lacking in the technology area.

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