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Can anybody it help me in a mistake?


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obs.: The txt file and the software that I am using are enclosed

change the file cadcli.txt for cadcli.exe



==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

$Second_Column = $Columns[2]

$Second_Column = ^ ERROR



$file = FileOpen("c:\temp\Familia.txt", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



While 1

$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)

$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")

$First_Column = $Columns[1]

$Second_Column = $Columns[2]

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

WinWaitActive("Cadastro de Clientes")

ControlClick("Cadastro de Clientes", "", "[CLASS:TEdit;INSTANCE:2]")


ControlClick("Cadastro de Clientes", "", "[CLASS:TEdit;INSTANCE:1]")


ControlClick("Cadastro de Clientes", "", "[CLASS:TButton; TEXT:Gravar; INSTANCE:2]")





The format and content of the txt file are this way:

Silvio Aulik|42

Rosangela Zeni|47

Pedro Zeni|20





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Just change the error checking


While 1

$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)

$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")

$First_Column = $Columns[1]

$Second_Column = $Columns[2]

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop


While 1
$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)
If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")
$First_Column = $Columns[1]
$Second_Column = $Columns[2]


Edited by Valuater


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Did not yet solve

The mistake still is reproduced.

Execute my script..


Just change the error checking


While 1

$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)

$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")

$First_Column = $Columns[1]

$Second_Column = $Columns[2]

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop


While 1
$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)
If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")
$First_Column = $Columns[1]
$Second_Column = $Columns[2]



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The script has to be ran by people with your kind of locales. So either you have to change it to a English speaking version. Or you have to elaborate with the people trying to help you.

1: Do you understand the error message you posted?

Try this code and compare the error messages.

local $a[1]
$a[0] = "this is the only line"
ConsoleWrite($a[1] & @CRLF)
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I unfortunately do not be getting

C:\Documents and Settings\rosesqa\Meus documentos\scr-autoit3\Le_file-text-FinalVersion.au3 (11) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

$Second_Column = $Columns[2]

$Second_Column = ^ ERROR

The script has to be ran by people with your kind of locales. So either you have to change it to a English speaking version. Or you have to elaborate with the people trying to help you.

1: Do you understand the error message you posted?

Try this code and compare the error messages.

local $a[1]
$a[0] = "this is the only line"
ConsoleWrite($a[1] & @CRLF)
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Does not the sample I provided return about the same error message you get in your own project?

D:\code\au3\foo.au3 (8) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: 
ConsoleWrite($a[1] & @CRLF) 
ConsoleWrite(^ ERROR

This error message tels you that you try to access a place in the array that does not exist!

So you have to figure out how big your error is and where the information you want in it is. You also have to test if it is as big as you think it is. Or if the function creating the array did return an error?

Try this

Local $a[1]
Func ArrDump(ByRef $arr, $err=@error, $line=@ScriptLineNumber)
    If $err <> 0 then ConsoleWrite("(" & $line & "):=ERROR: (@error:=" & $error & ")" & @CRLF)
    If Not IsArray($arr) Then
        ConsoleWrite("(" & $line & "):=WARNING $arr is not an array!!!")
        ConsoleWrite("Array size ->" & UBound($arr) & " Lasst accessible item is: $arr[" & UBound($arr) & @CRLF)
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I do not believe!!!

I added more items in the txt file and there were not anymore problems!!!.

Then I just let as 02 items and the script executed without problems...


Does not the sample I provided return about the same error message you get in your own project?

D:\code\au3\foo.au3 (8) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: 
ConsoleWrite($a[1] & @CRLF) 
ConsoleWrite(^ ERROR

This error message tels you that you try to access a place in the array that does not exist!

So you have to figure out how big your error is and where the information you want in it is. You also have to test if it is as big as you think it is. Or if the function creating the array did return an error?

Try this

Local $a[1]
Func ArrDump(ByRef $arr, $err=@error, $line=@ScriptLineNumber)
    If $err <> 0 then ConsoleWrite("(" & $line & "):=ERROR: (@error:=" & $error & ")" & @CRLF)
    If Not IsArray($arr) Then
        ConsoleWrite("(" & $line & "):=WARNING $arr is not an array!!!")
        ConsoleWrite("Array size ->" & UBound($arr) & " Lasst accessible item is: $arr[" & UBound($arr) & @CRLF)
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I was just thinking the same thing Uten.

Best to check for blank lines

$Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")

If $Columns[0] >= 2 Then


better yet

$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)
If StringInStr($Whole_Line, '|') Then
   $Columns = StringSplit($Whole_Line, "|")
   Rest of that Code

EDIT 2: (Because I'm brain dead)

$Whole_Line = FileReadLine($File)
If NOT StringInStr($Whole_Line, '|') Then ContinueLoop
Rest of the loop code
Edited by GEOSoft


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The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

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