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AutoIt v3.2.10.0 Released


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  • Administrators (25th November, 2007) (Release)

Download: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/downloads.shtml

Please uninstall any beta versions first.

Thanks to everyone who has:

- Helped to write AutoIt code

- Helped with regression testing

- Helped with the SciTe editor and tools

- Helped to write, convert and organise the standard include library

- Helped with the help file and examples

- Moderated the forum

- Submitted a bug report

- Downloaded and used AutoIt

- and put up with me :P

WARNING: The next release of AutoIt will have the following changes which will break backwards compatibility:

  • FileInstall() is being rewritten from the ground up. The FileInstall() function will be retained but will not function in the same way. The new implementation will appear in future beta releases.
  • GUIConstants.au3 is being made redundant; it will be identical to GUIConstantsEx.au3. The easiest way to support this change is to replace all instances of GUIConstants.au3 with GUIConstantsEx.au3, then run Au3Check and include other constants files until the errors go away. This change can be made now and does not require waiting on a future beta version. At some point during the next beta cycle, GUIConstants.au3 is simply going to becoming identical to GUIConstantsEx.au3, at which point scripts using GUIConstants.au3 may or may not stop working depending on which constants are being used.

- Changed: DllCall() new method of passing types by reference using *.

- Changed: DllCall(): short_ptr, long_ptr, int_ptr types deprecated. Use short*, long* and int* respectively.

- Changed: Limits on Execute() removed.

- Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 7.4.

- Added: 64bit (x64) versions of AutoIt, Aut2Exe, Au3Info and AutoItX.

- Added: DllCallbackRegister(), DllCallbackGetPtr() and DllCallbackFree()

- Added: DllCall() now accept doubles, int64, uint64, wparam and lparam types.

- Added: SendKeepActive().

- Added: ControlTreeView().

- Added: ProcessGetStats().

- Added: VarGetType().

- Added: @AutoItX64 macro.

- Added: Au3Info : Handle info for windows and controls.

- Added: DllStructCreate() added "align" keyword to set structure alignment.

- Fixed: Control...() functions using CLASS and TEXT together sometimes incorrect.

- Fixed: Control...() functions using CLASSNN sometimes incorrect.

- Fixed: Windows Vista taskbar previews causing problems with windows matching.

- Fixed: $var = $var was not giving an error when $var didn't already exist.

- Fixed: GUICtrlSetImage() sizing regression from

- Fixed: GUICtrlCreateListView() with no column.

- Fixed: _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn() after _GUICtrlListViewDeleteColumn() of the first column of a ListView control.

- Fixed: Extra notification on colored button.

- Fixed: IniReadSectionNames() for [] sections.

- Fixed: Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", Default) fatal error.

- Fixed: GUICtrlSetStyle() with $ES_READONLY bad $WS_TABSTOP.

- Fixed: AutoIt Crash on exit if Win...() used with a Title being a COM object.

- Fixed: ProcessExists() on service process under Win2K.

- Fixed: DefPushButton behavior.

- Fixed: ControlCommand(SelectString) order selection.

- Fixed: Array cannot have 2^24 entries.

- Fixed: GuiCreateMenu() on a windows without title and without client area.

- Fixed: WinWaitActive() sometimes failing after a WinActivate().

- Fixed: _SQLite_SQLiteExe() referencing by default "Extras\SQLite\SQlite3.exe".

- Fixed: _Sound...() when refering to a file with "!" characters.

- Fixed: Looping GUIRegisterMsg() doesn't unregister.

- Fixed: Focus on ES_READONLY edit control.

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