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Pixel Search problems


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Hi, I'm writing a bot for a game called Tales of Pirates. I want the bot to search the screen for a a pixel with a specific color and then click that pixel. The problem I am having is that I can't get the pixel search to only search the game window. This is my test code:

WinWaitActive("Tales of Pirates - Union War")
While 1
    $window_info = WinGetPos("Tales of Pirates - Union War")
    $enemy_coords = PixelSearch($window_info[0], $window_info[1], $window_info[2], $window_info[3], 0xC8600C)
    If @error == 0 Then
        MouseMove($enemy_coords[0], $enemy_coords[1], 0)

This is the line that is not working correctly: $enemy_coords = PixelSearch($window_info[0], $window_info[1], $window_info[2], $window_info[3], 0xC8600C)

I'm trying to get the script to only search the game window by getting the x and y coords and the window width and heigth and then use those variables to sepcify the area that PixelSearch() searches through. Shouldn't this work? I mean the PixelSearch() function takes 4 parameters: left, top, right and bottom. If I use WinGetPos() I get the window's x position, y position, width and heigth. So if I only want to search the game window the "left" paramater should equal the window's x position, the "top" parameter should equal the window's y position, the "right" parameter should equal the window's width and finally the "bottom" paramater should equal the windows heigth, right?

Am I missing something here because nothing happens when I run that code. However, it works when type this: $enemy_coords = PixelSearch(0, 0, 1440, 900, 0xC8600C) (1400 x 900 is my desktop resolution) but then it searches through the whole screen and I only want it to search through the game window.

Any help is appreciated!

And by the way I got another question concerning pixel search. Is it possible to use a pixel search that only matches when more than one pixel has the right color? For example say that I want pixel search only to match when a red pixel is to the left of a green pixel and to the right of a blue pixel. Can you do that somehow?

Edited by Kal
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I think that will work true :

$enemy_coords = PixelSearch($window_info[0], $window_info[1], $window_info[0] + $window_info[2], $window_info[1] + $window_info[3], 0xC8600C)

Is it possible to use a pixel search that only matches when more than one pixel has the right color?

Look here for MultiPixelSearch :


Edited by Jex
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Yes that worked! Thanks a lot! Would you mind explaining how it works too? Why should the "width" parameter be the window width plus the x pos, shouldn't that result in a pixel search area that is bigger than the window? And the same thing for "heigth".

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