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Is there a string equivalant to _FileReadToArray

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Hello all,

I need to read a multiline string into an array similar to _FileReadToArray but I can't fine a UDF, so I had to write the string to a file so I could use the _FileReadToArray. This seems sooooo ugly. The main reason I need to use the _FileReadToArray is so I can ignore the 1st 3 lines. Below is my code.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

#include <Constants.au3>

#include <Date.au3>

#include <File.au3>

#include <Array.au3>


Func wait4job2bdone()

;wait for the restore job to complete

Local $sDir = "C:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup"

Local $sExe = "ca_qmgr -list"

Local $sOutput = ""

Local $PID = Run($sDir & "\" & $sExe, $sDir, @SW_MINIMIZE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD)



If StdoutRead($PID, 0, 1) Then $sOutput &= StdoutRead($PID)

If StderrRead($PID, 0, 1) Then $sOutput &= StderrRead($PID)

Until Not ProcessExists($PID)

Msgbox(0,'Output var: ', $sOutput)

_FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\jobinfo.log", $sOutput )

dim $ajobrecords

If Not _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\jobinfo.log", $ajobrecords) Then ;$$ajobrecords is an array holding the results of

;ca_qmgr -list.

MsgBox(4096,"Error", " Error reading log to Array error:" & @error)



Msgbox(0,'number of Records: ', $ajobrecords[0])

For $x = 1 to $ajobrecords[0]

Msgbox(0,'Record:' & $x, $ajobrecords[$x])



Any suggestions?????


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does StringSplit help?

So long,


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does StringSplit help?

If so then try something like this:

$string = ""
$string &= "one line" & @CRLF
$string &= "two lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "three lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "four lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "five lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "six lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "seven lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "eight lines"
MsgBox( 0, "test", $string )
$array = StringSplit( $string, @CR ) 
For $temp = 1 To $array[0]
    If StringLeft( $array[$temp], 1 ) = @LF Then $array[$temp] = StringTrimLeft( $array[$temp], 1 )
_ArrayDisplay( $array, "test" )

EDIT: See GEOSoft's post below mine to omit the first 3 lines.

Edited by danwilli
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If so then try something like this:

$string = ""
$string &= "one line" & @CRLF
$string &= "two lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "three lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "four lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "five lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "six lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "seven lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "eight lines"
MsgBox( 0, "test", $string )
$array = StringSplit( $string, @CR ) 
For $temp = 1 To $array[0]
    If StringLeft( $array[$temp], 1 ) = @LF Then $array[$temp] = StringTrimLeft( $array[$temp], 1 )
_ArrayDisplay( $array, "test" )oÝ÷ Ûú®¢×z+r§æ(ºh¬±çmêZ®Ü!z·­ã±¨¶$ayø«²Ýåw¬jëh×6#include<array.au3>
$string = ""
$string &= "one line" & @CRLF
$string &= "two lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "three lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "four lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "five lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "six lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "seven lines" & @CRLF
$string &= "eight lines"
MsgBox( 0, "test", $string )
$array = StringSplit( $string, @CR ) 
For $temp = 4 To $array[0]
    If StringLeft( $array[$temp], 1 ) = @LF Then $array[$temp] = StringTrimLeft( $array[$temp], 1 )
_ArrayDisplay( $array, "test" )


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