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Embedded VNC


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Heya Peeps,

I have a different job title depending on what day of the week it is. One of those titles is System Administrator for a Charter School. I am attempting to develop a program for the teacher of the computer lab so she can monitor all of the 21 student machines at once and take control when she needs to. I know you can embed programs into an AutoIT GUI, I was just wondering if this was possible with TightVNC Viewer or if anyone knows of anyway to get AutoIT to work with VNC. I know it can be done by using a few DLLs and listening to some TCP ports, but I thought this would be an easier approach.


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Thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate it. I ended up using ptrex's suggestion of VNCX, it turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.

@weaponx - I know all about NetOp for Schools and all the other "RAT" suites, but I am trying to do this at little to no cost for the school. I also like the ability to design my own features, instead of waiting on the Dev team to release an update. I am working on a Software Engineering degree, so I don't have any problem designing software to fit what I need when one already exists.



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