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Renaming files with a text file content

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Hi all

My following little script reads a text file (Administrator_audfiles.txt) and extract the information corresponding to the lines which contain the data about some recordings (start time, phone number and channel). However, it has a strange behaviour: for the first two lines it works perfectly but beginning with the third, all the next lines are no more processed. And if I replace FileMove with FileCopy in the last lines, the situation is the same. Here is the code:

#include <file.au3>

$Nr_linii_t = _FileCountLines("C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt")

MsgBox(0, "Nr lines in text files is:", $Nr_linii_t)

$Nr_linii=Int($Nr_linii_t/5 )

MsgBox(0, "Nr lines 5 by 5:", $Nr_linii)


While $a <= $Nr_linii


MsgBox(0, "Step nr:", $a)

MsgBox(0, "Line nr:", $:D

$file = FileOpen("C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt", 0)


$line = FileReadLine($file,$:P

$result = StringLeft($line, 35)

$result1=StringStripWS($result, 8)

MsgBox(0, "File to rename:", $result1)

$text = StringReplace($line,":", "-") ;replace in line 5 chars ':' and '/' with '-'

$text1 = StringReplace($text,"/", "-")

$text2 = StringStripWS($text1, 8)

MsgBox(0, "The new string is:", $text2)



$var = StringMid($text2, $x, 4)

MsgBox(0, "4 chars extracted beginning with the 31st position are:", $var)

while $an<>$var


$var = StringMid($text2, $x, 4)


MsgBox(0, "This year:", $var)

;this year


$var_y = StringMid($text2, $y, 10)

MsgBox(0, "Current date:", $var_y)

$data=StringReplace($var_y,"+", " ")

MsgBox(0, "Current date without plus sign:", $data)

;current hour


$var_w=StringMid($text2, $w, 8)

$ora1=StringReplace($var_w,"A", " ")

$ora2=StringReplace($ora1,"P", " ")

$ora=StringStripWS($ora2, 8)

MsgBox(0, "Current hour:", $ora)

;Current channel

$char_dr = StringRight($text2, 10)

MsgBox(0, "The last 10 chars are:", $char_dr)

$logger=StringMid($char_dr, 1, 7)

;MsgBox(0, "Final logger is:", $logger)

If $logger=4719604 Then

$can=StringRight($char_dr, 3)

ElseIf $logger<>4719604 Then

$can=StringRight($char_dr, 2)


$canal=StringTrimRight($can, 1)

If $canal=1 Then


ElseIf $canal=2 Then


ElseIf $canal=3 Then


ElseIf $canal=4 Then


ElseIf $canal=5 Then


ElseIf $canal=6 Then


ElseIf $canal=7 Then


ElseIf $canal=8 Then


ElseIf $canal=9 Then


ElseIf $canal=10 Then


ElseIf $canal=11 Then


ElseIf $canal=12 Then


ElseIf $canal=13 Then


ElseIf $canal=14 Then


ElseIf $canal=15 Then


ElseIf $canal=16 Then



MsgBox(0, "The phone is:", $tel)

MsgBox(0, "The file have to be renamed:", $data & $ora & $tel)

FileMove($result1 & ".wav", "C:\NICE\wav\" & $data & "_" & $ora &"_" & $tel & "_" & $canal & "_DJ.wav")





MsgBox(0, "All is:", "OK")


The content of the file C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt is:

1/22/2008 10:52:16 AM SUPERVISOR, NICE

[File Name] [AUD] [WAV] [Talking Clock] [start Time] [stop Time] [session ID] [Extension] [Phone Number] [Logger] [Channel]

C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_WAV_123 + 1/22/2008 10:51:23 AM1/22/2008 10:51:35 AM 22213 4719604 8 1

1/22/2008 10:52:26 AM SUPERVISOR, NICE

[File Name] [AUD] [WAV] [Talking Clock] [start Time] [stop Time] [session ID] [Extension] [Phone Number] [Logger] [Channel]

C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_WAV_124 + 1/22/2008 10:51:29 AM1/22/2008 10:51:35 AM 22334 4719604 4 1

and so on.

The directory C:\NICE\wav\ contains the .wav files with the names like this:


Administrator_WAV_124.wav and so on

Please take a look on this code. Maybe some of you may observe where is the critical point. I have no more idea! It's really strange because the first two lines are normally processed and the variables for the next lines are returned with normal values in message boxes.

Thanks in advance!



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Hi all

My following little script reads a text file (Administrator_audfiles.txt) and extract the information corresponding to the lines which contain the data about some recordings (start time, phone number and channel). However, it has a strange behaviour: for the first two lines it works perfectly but beginning with the third, all the next lines are no more processed. And if I replace FileMove with FileCopy in the last lines, the situation is the same. Here is the code:

#include <file.au3>

$Nr_linii_t = _FileCountLines("C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt")

MsgBox(0, "Nr lines in text files is:", $Nr_linii_t)

$Nr_linii=Int($Nr_linii_t/5 )

MsgBox(0, "Nr lines 5 by 5:", $Nr_linii)


While $a <= $Nr_linii


MsgBox(0, "Step nr:", $a)

MsgBox(0, "Line nr:", $:D

$file = FileOpen("C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt", 0)


$line = FileReadLine($file,$:P

$result = StringLeft($line, 35)

$result1=StringStripWS($result, 8)

MsgBox(0, "File to rename:", $result1)

$text = StringReplace($line,":", "-") ;replace in line 5 chars ':' and '/' with '-'

$text1 = StringReplace($text,"/", "-")

$text2 = StringStripWS($text1, 8)

MsgBox(0, "The new string is:", $text2)



$var = StringMid($text2, $x, 4)

MsgBox(0, "4 chars extracted beginning with the 31st position are:", $var)

while $an<>$var


$var = StringMid($text2, $x, 4)


MsgBox(0, "This year:", $var)

;this year


$var_y = StringMid($text2, $y, 10)

MsgBox(0, "Current date:", $var_y)

$data=StringReplace($var_y,"+", " ")

MsgBox(0, "Current date without plus sign:", $data)

;current hour


$var_w=StringMid($text2, $w, 8)

$ora1=StringReplace($var_w,"A", " ")

$ora2=StringReplace($ora1,"P", " ")

$ora=StringStripWS($ora2, 8)

MsgBox(0, "Current hour:", $ora)

;Current channel

$char_dr = StringRight($text2, 10)

MsgBox(0, "The last 10 chars are:", $char_dr)

$logger=StringMid($char_dr, 1, 7)

;MsgBox(0, "Final logger is:", $logger)

If $logger=4719604 Then

$can=StringRight($char_dr, 3)

ElseIf $logger<>4719604 Then

$can=StringRight($char_dr, 2)


$canal=StringTrimRight($can, 1)

If $canal=1 Then


ElseIf $canal=2 Then


ElseIf $canal=3 Then


ElseIf $canal=4 Then


ElseIf $canal=5 Then


ElseIf $canal=6 Then


ElseIf $canal=7 Then


ElseIf $canal=8 Then


ElseIf $canal=9 Then


ElseIf $canal=10 Then


ElseIf $canal=11 Then


ElseIf $canal=12 Then


ElseIf $canal=13 Then


ElseIf $canal=14 Then


ElseIf $canal=15 Then


ElseIf $canal=16 Then



MsgBox(0, "The phone is:", $tel)

MsgBox(0, "The file have to be renamed:", $data & $ora & $tel)

FileMove($result1 & ".wav", "C:\NICE\wav\" & $data & "_" & $ora &"_" & $tel & "_" & $canal & "_DJ.wav")





MsgBox(0, "All is:", "OK")


The content of the file C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_audfiles.txt is:

1/22/2008 10:52:16 AM SUPERVISOR, NICE

[File Name] [AUD] [WAV] [Talking Clock] [start Time] [stop Time] [session ID] [Extension] [Phone Number] [Logger] [Channel]

C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_WAV_123 + 1/22/2008 10:51:23 AM1/22/2008 10:51:35 AM 22213 4719604 8 1

1/22/2008 10:52:26 AM SUPERVISOR, NICE

[File Name] [AUD] [WAV] [Talking Clock] [start Time] [stop Time] [session ID] [Extension] [Phone Number] [Logger] [Channel]

C:\NICE\wav\Administrator_WAV_124 + 1/22/2008 10:51:29 AM1/22/2008 10:51:35 AM 22334 4719604 4 1

and so on.

The directory C:\NICE\wav\ contains the .wav files with the names like this:


Administrator_WAV_124.wav and so on

Please take a look on this code. Maybe some of you may observe where is the critical point. I have no more idea! It's really strange because the first two lines are normally processed and the variables for the next lines are returned with normal values in message boxes.

Thanks in advance!


I think should put your FileOpen and FileClose outside of the While/wend loop rather than keep opening and closing it.

You could also saves some lines

If $canal > 0 and $canal < 17 Then $tel = 200 +$canal -1

Unfortunately, I don't get a problem with your script using the text file sample.

Welcome to the forums ;)

Edited by martin
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Thanks for your time, Martin

Anywhere I put FileOpen and FileClose, inside or outside the loop, the result was the same. And the same was if I change 'while' loop with a "for - next" cycle.

You said:

Unfortunately, I don't get a problem with your script using the text file sample.

Did you mean all the lines were processed OK in your case? (not just first two lines?)

Thanks again for your response!


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