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Child Within Tab


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I'm working on a Unattended XP Creator (simular to nLite) but I'm having trouble with one of the tabs so heres the script:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <ACFunctions.au3>

$Width = 600
$Height = 400

Const $HDDDrives = DriveGetDrive('Fixed')
Dim $HDDPartitions[$HDDDrives[0] + 1][2]

$MainGUI = GUICreate('AcidXP', $Width, $Height)
GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, $Width + 5, $Height + 5)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Found Hard Drives:', 5, 40, 120, 15)

For $i = 1 To $HDDDrives[0]
    GUICtrlCreateLabel('Hard Drive ' & $i - 1 & ': ' & StringUpper($HDDDrives[$i]) & '\', 10, 40 + (20 * $i), 120, 15)


GUICtrlCreateLabel('Windows Directory:', 5, 40, 115, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
$WinDir = GUICtrlCreateInput('\WINDOWS', 125, 40, 150, 15)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Program Files Directory:', 5, 65, 115, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
$ProgDir = GUICtrlCreateInput('%SystemDrive%\Program Files', 125, 65, 150, 15)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Common Files:', 5, 85, 115, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
$CommonDir = GUICtrlCreateInput('%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files', 125, 85, 150, 15)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Ignore Driver Signing Policy?', 5, 105, 140, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', 150, 105, 1, 1, -1, $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)
$Yes1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio('Yes', 150, 105, 35, 15)
$No1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio('No', 190, 105, 35, 15)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99)
GUICtrlSetState($Yes1, $GUI_CHECKED)

$AddDrives = GUICtrlCreateButton('Add More', 225, 105, 50, 15)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Auto-Activate Windows:', 5, 125, 140, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', 150, 125, 1, 1, -1, $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)
$Yes2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio('Yes', 150, 125, 35, 15)
$No2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio('No', 190, 125, 35, 15)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99)
GUICtrlSetState($No2, $GUI_CHECKED)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Keyboard Layout:', 5, 147, 115, 15, $SS_RIGHT)
$Keyboard = GUICtrlCreateCombo('(Default)', 125, 145, 150, 15)
GUICtrlSetData($Keyboard, 'Albanian|Belarusian|Belgian Dutch|Belgian French|Brazilian (ABNT)|Bulgarian|Bulgarian Latin|Canadian English (Multilingual)|Canadian French|Canadian French (Multilingual)|Croatian|Czech|Czech (QWERTY)|Danish|Dutch|Estonian|Finnish|French|German|German (IBM)|Greek|Greek Latin|Greek (220)|Greek (220) Latin|Greek (319)|Greek (319) Latin|Hungarian|Hungarian 101-key|Icelandic|Irish|Italian|Italian (142)|Latin American|Latvian|Latvian (QWERTY)|Lithuanian|Norwegian|Polish (Programmers)|Polish (214)|Portuguese|Romanian|Russian|Russian (Typewriter)|Serbian Cyrillic|Serbian Latin|Slovak|Slovak (QWERTY)|Slovenian|Spanish|Spanish variation|Swedish|Swiss French|Swiss German|Turkish F|Turkish Q|Ukrainian|United Kingdom|US|US-Dvorak|US-Dvorak for left hand|US-Dvorak for right hand|US-International')

GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 300, 21, 1, 400, $SS_SUNKEN)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 200, 600, 1, $SS_SUNKEN)

$UserGui = GUICreate('Users', 300, 200, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $MainGUI)

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $MainGui)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $UserGui)

While 1
    $Msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $Msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

I'm trying to make it so the child GUI ($UserGui) shows up in the bottem left box of the configuration tab (not moveable)

if anyone knows how to use tabs within tabs that would work just as well

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Pretty sure you can just position a child window where you want it, and when your tab is focused, show the window, and then hide the window when it is unfocused. :D

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