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I use a Program called "All My Movies." This program is a convenient way to organize my movie titles.

I can open the database file in Microsoft Access. I want to be able to add a movie title to the column titled "originalMovie" on the table "Movies".

I know how to have autoit open the file and enter the correct keys, but i would like to write something like "filewriteline('C:\My Documents\moviename.txt',1)" only for a Database.

Any Ideas? Examples?

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I want to be able to add a movie title to the column titled "originalMovie" on the table "Movies".

In order todo this you will need to connect to the access database and use a insert sql to add a movie title.

I know how to have autoit open the file and enter the correct keys, but i would like to write something like "filewriteline('C:\My Documents\moviename.txt',1)" only for a Database.

I have no clue what you mean by this? First you are talking about writing to a database and here you are talking about some text file.
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"In order todo this you will need to connect to the access database and use a insert sql to add a movie title."

Do you have an example of what this would look like?

"I have no clue what you mean by this? First you are talking about writing to a database and here you are talking about some text file."

This was an example. I would like to know what code i would need for filling in the 'xxxxx' in.... 'FileWriteLine' is to '.txt' as 'xxxxx' is to ".mdb"

hope that clarifies

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"In order todo this you will need to connect to the access database and use a insert sql to add a movie title."

Do you have an example of what this would look like?

"I have no clue what you mean by this? First you are talking about writing to a database and here you are talking about some text file."

This was an example. I would like to know what code i would need for filling in the 'xxxxx' in.... 'FileWriteLine' is to '.txt' as 'xxxxx' is to ".mdb"

hope that clarifies

GEOSoft has a set of functions worked up for deaing with Access databases in his Access UDF here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=40397
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;what am i doing wrong? this does not alter my database in any way.

$adSource = "K:\My Movies\TempMyMovies.mdb" ;this is the name and location of my database

$adTable = "movies" ;this is the table name

$rData = "testMovieName" ;this is the text to be added

$adCol = "Name" ;this is the column name


Global Const $adoProvider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; '

Global Const $adOpenDynamic = 2

Global Const $adOpenStatic = 3

Global Const $adLockReadOnly =1

Global Const $adLockPessimistic = 2

Global Const $adLockOptimistic = 3

Global Const $adLockBatchOptimistic = 4

Global Const $adPersistXML = 1

Global Const $adUseClient = 3

Global Const $adSchemaTables = 20

Global Const $adVarChar = 200

Global Const $MaxCharacters = 255

;Private Functions

Func _accessOpen($adSource)

$oADO = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")

$oADO.Provider = $adoProvider

$oADO.Open ($adSource)

Return $oADO

EndFunc ;<===> _accessOpen()

Func _accessOpenRecordset()

$oRec = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")

Return $oRec

EndFunc ;<===> _accessOpenRecordset()


; Function Name: _accessAddRecord()

; Description: Add a new record (single or multiple fields) in an existing MS Access database table

; Syntax: _accessAddRecord($adSource, $adTable)

; Parameter(s): $adSource - The full path/filename of the database to be opened

; $adTable - the name of the table to add the record to

; $rData - Data to be added to field (to add data to multiple fields this must be an array) see notes

; $adCol - the name or 0 based index of the field to add the data to when $rData is not an array (default is first field)

; Requirement(s):

; Return Value(s): Success - @Error = 0 and record is added to table

; Failure - Sets @Error

; 1 = unable to create connection

; 2 = unable to create recordset

; Author(s): GEOSoft

; Note(s):

; Modification(s):


Func _accessAddRecord($adSource, $adTable, $rData,$adCol = 0)

If NOT IsArray($rData) Then

$rData = StringSplit($rData,'|')


$oADO = 'ADODB.Connection'

If IsObj($oADO) Then

$oADO = ObjGet('',$oADO)


$oADO = _accessOpen($adSource)


If IsObj($oADO) = 0 Then Return SetError(1)

If Not IsObj($oADO) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

$oRec = _accessOpenRecordset();ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")

If IsObj($oRec) = 0 Then Return SetError(2)

With $oRec

.Open ("SELECT * FROM " & $adTable , $oADO, $adOpenStatic, $adLockOptimistic)


If IsArray($rData) Then

For $I = 1 To Ubound($rData) -1;$rData[0]

$rData[$I] = StringStripWs($rData[$I],1)

.Fields.Item($I -1) = $rData[$I]



.Fields.Item($adCol) = $rData






EndFunc ;<===> _accessAddRecord()

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