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GUICTRLCreateInput returned wrong value


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I am not seeing the correct values for the GUICtrlCreateInput box. I can't find anything in the HelpFile that tells me whats wrong. I am using the MSGBox and SplashText to display my values. Any ideas?


#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Global $GUIWidth

Global $GUIHeight

$GUIWidth = 400

$GUIHeight = 200

GUICreate("Connect Network Tool",$GUIWidth,$GUIHeight)

$port = "" ; port to null

$trackmenu = GuiCtrlCreateContextMenu ()

$aboutitem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("About",$trackmenu)

GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$trackmenu)

$exititem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("Exit",$trackmenu)

$ok_button = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 5,20,30)

GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Select RAS Port", 65, 5, 100)

; provide 4 possable RAS modem ports

$radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("C1", 80, 20,70)

$radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("C2", 80, 40,70)

$radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("C3", 80, 60,70)

$radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("C4", 80, 80,70)

; moved from one server to another and need to clear arp

$cb1 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Clear ARP cache", 200, 80, 100, 30)

GuiCtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_UNCHECKED)

$cb1s = GUICtrlRead($cb1)


$rasip = GuiCtrlCreateInput("RAS IP Address", 200, 25, 100, 20)

$tele = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Telephone number", 200, 55, 100, 20)


While 1

$msg = GuiGetMsg()

If $msg = $exititem Or $msg = -3 Or $msg = -1 Then ExitLoop

If $msg = $aboutitem Then Msgbox(0,"About","Network Connect Version 0.91.1")

; While 1


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case $msg = $ok_button

MsgBox(0, "Info", "You press OK.. ", 3)


Case $msg = $radio1

$port = "C1"

Case $msg = $radio2

$port = "C2"

Case $msg = $radio3

$port = "C3"

Case $msg = $radio4

$port = "C4"

Case $msg = $cb1

$cbs = "CB-1"



; If $port <> "" Then MsgBox(0, "Info", "You selected port " & $port, 8) ;Else MsgBox(0, "Info", "No port selected", 3)

MsgBox(0, "Info", "Port selected is " & $port & @CRLF & "The telephone number is " & @CRLF & $tele & @CRLF & " The RAS IP is " & $rasip, 3)

SplashTextOn("The telephone number is " & $tele, 300,220)



SplashTextOn("The RAS IP is " & $rasip, 300,220)





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When reading any gui control you need to use GuiCtrlRead()

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When reading any gui control you need to use GuiCtrlRead()

Not quite true. It is true for Input/Edit/Combobox, List &Etc. however it is not true for Checkboxes or Radios.


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Not quite true. It is true for Input/Edit/Combobox, List &Etc. however it is not true for Checkboxes or Radios.

Well i use this for reading Chackboxes:


So its partly true, since BitAnd is also needed for checkboxes. But i uderstand, badly typed by me.

Edited by jokke
UDF:Crypter a file encrypt / decrypt tool with no need to remember a password again. Based on Caesar cipher using entire ASCII Table.Script's: PixelSearch Helper, quick and simple way to create a PixelSeach.Chatserver - simplified, not so complicated multi-socket server.AutoIT - Firewall, simple example on howto create a firewall with AutoIt.
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