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Can someone explain this for me?


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$answer = MsgBox(4, "AutoIt Example (English Only)", "This script will open an input box and get you to type in some text. Run?")

If $answer = 7 Then

MsgBox(4096, "AutoIt", "OK. Bye!")



$bLoop = 1

While $bLoop = 1

$text = InputBox("AutoIt Example", "Please type in the word ""autoit"" and click OK")

If @error = 1 Then

MsgBox(4096, "Error", "You pressed 'Cancel' - try again!")


If $text <> "autoit" Then

MsgBox(4096, "Error", "You typed in the wrong thing - try again!")


$bLoop = 0 ; Exit the loop - ExitLoop would have been an alternative too :)




MsgBox(4096,"AutoIt Example", "You typed in the correct word! Congrats.")

That was the scripting in one of the autoit examples. I understand

If $answer = 7 Then

MsgBox(4096, "AutoIt", "OK. Bye!")




but i dont really know what



and im very confused about


and also

If $text <> "autoit"

Does taht mean if the reply is not autoit, it will go to the "Then" section?

and what is

MsgBox (4086, <<<... )

ive never seen that flag before.

i think i get everything except that.

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Does taht mean if the reply is not autoit, it will go to the "Then" section?

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. @ERROR is generally set to 1 when there is an error, otherwise its zero, its value only exists immediately after the function returning it.

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If $text <> "autoit"

Does taht mean if the reply is not autoit, it will go to the "Then" section?

and what is

MsgBox (4086, <<<... )

ive never seen that flag before.

$bLoop is a variable. It's set to the value "1" before a loop is entered. The test to stay within the loop (forever?) is for $bLoop to be equal to 1. The if/else may eventually set $bLoop to 0 (notice it's not 1) to be able to exit the loop and continue moving on in the script.

@error is a flag that certain internal functions (and perhaps UDFs? - dunno, I'm new too) can set. Check the CHM "AutoIt Help" file that came with the installation for the return values of the InputBox function.

<> is a "not equal to" syntax for certain scripting/programming languages, most notably (for me) Visual Basic. I'm more used to != (being initially educated as a C++ programmer)...there's also "NE" and "not equal" in other scripting languages, so be prepared in the future. :)

The "4096" for the MsgBox function is the "flag", or type of message box that is to be used. I'm not entirely sure what 4096 refers to ("information box" or 'warning message", perhaps?), but I think it's also in the manual/help file.

-- edit -- Boy, I hope my silly questions aren't answered with as much cynicism being new. :)

Edited by BrendonKoz
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thanks for the help BrendonKonz... ive been around programming and programmers and things like that for years but ive never thought to learn it.... o.o

so "bLoop" isnt actually anything but just the name for the variable declared by "$" ?

and so, it ends up as the variable completing the loop until the value is 0 or a closing statement is given?

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thanks for the help BrendonKonz... ive been around programming and programmers and things like that for years but ive never thought to learn it.... o.o

so "bLoop" isnt actually anything but just the name for the variable declared by "$" ?

and so, it ends up as the variable completing the loop until the value is 0 or a closing statement is given?

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