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Crystal Enterprise Mgmt Console

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I'm trying to control the Crystal Console using Autoit , the problem I'm running into is their doesnt appear to be any form that I can attach to to apss my commands to.

I'm guessing its a Javascript deal., Listed Below is the Source Code when the Page is rendered in Ie

I have alos attached a GIF that shows how the page looks when displayed in IE.

How would I go about passing data to this ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/css/default.css">

<script language="Javascript">


var L_NOT_VALID_PORT_NUM = "The port value must be a whole number greater than zero.";

var L_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";

var L_DIR_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "The destination directory cannot be empty.";

var L_HOST_NAME_EMPTY = "The host name cannot be empty.";

var L_FROM_EMPTY = "The From field cannot be empty.";

var L_TO_EMPTY = "The To field cannot be empty.";


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/FormChek.js"></SCRIPT>


var canEdit = true;

var hasFileNames = false;

function init()


var sel = 'ftp';

if(sel == "unknown")


option = new Option(L_UNKNOWN, sel, false, false);

document.forms['destForm'].dest.options[document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.length] = option;


for(var i = 0; i < document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.length; ++i)


if(document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.value == sel)


document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.selected = true;




// call the dest init function



function changeDest(d)


document.location.replace("/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=dest&id=1641901" + "&dest=" + d);


function submitForm()


if (!canEdit) return;

var dest = document.forms["destForm"].dest;

if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "unknown")


// don't submit the form



if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "disk")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].dir.value == "")








if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "ftp")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].host.value == "")







var port = document.forms["destForm"].port;









if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "smtp")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].sender.value == "")






if(document.forms["destForm"].to.value == "")








// if the function is there, call it

if (hasFileNames)




function resetForm()


if (canEdit) document.location.replace("/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=dest&id=1641901");


function addProperty()


var prop = document.forms['destForm'].props.options[document.forms['destForm'].props.selectedIndex].value;

document.forms['destForm'].specname.value = document.forms['destForm'].specname.value + prop;



function addLink()


var prop = "%SI_VIEWER_URL%";

document.forms['destForm'].msg.value = document.forms['destForm'].msg.value + "\n" + prop;





<BODY LEFTMARGIN="5" RIGHTMARGIN="5" onload='init()'>

<DIV ID="tooltip" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index:99;"></DIV>

<script SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/helps.js"></SCRIPT>

<script SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/tips.js"></SCRIPT>

<span class='listSelected'>Set the Destination for the object.</span><br>



<form name='destForm' method=POST action='/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=set_dest&id=1641901'>

<table width='90%'>

<tr><td class='list'>


<tr><td class='list'>


<select name='dest' class='menuFormElement' onchange='changeDest(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);' >

<option value='frs' selected>Default

<option value='disk'>Unmanaged Disk

<option value='ftp'>FTP

<option value='smtp'>Email (SMTP)





<script language="Javascript">

// All Destinations will have this function

function onDestInit()


if (document.destForm.ftp_radio[0].defaultChecked)









function onSetDisabled(test)


if (test == true)


document.destForm.host.disabled = true;

document.destForm.port.disabled = true;

document.destForm.user.disabled = true;

document.destForm.password.disabled = true;

document.destForm.account.disabled = true;

document.destForm.dir.disabled = true;

onSetFilenameDisabled( true );

document.destForm.server_default.value = true;




document.destForm.host.disabled = false;

document.destForm.port.disabled = false;

document.destForm.user.disabled = false;

document.destForm.password.disabled = false;

document.destForm.account.disabled = false;

document.destForm.dir.disabled = false;

onSetFilenameDisabled( false );

document.destForm.server_default.value = false;




<table width='95%' cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5>

<tr><td class='list' colspan=2> You can schedule to a FTP server with a choice of two different sets of values: </td></tr>


<td class='list' colspan=2> <input type="radio" name="ftp_radio" CHECKED onclick="java script:onSetDisabled(true);" > Use the Crystal Job Server's defaults </td>



<td class='list' colspan=2> <input type="radio" name="ftp_radio" onclick="java script:onSetDisabled(false);" > Set the values to be used at schedule time here: </td>



<td width='30'>&nbsp</td>

<td class='list'>




<td class='list'>Host:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='host' size=40 value="" ></td>



<td class='list'>Port:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='port' size=4 value="21" ></td>



<td class='list'>FTP User Name:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='user' size=40 value="" ></td>



<td class='list'>FTP Password:</td><td class='list'><input type='password' name='password' size=40 value="" ></td>



<td class='list'>Account:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='account' size=40 value="" ></td>




<script language="Javascript">

var haveUniqueCheckbox = false;

function onSetFilenameDisabled(test)


if (test == true)


// Destination file name props

document.destForm.filenametype[0].disabled = true;

document.destForm.filenametype[1].disabled = true;

document.destForm.specname.disabled = true;

document.destForm.props.disabled = true;

document.destForm.addBtn.disabled = true;

document.destForm.extension.disabled = true;

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


document.destForm.unique.disabled = true;





// Destination file name props

document.destForm.filenametype[0].disabled = false || !canEdit;

document.destForm.filenametype[1].disabled = false || !canEdit;

// disable/enable the custom file name




function onSetFilename()


// disable specific file name inputs if default is selected

var disabled = document.destForm.filenametype[0].checked;

document.destForm.specname.disabled = disabled;

document.destForm.props.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

document.destForm.addBtn.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

document.destForm.extension.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


document.destForm.unique.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;



hasFileNames = true;

function onsubmitHandleFilenameCheckboxes()


var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

if ( fileName == "" )


// if use default filename radio is selected, leave filename alone

if ( document.destForm.filenametype[0].checked )


// if extension checkbox is checked, make sure that the filename ends with .%EXT%

if ( document.destForm.extension.checked )


// if unique checkbox is checked, make sure that the filename includes %SI_ID%

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


if ( document.destForm.unique.checked )




function onclickExtension()


var addExtension = document.destForm.extension.checked;

var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

var index = fileName.lastIndexOf( ".%EXT%" );

if ( addExtension )


// make sure that filename ends with .%EXT%

if ( (index == -1) || (index < (fileName.length - 6)) )


fileName = fileName + ".%EXT%";





// remove .%EXT% from end of filename

if ( (index != -1) && (index == (fileName.length - 6)) )


fileName = fileName.substring( 0, index );



document.destForm.specname.value = fileName;


function onclickUnique()


if ( ! haveUniqueCheckbox )


var createUnique = document.destForm.unique.checked;

var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

var index = fileName.indexOf( "%SI_ID%" );

if ( createUnique )


// make sure that filename includes %SI_ID%

if ( index == -1 )


// put it before file extension

var indexExt = fileName.lastIndexOf( "." );

if ( indexExt == -1 )


fileName = fileName + "%SI_ID%";




fileName = fileName.substring( 0, indexExt ) + "%SI_ID%" + fileName.substring( indexExt, fileName.length );






// remove %SI_ID% from filename

if ( index != -1 )


fileName = fileName.substring( 0, index ) + fileName.substring( index+7, fileName.length );



document.destForm.specname.value = fileName;



<table width='100%'><tr><td class='list'>File Name:</td></tr>


<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1><tr><td>

<table cellpadding=5 width='100%'>

<tr><td class='list' colspan=2>

Destination Directory: <input type='text' name='dir' size=40 value="" >



<td class='list' valign='top'><input type='radio' name='filenametype' value='default' CHECKED onclick='onSetFilename()' ></td>

<td class='list'>Default File Name (randomly generated)<br>



<td class='list' valign='top'><input type='radio' name='filenametype' value='specified' onclick='onSetFilename()' ></td>

<td class='list' valign='top'>

Specified File Name:&nbsp;<input type='text' name='specname' size=40 value="" ><br>

Add a placeholder for a variable property:&nbsp;<select class='menuFormElement' name='props' >

<option value='%SI_NAME%' selected>Title

<option value='%SI_ID%'>ID

<option value='%SI_OWNER%'>Owner

<option value='%SI_STARTTIME%'>DateTime

<option value='%EXT%'>File Extension


<input class='list' type='button' name='addBtn' value='Add' onclick='addProperty()' >

<br><input class='list' type='checkbox' name='extension' value='addExtension' onclick='onclickExtension()' CHECKED >Add file extension









<input type="hidden" name="server_default">



<table align="right" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>

<tr valign=center>

<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonl.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButton" valign=middle nowrap background="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonm.gif">

<div class="clsButton"><a href="java script: submitForm()" onmouseover="St(7);window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="Ht()">Update</a></div>


<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonr.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButtonSpacer">&nbsp;</td>

<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonl.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButton" valign=middle nowrap background="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonm.gif">

<div class="clsButton"><a href="java script: resetForm()" onmouseover="St(8);window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="Ht()">Reset</a></div>


<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonr.gif"></td>






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  • 2 weeks later...

Suggest the first thing you do is download the (free) debugbar (see my sig). It will quickly reveal many of the mysteries of the page for you. I am also guessing taht what you posted is not the rendered HTML, but the raw server HTML -- DebugBar will help with that as well.

See is that gets you any closer.


Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl

MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model

Automate input type=file (Related)

Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded  Better Better?

IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds

SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y

Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble

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Ok, I have downloaded the Debugger , and still have not been able to figure out what i'm missing.

Ther HTML code is



<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/css/default.css">

<script language="Javascript">


var L_NOT_VALID_PORT_NUM = "The port value must be a whole number greater than zero.";

var L_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";

var L_DIR_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "The destination directory cannot be empty.";

var L_HOST_NAME_EMPTY = "The host name cannot be empty.";

var L_FROM_EMPTY = "The From field cannot be empty.";

var L_TO_EMPTY = "The To field cannot be empty.";


<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/FormChek.js"></SCRIPT>


var canEdit = true;

var hasFileNames = false;

function init()


var sel = 'ftp';

if(sel == "unknown")


option = new Option(L_UNKNOWN, sel, false, false);

document.forms['destForm'].dest.options[document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.length] = option;


for(var i = 0; i < document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.length; ++i)


if(document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.value == sel)


document.forms['destForm'].dest.options.selected = true;




// call the dest init function



function changeDest(d)


document.location.replace("/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=dest&id=5438065" + "&dest=" + d);


function submitForm()


if (!canEdit) return;

var dest = document.forms["destForm"].dest;

if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "unknown")


// don't submit the form



if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "disk")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].dir.value == "")








if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "ftp")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].host.value == "")







var port = document.forms["destForm"].port;









if(dest.options[dest.selectedIndex].value == "smtp")


if (document.forms["destForm"].server_default.value != "true")


if(document.forms["destForm"].sender.value == "")






if(document.forms["destForm"].to.value == "")








// if the function is there, call it

if (hasFileNames)




function resetForm()


if (canEdit) document.location.replace("/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=dest&id=5438065");


function addProperty()


var prop = document.forms['destForm'].props.options[document.forms['destForm'].props.selectedIndex].value;

document.forms['destForm'].specname.value = document.forms['destForm'].specname.value + prop;



function addLink()


var prop = "%SI_VIEWER_URL%";

document.forms['destForm'].msg.value = document.forms['destForm'].msg.value + "\n" + prop;





<BODY LEFTMARGIN="5" RIGHTMARGIN="5" onload='init()'>

<DIV ID="tooltip" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index:99;"></DIV>

<script SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/helps.js"></SCRIPT>

<script SRC="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/js/tips.js"></SCRIPT>

<span class='listSelected'>Set the Destination for the object.</span><br>



<form name='destForm' method=POST action='/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/infoobject.cwr?action=-10005&cmd=set_dest&id=5438065'>

<table width='90%'>

<tr><td class='list'>


<tr><td class='list'>


<select name='dest' class='menuFormElement' onchange='changeDest(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);' >

<option value='frs' selected>Default

<option value='disk'>Unmanaged Disk

<option value='ftp'>FTP

<option value='smtp'>Email (SMTP)





<script language="Javascript">

// All Destinations will have this function

function onDestInit()


if (document.destForm.ftp_radio[0].defaultChecked)









function onSetDisabled(test)


if (test == true)


document.destForm.host.disabled = true;

document.destForm.port.disabled = true;

document.destForm.user.disabled = true;

document.destForm.password.disabled = true;

document.destForm.account.disabled = true;

document.destForm.dir.disabled = true;

onSetFilenameDisabled( true );

document.destForm.server_default.value = true;




document.destForm.host.disabled = false;

document.destForm.port.disabled = false;

document.destForm.user.disabled = false;

document.destForm.password.disabled = false;

document.destForm.account.disabled = false;

document.destForm.dir.disabled = false;

onSetFilenameDisabled( false );

document.destForm.server_default.value = false;




<table width='95%' cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5>

<tr><td class='list' colspan=2> You can schedule to a FTP server with a choice of two different sets of values: </td></tr>


<td class='list' colspan=2> <input type="radio" name="ftp_radio" onclick="java script:onSetDisabled(true);" > Use the Crystal Job Server's defaults </td>



<td class='list' colspan=2> <input type="radio" name="ftp_radio" CHECKED onclick="java script:onSetDisabled(false);" > Set the values to be used at schedule time here: </td>



<td width='30'>&nbsp</td>

<td class='list'>




<td class='list'>Host:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='host' size=40 value="crprdniisvoe.bankofamerica.com" ></td>



<td class='list'>Port:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='port' size=4 value="21" ></td>



<td class='list'>FTP User Name:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='user' size=40 value="anonymous" ></td>



<td class='list'>FTP Password:</td><td class='list'><input type='password' name='password' size=40 value="*******" ></td>



<td class='list'>Account:</td><td class='list'><input type='text' name='account' size=40 value="" ></td>




<script language="Javascript">

var haveUniqueCheckbox = false;

function onSetFilenameDisabled(test)


if (test == true)


// Destination file name props

document.destForm.filenametype[0].disabled = true;

document.destForm.filenametype[1].disabled = true;

document.destForm.specname.disabled = true;

document.destForm.props.disabled = true;

document.destForm.addBtn.disabled = true;

document.destForm.extension.disabled = true;

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


document.destForm.unique.disabled = true;





// Destination file name props

document.destForm.filenametype[0].disabled = false || !canEdit;

document.destForm.filenametype[1].disabled = false || !canEdit;

// disable/enable the custom file name




function onSetFilename()


// disable specific file name inputs if default is selected

var disabled = document.destForm.filenametype[0].checked;

document.destForm.specname.disabled = disabled;

document.destForm.props.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

document.destForm.addBtn.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

document.destForm.extension.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


document.destForm.unique.disabled = disabled || !canEdit;



hasFileNames = true;

function onsubmitHandleFilenameCheckboxes()


var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

if ( fileName == "" )


// if use default filename radio is selected, leave filename alone

if ( document.destForm.filenametype[0].checked )


// if extension checkbox is checked, make sure that the filename ends with .%EXT%

if ( document.destForm.extension.checked )


// if unique checkbox is checked, make sure that the filename includes %SI_ID%

if ( haveUniqueCheckbox )


if ( document.destForm.unique.checked )




function onclickExtension()


var addExtension = document.destForm.extension.checked;

var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

var index = fileName.lastIndexOf( ".%EXT%" );

if ( addExtension )


// make sure that filename ends with .%EXT%

if ( (index == -1) || (index < (fileName.length - 6)) )


fileName = fileName + ".%EXT%";





// remove .%EXT% from end of filename

if ( (index != -1) && (index == (fileName.length - 6)) )


fileName = fileName.substring( 0, index );



document.destForm.specname.value = fileName;


function onclickUnique()


if ( ! haveUniqueCheckbox )


var createUnique = document.destForm.unique.checked;

var fileName = document.destForm.specname.value;

var index = fileName.indexOf( "%SI_ID%" );

if ( createUnique )


// make sure that filename includes %SI_ID%

if ( index == -1 )


// put it before file extension

var indexExt = fileName.lastIndexOf( "." );

if ( indexExt == -1 )


fileName = fileName + "%SI_ID%";




fileName = fileName.substring( 0, indexExt ) + "%SI_ID%" + fileName.substring( indexExt, fileName.length );






// remove %SI_ID% from filename

if ( index != -1 )


fileName = fileName.substring( 0, index ) + fileName.substring( index+7, fileName.length );



document.destForm.specname.value = fileName;



<table width='100%'><tr><td class='list'>File Name:</td></tr>


<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1><tr><td>

<table cellpadding=5 width='100%'>

<tr><td class='list' colspan=2>

Destination Directory: <input type='text' name='dir' size=40 value="/cabreports/" >



<td class='list' valign='top'><input type='radio' name='filenametype' value='default' onclick='onSetFilename()' ></td>

<td class='list'>Default File Name (randomly generated)<br>



<td class='list' valign='top'><input type='radio' name='filenametype' value='specified' CHECKED onclick='onSetFilename()' ></td>

<td class='list' valign='top'>

Specified File Name:&nbsp;<input type='text' name='specname' size=40 value="Change_Violations_report.xls" ><br>

Add a placeholder for a variable property:&nbsp;<select class='menuFormElement' name='props' >

<option value='%SI_NAME%' selected>Title

<option value='%SI_ID%'>ID

<option value='%SI_OWNER%'>Owner

<option value='%SI_STARTTIME%'>DateTime

<option value='%EXT%'>File Extension


<input class='list' type='button' name='addBtn' value='Add' onclick='addProperty()' >

<br><input class='list' type='checkbox' name='extension' value='addExtension' onclick='onclickExtension()' >Add file extension









<input type="hidden" name="server_default">



<table align="right" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>

<tr valign=center>

<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonl.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButton" valign=middle nowrap background="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonm.gif">

<div class="clsButton"><a href="java script: submitForm()" onmouseover="St(7);window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="Ht()">Update</a></div>


<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonr.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButtonSpacer">&nbsp;</td>

<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonl.gif"></td>

<td class="clsButton" valign=middle nowrap background="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonm.gif">

<div class="clsButton"><a href="java script: resetForm()" onmouseover="St(8);window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="Ht()">Reset</a></div>


<td><img src="/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/images/buttonr.gif"></td>





This is the script I've been working with

#include <IE.au3>

;$oIE = _IECreate("http://domino.s-web.de/ib-demo/login/login.htm?BLZ=&1=")

$oie =_IEAttach("crystal management console")

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetObjByName ( $oIE, "target_frame")

;$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "host")

$oDiv = _IEGetObjByName($oFrame, "host")

No matter what frame I connect to I'm not able to get to the variable Host....

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ????

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