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Pretend i send my friend a script for a game , Is their anyway for that script to check if i changed something in my original script and UPdate itself (IM NOT SURE IF THAT IS THE RIGHT WORD, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY).... I really am not sure if it is possible .... And i would have search the fourms and stuff but i really didnt know how to explain it in search... Im sorry if this is a pointless stupid question... Thank you in advanced


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Pretend i send my friend a script for a game , Is their anyway for that script to check if i changed something in my original script and UPdate itself (IM NOT SURE IF THAT IS THE RIGHT WORD, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY).... I really am not sure if it is possible .... And i would have search the fourms and stuff but i really didnt know how to explain it in search... Im sorry if this is a pointless stupid question... Thank you in advanced


you want to change something he can't see?

hope your not trying to make a keylogger :)

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you want to change something he can't see?

hope your not trying to make a keylogger :)


Nothing like that sorry i should have been more clear...I souldnt have written Pretend it really is a game but what if i update it and change it from 14 to 18 lvlls do i need to send it agin... Soryy for the misunderstanding

Besides i dont even know how to make a keylogger lol

Edited by Nooblet
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If you have a filehost online, you can host your most recent file version online, and have your script automatically INetGet() it after comparing versions or something.

Im really not that good at this stuff, Thanks for the reply but how exactly would it look? Sorry if i bumped a topic or w/e it is called

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im really not that good at this stuff, Thanks for the reply but how exactly would it look? Sorry if i bumped a topic or w/e it is called

I was interested in doing the same thing actually, how would I do that?

$ver = ""

then download the text file off the internet, read the 1st line, see if the versions match then suggest an update to the user?

[u][font="Century Gothic"]~я α и d γ ĵ . ċ . ѕ қ ϊ и и ε я~- My Programs -auto shutdownSleep funcdisallow programs[/font][/u]
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Im really not that good at this stuff, Thanks for the reply but how exactly would it look? Sorry if i bumped a topic or w/e it is called

$ver = FileGetVersion("myprogram.exe")
InetGet("http://username.host.com/update/updateinfo.txt",@SystemDir & "\info.txt")
$file = FileOpen(@SystemDir & "\info.txt")
$line = FileReadLine($file)
if $line <> $ver then
$ask=msgbox(64,"Updated ...","A new version is founded, want to update now ?")
if $ask=1 then
inetget("http://username.host.com/newprogram.exe","new path goes here")
msgbox(64,"Updated ...","Updating ...")

please check if there were some error

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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Yes... you can use http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/ to host your files (it allows to download directly without sh*t like rapidshare). Login with:

Username: Asd123456

Password: 12345

...do not change the password.

EDIT: This is a reply to ReaImDown

yoh, you can also use http://bloxsoftware.com/upload.php , this page belong to a member of this forum (i can't remember his nick name but his avatar is a man wears blacksuit without his head). he offer this in chat zone

support hot linking, no registed require

Edited by d4rk

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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yoh, you can also use http://bloxsoftware.com/upload.php , this page belong to a member of this forum (i can't remember his nick name but his avatar is a man wears blacksuit without his head). he offer this in chat zone

support hot linking, no registed require

thanks for the link, thats cool...wonder what will happen if I upload something with the same name as someone else though
[u][font="Century Gothic"]~я α и d γ ĵ . ċ . ѕ қ ϊ и и ε я~- My Programs -auto shutdownSleep funcdisallow programs[/font][/u]
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Will be renamed, overwrited or corrupted. Depends on how the php file writes the file to the server.

PS: You don't need FileGetVersion. Just compare the version written in the file with any variable ($version = "1.1.2").

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I have my own host server, and my own site...thanks guys...1 more Q, wont $ver = FileGetVersion("myprogram.exe") get me the version that autoit gave the script?

have a clearly view here http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/f...eGetVersion.htm

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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thanks for the link, thats cool...wonder what will happen if I upload something with the same name as someone else though

yes, we have disscussed this topic in the chat zone, the answer is the long number before the file name, it is random dir on the host which prevent the same file name upload

@Aassdd : file will be never deleted unless it is illegall or break the term

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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ya, i found it http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=65522

thanks christ for free host

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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