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im new to auto it...

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ok, i have this code:

$text = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "text", "NotFound")
$repeat = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "repeat", "NotFound")

MsgBox(0, "AutoTalker", "By: Tyler Wight" & @CRLF & "Once you close this you" & @CRLF & "will have 5 seconds to click on the text box")

while $count < $repeat

and heres the INI file:


when i run it, it types just fine, but it never stops. im really new to auto it scripting. so any help would be appreciated

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You never increase the value of count. You set it to 0, and repeat = 10 as per the .ini file, but then you never increase count. So every time it goes through the while loop, count is always 0 and repeat is always 10. So it never ends. Put a "count += 1" into your while loop so count increases. Or just use a for loop instead.

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Seriously? Are you corl455? If so. You understand that the value of $count is 0 right? And the value of $repeat is 10? So if you never increase the value of $count, then it will always be less than $repeat.

You need to increase the value of $count..

$text = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "text", "NotFound")
$repeat = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "repeat", "NotFound")

MsgBox(0, "AutoTalker", "By: Tyler Wight" & @CRLF & "Once you close this you" & @CRLF & "will have 5 seconds to click on the text box")


while $count < $repeat
    send($text & @CRLF)
    $count += 1  ; We have to INCREASE the value of $count, or this loop will run forever.  So we ADD 1 to the current value of $count each time the loop executes until eventually it is equal to $repeat, and the loop exits. 
WendoÝ÷ Øêî²)àiú+)jëh×6$text = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "text", "NotFound")
$repeat = IniRead("data.ini", "main", "repeat", "NotFound")

MsgBox(0, "AutoTalker", "By: Tyler Wight" & @CRLF & "Once you close this you" & @CRLF & "will have 5 seconds to click on the text box")


For $count = 1 to $repeat
    send($text  & @CRLF)
Next  ; A for loop automatically adds to $count, and starts over again at the start of the loop.
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If you are the same person as the poster, then you DO NOT need to create a new account to post. You can easily do that by clicking reply in your old accout... If you are not, probably easier to rtfm first, and look at 1/2 the examples in the helpfile. Many of them utilize a For...Next loop.

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